SERVICE TAX Points for Consideration

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SERVICE TAX Points for Consideration


'Taxable service means any service provided or to be provided, to any person, by ... Co. - 1998 (74) ECR 478(sc) and that of Garware Nylons Ltd. Vs. CC & CE, Pune ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SERVICE TAX Points for Consideration

Service Tax Conference NIRC- ICAI
Saturday, 21st July 2007
Presented By J.K. MITTAL (Advocate) Co-Chairman
(Indirect Taxes) ASSOCHAM LL.B.,F.C.A., F.C.S.
Service Tax Expansion under exiting taxable
services w.e.f. 1-6-2007
  •   Telecommunication service
  • Mining service
  •   Renting of immovable property service
  •   works contract services
  •   Development and supply of content service
  • Asset management including portfolio
  • Management service
  •   Design services

Renting of immovable property service
  • Taxable service means any service provided or to
    be provided, to any person, by any other person
    in relation to renting of immovable property for
    use in the course or furtherance of business or
    commerce. Section 65 (105)(zzzz).
  • Explanation 2.For the purposes of this
    sub-clause, an immovable property partly for use
    in the course or furtherance of business or
    commerce and partly for residential or any other
    purposes shall be deemed to be immovable property
    for use in the course or furtherance of business
    or commerce.

Renting of immovable property service
  • Immovable property Explanation 1
  • immovable property does not include-
  • (c) land used for educational, sports, circus,
    entertainment and parking purposes and
  • (d) building used solely for residential
    purposes and buildings used for the purposes of
    accommodation, including hotels, hostels,
    boarding houses, holiday accommodation, tents,
    camping facilities.
  • Why service tax is being charged for Parking at

Renting of immovable property service
  • use in the course of furtherance of business or
  • Explanation.For the purposes of this clause,
    for use in the course or furtherance of business
    or commerce includes use of immovable property
    as factories, office buildings, warehouses,
    theatres, exhibition halls and multiple-use
    buildings. Section 65(90a).
  • Whether Property given for running Govt. offices
    like service tax, income tax offices, railways,
    similarly, post officers etc.?
  • Whether Property given for running offices by a
    Govt. company/ Govt. Department doing activities
    in competition with private sector companies like
    BSNL Telephone services, Parsar Bharti etc.?

Renting of immovable property service
  • renting of immovable property includes
    renting, letting, leasing, licensing or other
    similar arrangements of immovable property for
    use in the course or furtherance of business or
    commerce but does not include
  • (i) renting of immovable property by a religious
    body or to a religious body or
  • (ii) renting of immovable property to an
    educational body, imparting skill or knowledge or
    lessons on any subject or field, other than a
    commercial training or coaching centre
  • When tax is only for rending of property for
    business or commerce then what was the need to
    giving exclusion to giving property to a
    religious body or educational body as these are
    neither business nor commerce?

Renting of immovable property service Deduction
for Property Tax paid
  • Deduction of property tax paid from value of
    taxable service - Notification No. 24/2007-ST,
    dated 22-05-2007 .
  • Self-adjustment of service tax payable on the
    property tax for which deduction not claimed -
    Rule 4C
  • Property tax paid for whole property but let
    out portion of it how much amount shall be

Renting of immovable property service Whether
exemption available for first 8
lakhs Notification No. 6/2005-S.T., dated
  • hereby exempts taxable services of aggregate
    value not exceeding eight lakh rupees in any
    financial year from the whole of the service tax
    leviable thereon under section 66 of the said
    Finance Act ..
  • the aggregate value of taxable services rendered
    by a provider of taxable service from one or more
    premises, does not exceed rupees eight lakh
    rupees in the preceding financial year. .
  • "aggregate value not exceeding eight lakh rupees"
    means the sum total of first consecutive payments
    received during a financial year towards the
    gross amount, as prescribed under section 67 of
    the said Finance Act, charged by the service
    provider towards taxable services till the
    aggregate amount of such payments is equal to
    eight lakh rupees .

