Introduction to Python, COM and PythonCOM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Python, COM and PythonCOM


Title: Introduction to Python, COM and PythonCOM Author: Mark Hammond Last modified by: Mark Hammond Created Date: 11/3/1999 12:34:28 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Python, COM and PythonCOM

Introduction to Python, COM and PythonCOM
  • Mark Hammond
  • Skippi-Net, Melbourne, Australia
  • http//

Introduction to Python, COM and PythonCOM
  • The plan
  • Section I - Intro to Python
  • 30-45 mins
  • Section II - Intro to COM
  • 30-45 mins
  • Python and COM
  • The rest!

Section I
  • Introduction to Python

What Is Python?
  • Created in 1990 by Guido van Rossum
  • While at CWI, Amsterdam
  • Now hosted by centre for national research
    initiatives, Reston, VA, USA
  • Free, open source
  • And with an amazing community
  • Object oriented language
  • Everything is an object

Why Python?
  • Designed to be easy to learn and master
  • Clean, clear syntax
  • Very few keywords
  • Highly portable
  • Runs almost anywhere - high end servers and
    workstations, down to windows CE
  • Compiled to machine independent byte-codes
  • Extensible
  • Designed to be extensible using C/C, thereby
    allowing access to many external libraries

Most obvious and notorious features
  • Clean syntax plus high-level data types
  • Leads to fast coding
  • Uses white-space to delimit blocks
  • Humans generally do, so why not the language?
  • Try it, you will end up liking it
  • Variables do not need declaration
  • Although not a type-less language

  • We are using Pythonwin
  • Only available on Windows
  • GUI toolkit using Tkinter available for most
  • Standard console Python available on all
  • Has interactive mode for quick testing of code
  • Includes debugger and Python editor

Interactive Python
  • Starting Python.exe, or any of the GUI
    environments present an interactive mode
  • gtgtgt prompt indicates start of a statement or
  • If incomplete, ... prompt indicates second and
    subsequent lines
  • All expression results printed back to
    interactive console

Variables and Types (1 of 3)
  • Variables need no declaration
  • gtgtgt a1gtgtgt
  • As a variable assignment is a statement, there is
    no printed result
  • gtgtgt a1
  • Variable name alone is an expression, so the
    result is printed

Variables and Types (2 of 3)
  • Variables must be created before they can be used
  • gtgtgt bTraceback (innermost last) File
    "ltinteractive inputgt", line 1, in ?NameError
  • Python uses exceptions - more detail later

Variables and Types (3 of 3)
  • Objects always have a type
  • gtgtgt a 1gtgtgt type(a)lttype 'int'gt gtgtgt a
    "Hello"gtgtgt type(a)lttype 'string'gtgtgtgt
    type(1.0)lttype 'float'gt

Assignment versus Equality Testing
  • Assignment performed with single
  • Equality testing done with double ()
  • Sensible type promotions are defined
  • Identity tested with is operator.
  • gtgtgt 111gtgtgt 1.011gtgtgt "1"10

Simple Data Types
  • Strings
  • May hold any data, including embedded NULLs
  • Declared using either single, double, or triple
  • gtgtgt s "Hi there"gtgtgt s'Hi there'gtgtgt s
    "Embedded 'quote'"gtgtgt s"Embedded 'quote'"

Simple Data Types
  • Triple quotes useful for multi-line strings
  • gtgtgt s """ a long... string with "quotes" or
    anything else"""gtgtgt s' a long\012string with
    "quotes" or anything else' gtgtgt len(s)45

Simple Data Types
  • Integer objects implemented using C longs
  • Like C, integer division returns the floor
  • gtgtgt 5/22
  • Float types implemented using C doubles
  • Long Integers have unlimited size
  • Limited only by available memory
  • gtgtgt long 1L ltlt 64gtgtgt long

High Level Data Types
  • Lists hold a sequence of items
  • May hold any object
  • Declared using square brackets
  • gtgtgt l An empty listgtgtgt l.append(1)gtgtgt
    l.append("Hi there")gtgtgt len(l)2

High Level Data Types
  • gtgtgt l1, 'Hi there'gtgtgtgtgtgt l "Hi there", 1,
    2gtgtgt l'Hi there', 1, 2gtgtgt l.sort()gtgtgt
    l1, 2, 'Hi there'

High Level Data Types
  • Tuples are similar to lists
  • Sequence of items
  • Key difference is they are immutable
  • Often used in place of simple structures
  • Automatic unpacking
  • gtgtgt point 2,3gtgtgt x, y pointgtgtgt x2

