Title: Solar Decathlon
1 2- Solar Decathlon
- U.S. Department of Energy
- 20 Universities
- 10 Competitions
3Carnegie Mellon University Cornell
University Darmstadt University of
Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Kansas
State University Lawrence Technological
University Massachusetts Institute of
Technology New York Institute of Technology Santa
Clara University The Pennsylvania State
University Team Montreal (École de Technologie
Supérieure, Université de Montréal, McGill
University) Texas AM University University of
Cincinnati University of Colorado Universidad de
Puerto Rico University of Illinois University of
Maryland University of Missouri -
Rolla Universidad Politécnica de Madrid The
University of Texas at Austin
2007 Teams
4The 10 Competitions
5Our Mission
We will design, construct, and display a
sustainable solar house that is functional,
elegant, intelligent, innovative, and
economically viable. The house will demonstrate
practical sustainability and be a test bed for
future studies.
6The House
7The House
8The Team
9The Innovations
- Bamboo I-joists
- Electro-chromatic Windows
- Solar A/C
- Dynamic Controls System
- Sustainability Monitor
- Display of unique building materials
- Aesthetically pleasing, economically viable
- solution to the solar powered house
10Sustainability Decathlon
11(No Transcript)
12Thank You