Renting of immovable property service Doubts and
  • Whether Joint owner shall be taxed separately?
  • Whether minor shall be liable to pay service tax?
  • Whether minor can get registration even if not
    having PAN or his/ her parent PAN would suffice?
  • Whether can get centralize registration for
    having property under different jurisdiction?
  • Whether assessee is entitle for CENVAT credit of
    duty/ taxes paid on input, input service or
    capital goods?

Finance Ministers Reply to the debate on the
Finance Bill 2007-08 in the Lok Sabha on May 3,
  • Renting is also an activity that goes into the
    calculation of GDP. It is a value added service.
    It is liable to service tax. That is the
    universal practice. We have introduced service
    tax only in respect of renting of large
    commercial properties.

Renting of immovable property service Goodricke
Group Ltd. and Others v State of West Bengal and
Others reported in (1995) Supp (1) SCC 707
  • 20.It is thus clear from the aforesaid decision
    that merely because a tax on land or building is
    imposed with reference to its income or yield it
    does not cease to be a tax on land or building.
    The income or yield of the land/building is taken
    merely as a measure of the tax it does not alter
    the nature or character of the levy. It still
    remains a tax on land or building. There is no
    set pattern of levy of tax on lands and buildings
    - indeed there can be no such standardisation. No
    one can say that a tax under a particular entry
    must be levied only in a particular manner, which
    may have been adopted hitherto.

Renting of immovable property service Goodricke
Group Ltd. and Others v State of West Bengal and
Others reported in (1995) Supp (1) SCC 707
  • 31.The power of the legislature to make
    law with reference to Entry 49 of List II is
    plenary like any other entry in List II. It is
    open to the legislature to adopt such formula as
    it thinks appropriate for levying the tax and so
    long as the character of the tax remains the one
    contemplated by the entry, it does not matter how
    the tax is calculated, measured or assessed. If a
    tax on the land can be assessed with reference to
    or on the basis of the previous years income, we
    failed to see why it cannot be levied on current
    years income. For example, take the case in
    newly constructed building which is let out soon
    after its completion. Can the rent realized for
    the first year not to be taken as the basis for
    determining the rental value for levying property
    tax for that year? Indeed, that can be and should
    be the only basis....

Service involved in the execution of a works
  • Taxable service means any service provided or
    to be provided, any person, by any other person
    in relation to the execution of a works contract,
    excluding works contract in respect of roads,
    airports, railways, transport terminals, bridges,
    tunnels and dams.
  • Port has also been excluded by exemption vide
    Notification No. 25/2007-ST, 22-5-2007.

Service involved in the execution of a works
  • Explanation.For the purposes of this
    sub-clause, works contract means a contract
  • (i) transfer of property in goods involved in
    the execution of such contract is leviable to tax
    as sale of goods, and
  • (ii) such contract is for the purposes of
    carrying out,
  • Continue..

Service involved in the execution of a works
  • erection, commissioning or installation
  • construction of a new building primarily for the
    purposes of commerce or industry
  • construction of a new residential complex or a
    part thereof
  • turnkey projects including engineering,
    procurement and construction or commissioning
    (EPC) projects

A works contract
  • Ultimately, the terms of a given contract would
    be determinative of the nature of the
    transaction, whether it is a sale or a
    works-contract. Therefore, this question has to
    be ascertained on facts of each case, on proper
    construction of terms and conditions of the
    contract between the parties State of Andhra
    Pradesh v Kone Elevators (India) Ltd. 2005 (181)
    ELT 156 (SC).
  • And held that installation of Lift was a contract
    for sale.

A works contract
  • Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. v State of Andhra
    Pradesh (2000) 119 STC 533
  • In this case the Supreme Court has given instance
    which could be sale, contract for labour and
    works contract.