High Level Data Types
  • Tuples are particularly useful to return multiple
    values from a function
  • gtgtgt x, y GetPoint()
  • As Python has no concept of byref parameters,
    this technique is used widely

High Level Data Types
  • Dictionaries hold key-value pairs
  • Often called maps or hashes. Implemented using
  • Keys may be any immutable object, values may be
    any object
  • Declared using braces
  • gtgtgt dgtgtgt d0 "Hi there"gtgtgt d"foo" 1

High Level Data Types
  • Dictionaries (cont.)
  • gtgtgt len(d)2gtgtgt d0'Hi there'gtgtgt d 0 "Hi
    there", 1 "Hello"gtgtgt len(d)2

  • Blocks are delimited by indentation
  • Colon used to start a block
  • Tabs or spaces may be used
  • Maxing tabs and spaces works, but is discouraged
  • gtgtgt if 1... print "True"... Truegtgtgt

  • Many people hate this when they first see it
  • Almost all Python programmers come to love it
  • Humans use indentation when reading code to
    determine block structure
  • Ever been bitten by the C code?
  • if (1) printf("True") CallSomething()

  • The for statement loops over sequences
  • gtgtgt for ch in "Hello"... print ch...

  • Built-in function range() used to build sequences
    of integers
  • gtgtgt for i in range(3)... print i...

  • while statement for more traditional loops
  • gtgtgt i 0gtgtgt while i lt 3... print i...
    i i 1... 012gtgtgt

  • Functions are defined with the def statement
  • gtgtgt def foo(bar)... return bargtgtgt
  • This defines a trivial function named foo that
    takes a single parameter bar

  • A function definition simply places a function
    object in the namespace
  • gtgtgt fooltfunction foo at fac680gtgtgtgt
  • And the function object can obviously be called
  • gtgtgt foo(3)3gtgtgt

  • Classes are defined using the class statement
  • gtgtgt class Foo... def __init__(self)...
    self.member 1... def GetMember(self)...
    return self.member... gtgtgt

  • A few things are worth pointing out in the
    previous example
  • The constructor has a special name __init__,
    while a destructor (not shown) uses __del__
  • The self parameter is the instance (ie, the this
    in C). In Python, the self parameter is
    explicit (c.f. C, where it is implicit)
  • The name self is not required - simply a

  • Like functions, a class statement simply adds a
    class object to the namespace
  • gtgtgt Fooltclass __main__.Foo at 1000960gtgtgtgt
  • Classes are instantiated using call syntax
  • gtgtgt fFoo()gtgtgt f.GetMember()1

  • Most of Pythons power comes from modules
  • Modules can be implemented either in Python, or
    in C/C
  • import statement makes a module available
  • gtgtgt import stringgtgtgt string.join( "Hi",
    "there" )'Hi there'gtgtgt

  • Python uses exceptions for errors
  • try / except block can handle exceptions
  • gtgtgt try... 1/0... except ZeroDivisionError.
    .. print "Eeek"... Eeekgtgtgt

  • try / finally block can guarantee execute of code
    even in the face of exceptions
  • gtgtgt try... 1/0... finally... print
    "Doing this anyway"... Doing this
    anywayTraceback (innermost last) File
    "ltinteractive inputgt", line 2, in
    ?ZeroDivisionError integer division or

  • Number of ways to implement threads
  • Highest level interface modelled after Java
  • gtgtgt class DemoThread(threading.Thread)...
    def run(self)... for i in range(3)...
    time.sleep(3)... print
    i... gtgtgt t DemoThread()gtgtgt t.start()gtgtgt
    t.join()01 ltetcgt

Standard Library
  • Python comes standard with a set of modules,
    known as the standard library
  • Incredibly rich and diverse functionality
    available from the standard library
  • All common internet protocols, sockets, CGI, OS
    services, GUI services (via Tcl/Tk), database,
    Berkeley style databases, calendar, Python
    parser, file globbing/searching, debugger,
    profiler, threading and synchronisation,
    persistency, etc

External library
  • Many modules are available externally covering
    almost every piece of functionality you could
    ever desire
  • Imaging, numerical analysis, OS specific
    functionality, SQL databases, Fortran interfaces,
    XML, Corba, COM, Win32 API, etc
  • Way too many to give the list any justice

Python Programs
  • Python programs and modules are written as text
    files with traditionally a .py extension
  • Each Python module has its own discrete namespace
  • Python modules and programs are differentiated
    only by the way they are called
  • .py files executed directly are programs (often
    referred to as scripts)
  • .py files referenced via the import statement are

Python Programs
  • Thus, the same .py file can be a program/script,
    or a module
  • This feature is often used to provide regression
    tests for modules
  • When module is executed as a program, the
    regression test is executed
  • When module is imported, test functionality is
    not executed

