Title: SQL and You: A friendly introduction to databases
1SQL and YouA friendly introduction to databases
- Kirk Annekma_at_geneseo.edu
2What is a database?
3Parts of a database
- Attributes (fields)
- An attribute/field describes something about an
item. - Records
- A record is the representation of an individual
item. - Table
- A collection of records
- Database
- A collection of tables and rules for accessing
the tables
4Parts of a database
- Attributes/fields become columns
- Records become rows
- Rules determine the relationship between the
tables and tie the data together to form a
5I need a new database!
- Many people ask for new databases when in fact
they only need a new table within an existing
database. - The data within the tables should be all related
somehow. - By owner
- By project
6Creating a database
- What information are we trying to store?
- How do we describe the information?
- Phone Book/Contact entries
- Name
- Address
- Company
- Phone Number
- URL/Web Page
- Age
- Height
- Birthday
- When we added the entry
7Data Types
- Binary
- Database specific binary objects
- Pictures, digital signatures, etc.
- Boolean
- True/False values
- Character
- Fixed width or variable size
- Numeric
- Integer, Real (floating decimal point), Money
- Temporal
- Time, Date, Timestamp
8Phone Book/Contact Record
- Name Character
- Address Character
- Company Character
- Phone Number Character
- URL/Web Page Character
- Age Integer
- Height Real (float)
- Birthday Date
- When we added the entry Timestamp
9E. F. Codds Normal Forms
- Summarized from Barry Wises article on Database
Normalization - http//www.phpbuilder.com/columns/barry20000731.ph
10What are the normal forms?
- E. F. Codd in 1972 wrote a paper on Further
Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model - Normal forms reduce the amount of redundancy and
inconsistent dependency within databases. - Codd proposed three normal forms and through the
years two more have been added.
11The Zero Form
- No rules have been applied
- Where most people start (and stop)
- No room for growth
- Usually wastes space
12First Normal Form
- Eliminate repeating columns in each table
- Create a separate table for each set of related
data - Identify each set of related data with a primary
Benefits Now we can have infinite phone numbers
or company addresses for each contact. Drawback
Now we have to type in everything over and over
again. This leads to inconsistency, redundancy
and wasting space. Thus, the second normal form
13Second Normal Form
- Create separate tables for sets of values that
apply to multiple records - Relate these tables with a foreign key.
14Third Normal Form
- Eliminate fields that do not depend on the
primary key.
Is this enough? Codd thought so What about
many to many?
15Kinds of Relationships
- One to One
- One row of a table matches exactly to another
- One person, one id number, one address
- One to Many
- One row of a table matches many of another
- One person, many phone numbers
- Many to Many
- One row may match many of anotheror vice versa
- Artist to Album
- One album, many artists
- Many artists, one album
- Many artists, many album
16Fourth Normal Form
- In a many to many relationship, independent
entities cannot be stored in the same table. - The same phone number 3211 shared by 1 and 3
can now be changed in one spot.
17Fifth Normal Form
- The very esoteric one that is probably not
required to get the most out of your database. - The original table must be reconstructed from
the tables into which it has been broken down. - The rule ensures that you have not created any
extraneous columns and all the tables are only as
large as they need to be.
18The Normal Forms
- First Form
- Eliminate replicated data in tables
- Create separate tables for each set of related
data - Identify each set of related data with a primary
key - Second Form
- Create separate tables for sets of values that
apply to multiple records - Relate the tables with a foreign key
- Third Form
- Eliminate fields that do not depend on the
primary key - Fourth Form
- In many-to-many relationships, independent
entities cannot be stored in the same table - Fifth Form
- So rarely used but the purest form of separation
of data
19What do I need to remember?
- Keep normalization in mind.
- Dont replicate data in a table.
- If you break the rules, know why you are breaking
the rules and do it for a good reason. - Speed
- Organization
- Thats the way it comes to you
20All you need to know about SQL in 30 minutes
21Basic SQL Commands
- Creating tables with CREATE
- Adding data with INSERT
- Viewing data with SELECT
- Removing data with DELETE
- Modifying data with UPDATE
- Destroying tables with DROP
22Creating tables with CREATE
- Generic form
- CREATE TABLE tablename (
- column_name data_type attributes,
- column_name data_type attributes,
- )
- Table and column names cant have spaces or be
reserved words like TABLE, CREATE, etc.
23Phone Book/Contact Record
- Name Character
- Address Character
- Company Character
- Phone Number Character
- URL/Web Page Character
- Age Integer
- Height Real (float)
- Birthday Date
- When we added the entry Timestamp
24Phone Book/Contact Table
- CREATE TABLE contacts (
- Name VARCHAR(40),
- Address VARCHAR(60),
- Company VARCHAR(60),
- Phone VARCHAR(11),
- Age INT,
- Height FLOAT,
- Birthday DATE,
- WhenEntered TIMESTAMP
- )
- Plan your tables very carefully!
- Once created, they are difficult to change!
25Phone Book/Contact Table
- CREATE TABLE contacts (
- Name VARCHAR(40),
- Address VARCHAR(60),
- Company VARCHAR(60),
- Phone VARCHAR(11),
- Age INT,
- Height FLOAT,
- Birthday DATE,
- WhenEntered TIMESTAMP
- )
- If you are going to use the relational nature of
a database,dont forget you need to have a
unique way to access records! - There is a way to make the key automatically
increment,so you dont have to worry about which
one is next.