A works contract
  • Sentinel Rolling Shutters and Engineering Company
    Pvt. Ltd. v Commissioner of Sales Tax (1978) 4
    SCC 2609 - whether it was possible to break up
    one contract into two segments one for sale of
    goods and the other for providing services, the
    court observed that in a individual composite
    contract, this is not possible to do so. The
    court accepted the commercial practice in
    spreading the contractual payment over the entire
    period of the execution of the contract and held
    that the progressive release of payment would not
    have any bearing of the nature of the contract.

Service involved in the execution of a works
  • Levy of service tax on indivisible contract
  • Daelim Industrial Co. Limited v Commissioner of
    Central Excise, Vadodara 2003 (155) ELT 457
    (Tribunal-Delhi) 2006 (3) STR 124 (Tri.-Del.),
  • Larsen Toubro Ltd v CCE 2004 (174) ELT 322
    2006 (3) STR 223 (Tri.-Del.)
  • CCE C, Vadodara v M/s Larsen Toubro Ltd and
    M/s Petrofac International Ltd, 2006 (4) STR 63
    (Tri. - Mumbai) 2006-TIOL-490-CESTAT-MUM .

Valuation of services involved in the execution
of works contract (works contract services) Rule
  • gross amount charged for the works contract after
    deducting the value of transfer of property in
    goods involved in the said works contract Rule
  • Explanation (b) of said Rule 2A, value of works
    contract service shall include . would not be
    practically feasible to determining the amount
    paid for various services used in the execution
    of a works contract
  • There is no option has been given under said Rule
    that one can dis-regard the above mentioned of
    determination of value of works contract

Composition scheme 2 tax
  • Works Contract (Composition Scheme for Payment of
    Service Tax) Rules, 2007 -2 of the gross amount
    charged for the works contract .
  • The Rule 3(1) of said Rules, start with
    non-obstante clause, which override the
    provisions of Section 67 and the Rule 2A of the
    Service Tax (Determination of Value) Rules, 2006.
  • Vidya Lachmandas Khanchandani and another AIR
    (2000) SC 2747. In the case of ITW Signode India
    Ltd. v Collector of Central Excise 2003 (158) ELT
    403 (SC)

Composition scheme 2 tax
  • CENVAT credit of duty paid on inputs shall not
    be available.
  • D.O.F. No. 334/1/2007-TRU, dated 28th February
    2007, the Ministry of Finance announced that
    Assessee opting for the composition scheme is
    not entitled to avail CENVAT credit of capital
    goods, inputs and input services required for use
    in the works contract.
  • However, while announcing the Scheme,, the credit
    has been denied only in respect of input.

Service involved in the execution of a works
  • Levy of service tax on works contract
    transactions under separate categories of taxable
    services - Constitutionality validity
  • Levy of service tax on services involved in the
    execution of works contract - Constitutionality

works contract recent SC judgment
  • The Supreme Court in the case of State of
    Jharkand v Voltas Ltd. 2007-TIOL-86-SC-CT
    (decided on 9th May 2007) held that the State
    legislature under Entry 54 of List II of the
    Seventh Schedule can tax only on the sale or
    purchase of goods. If an item does not come
    within List II or List III of the Seventh
    Schedule to the Constitution, then it can only be
    the Central legislature i.e. the Parliament which
    can levy tax either under List I or under the
    residual provision contained in Article 248

Material Used in photography Service
  • The Tribunal in the case of Shilpa Color Lab v
    CCE, Calicut 2007 (5) STR 423 (Tri.-Bang.)
    2007-TIOL-340-CESTAT-BANG relying upon the
    Supreme Court decision in the case of Bharat
    Sanchar Nigam Ltd. v UOI 2006 (2) STR 161 (SC)
    held that in the services related to photography,
    if certain goods and materials are consumed, then
    the value of those goods cannot be included in
    the value of service for the levy of service tax.
    In the result, the decision of the Tribunal in
    the Adlabs case is correct and legal

Service tax on Commercial/ Residential
Complex-Raheja case
  • Mahakaushal Builders Welfare Association v
    Superintendent of Customs Central Excise,
    Jabalpur 2006-TIOL-285-HC-MP-ST - The High Court
    in this case held that impugned circular cannot
    create liability for payment of service tax and
    directed the department to decide the question of
    service tax liability strictly in accordance with
    the provisions contained in the Finance Act, 1994
    (as amended) notwithstanding anything contrary in
    the impugned circular .

