Title: SEG Foundation
1Advancing Geophysics TodayInspiring
Geoscientists for Tomorrow
- SEG Foundation
- foundation_at_seg.org
SEG Foundation foundation_at_seg.org
2SEG Foundation
- 501(c)(3)
- Corpus 15.9 million
- 2008 Program Budget 2.1 million
- Support for programs aligned with the mission of
3Society of Exploration Geophysicists
29000 members 130 countries 61 affiliated
societies 191 student sections
4SEG Membership 1980-2007
100 increase over 10 years
Data received 5-15-06
5SEG Membership by Region
6SEG Mission
- Advance the science and technology of applied
geophysics - Support our members, and the corporations and
institutions they work for
7SEG Priorities
- Serve a global membership
- Accelerate the pace of innovation
- Inspire the geoscientists of tomorrow
? DISC, DL, SEG Online, Offices
? Annual Meeting, Forums, SEAM
? Membership, Sections, Programs, SEG Online
8Geoscientists for Tomorrow
9Student Programs
- Sponsored Membership
- Student Sections
- Scholarships
- New programs
- SEG Online
Student Section Grant 2005
10Sponsored Membership
11Student Sections
12SEG Scholarships
Best and Brightest
13SEG Challenge Bowl
- New Program 2006
- Regional champs to Annual Meeting
14SEG/Chevron SLS
- New program 2007
- Student Leadership Symposium
I saw a lot of new perspectives, I learned a lot
of things, I met wonderful people, I lived dream
moments, I had a lot of fun, I made great
friends, and new gates for new opportunities were
opened for me. Im just glad that Chevron and the
SEG Foundation took a leadership role and created
a change that I was a part of. - Cezar Iacob,
Univ. of Bucharest
15Regional Lecturers
- New Program 2007
- Steve Chang Asia 2007
- India, China , Japan, Taiwan
- 1000 participants _at_18 locations
16New Programs 2008
- SEG/ExxonMobil SEP
- Multi-disciplinary student education
- Geoscientists without Borders
- Founding Supporter Schlumberger
17SEG Priorities
- Inspire the geoscientists of tomorrow
- Membership, Sections, Programs
- Accelerate the pace of innovation
- Annual Meeting, Forums, SEAM
- Serve a global membership
- DISC, DL, SEG Online, Offices
DISC Locations 1998-2007
19SEG Online Tomorrow
beyond the new look-and-feel,a massive upgrade
in infrastructure,to enable a fundamentally new
20SEG Online The Vision
- Whatever, wherever, wheneverthe members need it
- Tools that strengthen the community
- Empower technical excellence
21SEG Online Focus Areas
- Publications digital library
- Conferences presentations
- Education courses and lectures
- Students career portal
- Research forums, consortia, data
- Collaboration communities
22Lectures Online
Greg Partyka 2005 Spectral Decomposition
23Lectures to the Members !
Spring 2005 Distinguished Lecture Spectral
24SEG Online Leadership
- We are proud to be a sponsor of SEG Online and
look forward to its release and ongoing
development. - Bob Peebler, CEO ION
25Advancing Geophysics TodayInspiring
Geoscientists for Tomorrow
- SEG Foundation
- foundation_at_seg.org
Campaign Goal 15 million Announced Sept 21, 2007
26SEG Annual Meeting San Antonio 2007
27Current Progress
- Individuals 3. 7 million
- Corporations 6.5 million
- Total 10.2 million
28 SEG Foundation thanks
29- Advancing and Inspiring its almost impossible
to do alone. You have to be part of a larger
community. SEG is, was, and will be the
community. - Robert Brunck, CEO CGGVeritas, Sept. 2007
30Advancing Geophysics TodayInspiring
Geoscientists for Tomorrow
- SEG Foundation
- foundation_at_seg.org
SEG Foundation foundation_at_seg.org