Python Protocols
  • Objects can support a number of different
  • This allows your objects to be treated as
  • a sequence - ie, indexed or iterated over
  • A mapping - obtain/assign keys or values
  • A number - perform arithmetic
  • A container - perform dynamic attribute fetching
    and setting
  • Callable - allow your object to be called

Python Protocols
  • Sequence and container example
  • gtgtgt class Protocols... def __getitem__(self,
    index)... return index 2... def
    __getattr__(self, attr)... return "A big "
    attr... gtgtgt pProtocols()gtgtgt p39gtgtgt
    p.Foo'A big Foogtgtgt

More Information on Python
  • Cant do Python justice in this short time frame
  • But hopefully have given you a taste of the
  • Comes with extensive documentation, including an
    excellent tutorial and library reference
  • Also a number of Python books available
  • Visit for more details

Section II
  • Introduction to COM

What is COM?
  • Acronym for Component Object Model, a technology
    defined and implemented by Microsoft
  • Allows objects to be shared among many
    applications, without applications knowing the
    implementation details of the objects
  • A broad and complex technology
  • We can only provide a brief overview here

What was COM
  • COM can trace its lineage back to DDE
  • DDE was expanded to Object Linking and Embedding
  • VBX (Visual Basic Extensions) enhanced OLE
    technology for visual components
  • COM was finally derived as a general purpose
  • Initially known as OLE2

COM Interfaces
  • COM relies heavily on interfaces
  • An interface defines functionality, but not
  • Each object (or more correctly, each class)
    defines implementation of the interface
  • Each implementation must conform to the interface
  • COM defines many interfaces
  • But often does not provide implementation of
    these interfaces

COM Interfaces
  • Interfaces do not support properties
  • We will see how COM properties are typically
    defined later
  • Interfaces are defined using a vtable scheme
    similar to how C defines virtual methods
  • All interfaces have a unique ID (an IID)
  • Uses a Universally Unique Identifer (UUID)
  • UUIDs used for many COM IDs, including IIDs

  • COM defines the concept of a class, used to
    create objects
  • Conceptually identical to a C or Python class
  • To create an object, COM locates the class
    factory, and asks it to create an instance
  • Classes have two identifiers
  • Class ID (CLSID) is a UUID, so looks similar to
    an IID
  • ProgID is a friendly string, and therefore not
    guaranteed unique

IUnknown interface
  • Base of all COM interfaces
  • By definition, all interfaces also support the
    IUnknown interface
  • Contains only three methods
  • AddRef() and Release() for managing COM lifetimes
  • COM lifetimes are based on reference counts
  • QueryInterface() for obtaining a new interface
    from the object

Creating objects, and obtaining interfaces
  • To create an object, the programmer specifies
    either the ProgID, or the CLSID
  • This process always returns the requested
  • or fails!
  • New interfaces are obtained by using the
    IUnknownQueryInterface() method
  • As each interface derives from IUnknown, each
    interface must support QI

Other standard interfaces
  • COM defines many interfaces, for example
  • IStream
  • Defines file like operations
  • IStorage
  • Defines file system like semantics
  • IPropertyPage
  • Defines how a control exposes a property page
  • etc - many many interfaces are defined
  • But not many have implementations

Custom interfaces
  • COM allows you to define your own interfaces
  • Interfaces are defined using an Interface
    Definition Language (IDL)
  • Tools available to assign unique IIDs for the
  • Any object can then implement or consume these

IDispatch - Automation objects
  • IDispatch interface is used to expose dynamic
    object models
  • Designed explicitly for scripting languages, or
    for those languages that can not use normal COM
  • eg, where the interface is not known at compile
    time, or there is no compile time at all
  • IDispatch is used extensively
  • Microsoft Office, Netscape, Outlook, VB, etc -
    almost anything designed to be scripted

IDispatch - Automation objects
  • Methods and properties of the object model can be
    determined at runtime
  • Concept of Type Libraries, where the object model
    can be exposed at compile time
  • Methods and properties are used indirectly
  • GetIDsOfNames() method is used to get an ID for a
    method or property
  • Invoke() is used to make the call

IDispatch - Automation objects
  • Languages usually hide these implementation
    details from the programmer
  • Example object.SomeCall()
  • Behind the scenes, your language willid
  • Example object.SomeProp
  • id GetIDsOfNames("SomeProp")Invoke(id,

  • The IDispatch interface uses VARIANTs as its
    primary data type
  • Simply a C union that supports the common data
  • and many helper functions for conversion etc
  • Allows the single Invoke() call to accept almost
    any data type
  • Many languages hide these details, performing
    automatic conversion as necessary