Service Tax Expansion under exiting taxable
services w.e.f. 1-6-2007
  • Scope of ten existing taxable services
  • Expended or clarified, some of them are
  • Renting of motor vehicles
  • marriage functions
  • Cash management services
  • business consultants service
  • computer hardware engineering consultancy
  • goods includes computer software
  • Advertisement space in commercial publication

CIRCULAR NO 93/04/2007-ST , Dated May 10, 2007
  • Review of Circulars/ clarifications/ instructions
    issued on matters relating to service tax law and
  • 48 circulars/ clarifications/ instructions stand
    withdrawn with immediate effect.

Draft Comprehensive Circulars Issued on 19th June
  • Procedural Issues.
  • Technical Issue.
  • After Public Comments, pending finalization.
  • Withdraw all previous circulars, clarifications,
    letters etc. issued in respect of service tax
    except instructions issued at the time of Budget
    or enactment of Finance Bill.

Draft Comprehensive Circulars Issued on 19th June
  • Total 28 issues
  • Total 16 taxable services
  • Some issues/ clarifications are concerned to
    trade/ industry
  • Express Cargo, Hotel Rooms for social functions,
    merger/acquisitions, goods sold/ consumed, postal

Effective date of Notification Finance Act,
2007 - 1 Additional Cess
  • Union of India Vs. Ganesh Das Bhojraj - 2000
    (116) ELT 431(SC) the date on which the
    Notification is dated.
  • CCE Vs. New Tobacco Co. - 1998 (74) ECR 478(sc)
    and that of Garware Nylons Ltd. Vs. CC CE, Pune
    - 1998 (27) RLT 6(SC) the Notification will come
    into force only when it is made known to the

Fee for filing late Return
  • Section 70(1) is amended for empowering
    Government to prescribed the fee to be payable
    for late filing of return but not more than Rs.
    2000/- .
  • Rule 7C has been introduced w.e.f. 12-5-2007
    for prescribing late fee which based on delay in
    filing return, upto 15 days Rs. 500/- then next
    15days Rs. 1000/- thereafter Rs. 100 per day but
    not exceeding Rs. 2000/-

Exemption from levy of Service Tax on
international in-bound roamer for the period
1-7-1994 to 14-1-2007
  • the Central government has directed that the
    service tax payable on roaming services provided
    by a telegraph authority to an international
    in-bound roaming subscriber, which was not being
    levied in accordance with the prevailing
    practice, shall not be required to be paid in
    respect of such roaming service provided during
    the period 1-7-1994 to 14-1-2007 Notification No.
    36/2007-S.T., dated 15-6-2007

Whether a service provider exempted under
Notification No.6/2005-ST dated 01.03.2005 can
get deregistration?
  • Yes, Issue resolved vide Board instruction
    through F.No. 137/58/2007-CX.4, dated 29.03.2007
  • The Board has directed to the Directorate of
    Publicity and Public Relation to carry out
    publicity campaign, to advise exempted service
    providers to come forward to get themselves

Whether a person exemption under Notification
No.6/2005-ST dated 01.03.2005 is required to file
service tax return?
  • No, Issue resolved vide Board instruction
    through F.No. 137/58/2007-CX.4, dated 29.03.2007
  • The Board has clarified that a person who is not
    liable to pay service because of exemption are
    also not required to file service tax return. The
    Board has further clarified that any show cause
    notice issued for non-filing of return whose
    annual turnover is far below the exempted limit
    may be disposed of accordingly .

Thank you..
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