Title: Words to Leaders 1 Peter 5:1-4
1Words to Leaders1 Peter 51-4
2- Whats a church?
- Who are the leaders?
- Hebrews 137,17
- Ephesians 411,12
- The word pastor literally means
- Shepherd
3- Three terms for the office of pastor
- Acts 2028
- Elder spiritual maturity
- Overseer leadership
- Pastor protection feeding
- Pastors are paid elders
- Elders are unpaid pastors
4Protection FeedingIsaiah 534 Matthew
936Psalm 231John 1011Psalm 1003Jeremiah
231-4Godly leadership
51. Is based on the authority of Gods word1
Peter 51Peters description of himself
62. Is motivated by Gods Spirit 1 Peter
52,3I am a shepherd of Gods flock, a pastor
of Gods people1 Timothy 31I am not to
be             I am to be
73. Is under the authority of Christ1 Peter 54
8Words to all leaders about- emotional/spiritual
burnout- losing your love of serving- your
motivation for servingHebrews 1320