Implementation models
  • Objects can be implemented in a number of ways
  • InProc objects are implemented as DLLs, and
    loaded into the calling process
  • Best performance, as no marshalling is required
  • LocalServer/RemoteServer objects are implemented
    as stand-alone executables
  • Safer due to process isolation, but slower due to
  • Can be both, and caller can decide, or let COM
    choose the best

Distributed COM
  • DCOM allows objects to be remote from their
  • DCOM handles all marshalling across machines and
    necessary security
  • Configuration tools allow an administrator to
    configure objects so that neither the object nor
    the caller need any changes
  • Although code changes can be used to explicitly
    control the source of objects

The Windows Registry
  • Information on objects stored in the Windows
  • ProgID to CLSID mapping
  • Name of DLL for InProc objects
  • Name of EXE for LocalServer objects
  • Other misc details such as threading models
  • Lots of other information also maintained in
  • Remoting proxies, object security, etc.

Conclusion for Section II
  • COM is a complex and broad beast
  • Underlying it all is a fairly simple Interface
  • Although all the bits around the edges combine to
    make it very complex
  • Hopefully we have given enough framework to put
    the final section into some context

Section III
  • Python and COM

PythonCOM architecture
  • Underpinning everything is an extension module
    written in C that provides the core COM
  • Support for native COM interfaces exist in this
  • Python reference counting is married with COM
    reference counting
  • Number of Python implemented modules that provide
    helpers for this core module

Interfaces supported by PythonCOM
  • Over 40 standard interfaces supported by the
  • Extension architecture where additional modules
    can add support for their own interfaces
  • Tools supplied to automate this process
  • Number of extension modules supplied, bringing
    total interfaces to over 100

Using Automation from Python
  • Automation uses IDispatch to determine object
    model at runtime
  • Python function win32com.client.Dispatch()
    provides this run-time facility
  • Allows a native look and feel to these objects

Using Automation - Example
  • We will use Excel for this demonstration
  • Excel ProgId is Excel.Application
  • gtgtgt from win32com.client import Dispatchgtgtgt
    xlltCOMObject Excel.Applicationgtgtgtgt

Using Automation - Example
  • Now that we have an Excel object, we can call
    methods and set properties
  • But we cant see Excel running?
  • It has a visible property that may explain things
  • gtgtgt xl.Visible0
  • Excel is not visible, lets make it visiblegtgtgt
    xl.Visible 1gtgtgt

Automation - Late vs. Early Bound
  • In the example we just saw, we have been using
    late bound COM
  • Python has no idea what properties or methods are
  • As we attempt a method or property access, Python
    dynamically asks the object
  • Slight performance penalty, as we must resolve
    the name to an ID (GetIDsOfNames()) before
    calling Invoke()

Automation - Late vs. Early Bound
  • If an object provides type information via a Type
    Library, Python can use early bound COM
  • Implemented by generating a Python source file
    with all method and property definitions
  • Slight performance increase as all names have
    been resolved to IDs at generation time, rather
    than run-time

Automation - Late vs. Early Bound
  • Key differences between the 2 techniques
  • Late bound COM often does not know the specific
    types of the parameters
  • Type of the Python object determines the VARIANT
    type created
  • Does not know about ByRef parameters, so no
    parameters are presented as ByRef
  • Early bound COM knows the types of the parameters
  • All Python types are coerced to the correct type
  • ByRef parameters work (returned as tuples)

Playing with Excel
  • gtgtgt xl.Workbooks.Add()ltCOMObject ltunknowngtgtgtgtgt
    xl.Range("A1C1").Value "Hi", "From",
    "Python"gtgtgt xl.Range("A1C1").Value((L'Hi',
    L'From', L'Python'),)gtgtgt xl.Range("A1C1").PrintO

How did we know the methods?
  • Indeed, how did we know to use Excel.Application
  • No easy answer - each application/object defines
    their own object model and ProgID
  • Documentation is the best answer
  • Note that MSOffice does not install the COM
    documentation by default - must explicitly select
    it during setup
  • COM browsers can also help

Native Interfaces from Python
  • Examples so far have been using using IDispatch
  • win32com.client.Dispatch() function hides the
    gory details from us
  • Now an example of using interfaces natively
  • Need a simple example - Windows Shortcuts fits
    the bill
  • Develop some code that shows information about a
    Windows shortcut

Native Interfaces from Python
  • 4 main steps in this process
  • Import the necessary Python modules
  • Obtain an object that implements the IShellLink
  • Obtain an IPersistFile interface from the object,
    and load the shortcut
  • Use the IShellLink interface to get information
    about the shortcut