26Data Types
- Binary
- Database specific binary objects (BLOB)
- Boolean
- True/False values (BOOLEAN)
- Character
- Fixed width (CHAR) or variable size (VARCHAR)
- Numeric
- Integer (INT), Real (FLOAT), Money (MONEY)
- Temporal
- Time (TIME), Date (DATE), Timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
27Adding data with INSERT
- Generic Form
- INSERT INTO tablename (column_name,)
- VALUES (value,)
28Inserting a record into contacts
- INSERT INTO contacts (contactid,name,address,compa
ny,phone,url,age,height,birthday,whenentered) - VALUES
- (1,Joe,123 Any St.,ABC,
- 800-555-1212,http//abc.com,30,1.9,6/14/197
29Inserting a partial record
- INSERT INTO contacts (contactid,name,phone)
- VALUES (2,Jane,212-555-1212)
30Automatic key generation
- CREATE SEQUENCE contactidseq
- Change the ContactID line in the CREATE TABLE
to - ContactID INT DEFAULT nextval(contactidseq)
PRIMARY KEY - Or when inserting into a table
- INSERT contacts (contactid,name,phone)
- VALUES (nextval(contactidseq),Jack, 716-5
31Viewing data with SELECT
- Generic Form
- SELECT column, FROM table, WHERE condition
GROUP BY group_by_expression HAVING condition
ORDER BY order_expression - The most used command
- Probably the most complicated also
- If used improperly, can cause very long waits
because complex combinations
32A few simple SELECTs
- SELECT FROM contacts
- Display all records in the contacts table
- SELECT contactid,name FROM contacts
- Display only the record number and names
- Display only one entry for every value of URL.
33Refining selections with WHERE
- The WHERE subclause allows you to select
records based on a condition. - SELECT FROM contacts WHERE age
- Display records from contacts where age
35 - Display records where age is 18-35
34Additional selections
- The LIKE condition
- Allows you to look at strings that are alike
- SELECT FROM contacts WHERE name LIKE J
- Display records where the name starts with J
.com - Display where url does not end in .com
35Removing data with DELETE
- Generic Form
- DELETE FROM table WHERE condition
- DELETE FROM contacts WHERE age
36Modifying data with UPDATE
- Generic Form
- UPDATE table SET columnexpression
- WHERE condition
- UPDATE contacts SET companyAOL
- WHERE companyTime Warner
37Destroying tables with DROP
- Generic Form
- DROP TABLE tablename
- DROP TABLE contacts
38More about SELECT
39Joining together tables
- SELECT name,phone,zip FROM people, phonenumbers,
address WHERE people.addressidaddress.addressid
AND people.idphonenumbers.id
40Different types of JOINs
- Inner Join
- Unmatched rows in either table arent printed
- Left Outer Join
- All records from the left side are printed
- Right Outer Join
- All records from the right side are printed
- Full Outer Join
- All records are printed
- Multiple Table Join
- Join records from multiple tables
41General form of SELECT/JOIN
- SELECT columns,
- FROM left_table
- join_type JOIN right_table ON condition
- SELECT name,phone FROM people
- JOIN phonenumbers ON people.idphonenumbers.id
42Other versions
- SELECT name,phone FROM people
- LEFT JOIN phonenumbers ON people.idphonenumbers
.id - SELECT name,phone FROM people
- RIGHT JOIN phonenumbers ON people.idphonenumber
s.id - SELECT name,phone FROM people
- FULL JOIN phonenumbers ON people.idphonenumbers
43Theta style vs. ANSI
- Theta Style (used in most SQL books)
- SELECT name,phone,zip FROM people, phonenumbers,
address - WHERE people.addressidaddress.addressid AND
people.idphonenumbers.id - ANSI Style uses JOIN
- SELECT name,phone,zip FROM people
- JOIN phonenumbers ON people.idphonenumbers.id
- JOIN address ON people.addressidaddress.addressi
d -
44Other SELECT examples
- SELECT FROM contacts WHERE name is NULL
- SELECT FROM contacts WHERE zip IN
(14454,12345) - SELECT FROM contacts WHERE zip NOT IN
( SELECT zip FROM address WHERE
stateNY )
- The GROUP BY clause allowsyou to group results
together with aggregate functions - AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM()
- HAVING allows you to searchthe GROUP BY results
46GROUP BY Examples
- SELECT FROM contactsGROUP BY company
- SELECT company,count(company)FROM contactsGROUP
BY company - SELECT company,count(company)FROM contactsGROUP
BY companyHAVING count(company) 5
- The ORDER BY clause allows you to sort the
results returned by SELECT. - SELECT FROM contacts
- ORDER BY company
- SELECT FROM contacts
- ORDER BY company, name
- You can use CREATE VIEW to create a virtual
table from a SELECT statement. - CREATE VIEW contactview AS
- (SELECT name,phone,zip FROM
- people,phonenumbers,address
- WHERE people.idphonenumbers.id AND
49Working with SQL in PHP
50Basic PHP/SQL interaction
- Open a connection to the database
- If ok, generate SQL command
- Execute SQL command
- Handle responses from the server
- If not done, go back to step 2
- If done, close connection to database
51The actual PHP
.edu port5432 dbnamemgmt357 usermgmt357
passwordecommerce") if (!connection) print
pg_ErrorMessage() exit(-1) resultpg_exec(
connection,"select from customer") if
(result) r pg_numrows(result) row0 p
rint "\n" while
(datapg_fetch_object(result,row)) print
"" print "data-name" print
"\n" row print "\n"
else print pg_ErrorMessage() pg_close(conne
ction) ?
52More sample code
- http//www.geneseo.edu/kma/PHP_Intro