Title: Hints to Prepare
1Hints to Prepare for Your Interview
2Remember this is your interview, take your
time, ask for clarification if needed and
above all be confident !
3Take some time to tell the panel a little about
yourself and what attracted you to a career in
4Ensure all of the required documentation is
attached to your application and witnessed by a
JP !
5Ensure the referees you have nominated have been
contacted and their details including a fax
number and e-mail address are current
6Make sure you are punctual, appropriately
dressed, speaking clearly and well organised !
7If possible negotiate to have your interview
conducted in your classroom
8Be prepared and make sure you can talk about
teaching, learning and all its related components
9Maintain a clear focus on students
10For example a TV Repairman would not talk about
the art and skills of hairdressing !
11Appear enthusiastic and confident and try to
leave a lasting impression on the panel
12Prepare a brief philosophy statement to share
that summarises your beliefs about teaching and
13If preparing a written application
present it in a simple and concise format
14Identify key words within the key
selection criteria and make links to your
teaching observations
15Refer to your written application, summarising
key words or main ideas on post it notes
16Refer and make links to school and Departmental
Policies, documents, initiatives, etc
17Outcomes Based Education Productive
Pedagogies Curriculum Framework Partners for
Success Literate futures 2010 Middle Phase of
18Take time to think before responding to each of
the questions or scenarios presented
19Remember each of the questions or scenarios
relate directly to each key selection criteria
20Support your application or responses with
photographs, video or work samples
21You may wish to prepare a PowerPoint
presentation to relate your teaching to each of
the four KSCs
22Remember to maintain eye contact with at least
one member of the panel as the others are
recording your responses
23Consider questions to ask the panel to
demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm
24Make reference to the Principles of Effective
Learning and Teaching and Productive Pedagogies
25Understanding the Learner
26Understanding the Learning Process
27Providing a Supportive and Challenging Learning
28Establishing and maintaining Worthwhile Learning
29Shaping and responding to Social and Cultural
30Intellectual Quality
32Social Support
33Recognition of Difference
34Sample Questions and Scenarios
35Key Selection Criteria 1
Talk to a recently implemented unit of work,
describing the planning processes you followed
and the considerations you addressed.
36How would you ensure that a unit of work
considered the interests, abilities, needs
and preferred learning styles of all students ?
37What strategies would you employ to ensure your
unit actively engaged students in the learning
process, catered for the range of individuals
and monitored the achievement of learning
outcomes ?
38Key Selection Criteria 2
Describe how you would ensure that the range of
learners within your classroom are fully catered
39What processes would you implement to ensure
student learning outcomes are monitored and
addressed ?
40What opportunities would you provide to ensure
all students are encouraged to reach their
potential ?
41Describe a classroom that would reflect
the effective implementation of inclusive
42What strategies would you employ to ensure all
students had equitable access to limited
reading resources ?
43Key Selection Criteria 3
Describe the process you would employ to
establish and maintain a range of productive
partnerships across the school.
44Describe the behaviour management strategies
you have observed or implemented that
effectively maintain a supportive learning
environment for all students.
45Key Selection Criteria 4
What process would you follow to establish
productive partnerships with all members of the
school community ?
46What role/s do you envisage you might play as a
member of staff in a larger primary school ?
47What opportunities might you have to work
collaboratively with colleagues, parents and
members of the wider educational community ?
48How would you promote parent involvement and
community interest throughout the teaching and
learning process ?
49What skills, knowledge or areas of expertise do
you feel you can contribute to the school ?
50Remember to talk with others and ask for help if
you need it !
51Some Useful Websites
52www.education.qld.gov.au/ tal/ltt/principal/learne
54(No Transcript)