Native Interfaces from PythonStep 1 Import the
necessary Python modules
  • We need the pythoncom module for core COM support
  • We need the module
  • This is a PythonCOM extension that exposes
    additional interfaces
  • gtgtgt import pythoncomgtgtgt from
    import shell

Native Interfaces from PythonStep 2 Obtain an
object that implements the IShellLink interface
  • Use the COM function CoCreateInstance()
  • Use the published CLSID for the shell
  • The shell requires that the object request be for
    an InProc object.
  • Request the IShellLink interface

Native Interfaces from PythonStep 2 Obtain an
object that implements the IShellLink interface
  • gtgtgt sh pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(shell.CLSID_Sh
    ellLink, ... None,...
    shell.IID_IShellLink)gtgtgt shltPyIShellLink at
    0x1630b04 with obj at 0x14c9d8gtgtgtgt

Native Interfaces from PythonStep 3 Obtain an
IPersist interface from the object, and load the
  • Use QueryInterface to obtain the new interface
    from the object
  • gtgtgt pe sh.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersistFi
    le)gtgtgt pe.Load("c/winnt/profiles/skip/desktop/ID

Native Interfaces from PythonStep 4 Use the
IShellLink interface to get information about the
  • gtgtgt sh.GetWorkingDirectory()'L\\src\\python-cvs\
    \tools\\idle'gtgtgt sh.GetArguments()'l\\src\\pyth

Implementing COM using Python.
  • Final part of our tutorial is implementing COM
    objects using Python
  • 3 main steps we must perform
  • Implement a Python class that exposes the
  • Annotate the class with special attributes
    required by the COM framework.
  • Register our COM object

Implementing COM using Python.Step 1 Implement
a Python class that exposes the functionality
  • We will build on our last example, by providing a
    COM object that gets information about a Windows
  • Useful to use from VB, as it does not have direct
    access to these interfaces.
  • We will design a class that can be initialised to
    a shortcut, and provides methods for obtaining
    the info.

Implementing COM using PythonStep 1 Implement a
Python class that exposes the functionality
  • Code is getting to big for the slides
  • Code is basically identical to that presented
    before, except
  • The code has moved into a class.
  • We store the IShellInfo interface as an instance

Implementing COM using PythonStep 1 Implement a
Python class that exposes the functionality
  • Provide an Init method that takes the name of the
  • Also provide two trivial methods that simply
    delegate to the IShellInfo interface
  • Note Python would allow us to automate the
    delegation, but that is beyond the scope of this!

Implementing COM using PythonStep 2 Annotate
the class with special attributes
  • PythonCOM requires a number of special attributes
  • The CLSID of the object (a UUID)
  • Generate using print pythoncom.CreateGuid()
  • The ProgID of the object (a friendly string)
  • Make one up!
  • The list of public methods
  • All methods not listed as public are not exposed
    via COM

Implementing COM using PythonStep 2 Annotate
the class with special attributes
  • class PyShellLink _public_methods_'Init',
    'GetArguments' _reg_clsid_"58DE4632-9323-11D3-
    85F9-00C04FEFD0A7" _reg_progid_"Python.ShellDem
    o" ...

Implementing COM using PythonStep 3 Register
our COM object
  • General technique is that the object is
    registered when the module implementing the COM
    object is run as a script.
  • Recall previous discussion on modules versus
  • Code is trivial
  • Call the UseCommandLine() method, passing the
    class objects we wish to register

Implementing COM using PythonStep 3 Register
our COM object
  • Code is simple
  • note we are passing the class object, not a class
  • if __name__'__main__' UseCommandLine(PyShell
  • Running this script yields
  • Registered Python.ShellDemo

Testing our COM object
  • Our COM object can be used by any automation
    capable language
  • VB, Delphi, Perl - even VC at a pinch!
  • We will test with a simple VBScript program
  • VBScript is free. Could use full blown VB, or
    VBA. Syntax is identical in all cases

Testing our COM object
  • set shdemo CreateObject("Python.ShellDemo")shd
    )WScript.Echo "Working dir is "
  • Yields
  • Working dir is L\src\python-cvs\tools\idle

  • Python can make COM simple to work with
  • No reference count management
  • Many interfaces supported.
  • Natural use for IDispatch (automation) objects.
  • Simple to use COM objects, or implement COM

More Information
  • Python itself
  • http//
  • newscomp.lang.python
  • Python on Windows
  • http//
  • Mark Hammonds Python extensions
  • http//
  • http//
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