Peter Leyland Sources of the Constitution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Peter Leyland Sources of the Constitution


Peter Leyland Sources of the Constitution Introduction Sources of the UK constitution are the main focus of today s lecture. We will see that there are a wide range ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Peter Leyland Sources of the Constitution

Peter LeylandSources of the Constitution
  • Sources of the UK constitution are the main focus
    of todays lecture.
  • We will see that there are a wide range of
  • Contrast made with codified US constitution
  • There has been recent debate over what might be
    termed constitutional statutes.
  • Review of other constitutional sources.
  • Defining conventions and understanding their
    constitutional role.

Why does the UK have an uncodified constitution?
  • The British Constitution is not contained in any
    one document nor is there such a thing as higher
    order law, entrenchment.
  • The Constitution evolved over time and this
    evolution was first about qualifying the absolute
    power of the King.
  • Magna Carta 1215 imposed limitations on Royal
  • Bill of Rights 1689 laid out basic rights but
    mainly recognised the shift of power from the
    King to Parliament. No taxation, army etc.
    without Parliament.
  • Great Reform Act 1832 important step in
    redistribution of seats and the grant of the
    right to vote.
  • Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 imposed limitations
    on the powers of the House of Lords.

Contrast with USA
  • Article I All the legislative Powers herein
    granted shall be vested in a Congress of the
    United States, which shall consist of a Senate
    and House of Representatives.
  • Article II The executive Power shall be vested
    in a President of the USA. He shall hold office
    during the term of four years .
  • Article III The judicial power of the United
    States shall be vested in one Supreme Court.
  • Article IV - Full faith and credit shall be
    given in each state to the public acts, records
    and judicial proceedings of every other state.
    The United States shall guarantee to every state
    a republican form government. (Federal system
  • Article V - Defines method of amendment.

Sources of the Constitution
  • If we wanted to describe the UK constitution it
    would consist of a range of different sources.
  • Statute law some are of central significance,
    see below
  • Common law e.g. Entick v Carrington 1765
  • European Union law since 1973 Multi-Layered
  • European Convention on Human Rights since HRA
    1998 in force since October 2000.
  • Legal treatises e.g. works of Dicey/Bagehot etc.
  • Law and custom of Parliament, which regulates
    itself but is outside the jurisdiction of the
  • Royal Prerogative powers of the monarch, now
    normally exercised by ministers
  • Constitutional conventions of special importance
    to flesh in the missing bits.

What are constitutional statutes?
  • Bill of Rights 1689 - limited powers of monarchy
  • Act of Settlement 1700 - protestant succession
  • Act of Union with Scotland 1707 combined
    English and Scottish Parliaments.
  • Reform Acts of 1832/1918 right to vote
  • Parliament Act 1911 (restricted powers of House
    of Lords)
  • Statute of Westminster 1931 (from Empire to
  • European Communities Act 1972 incorporated Treaty
    of Rome i.e. EEC membership. EU law part of
    domestic law for the first time.
  • Devolution legislation e.g. Scotland Act 1998
  • Human Rights Act 1998 incorporated ECHR

  • Thoburn v Sunderland City Council 2003
  • Laws LJ 'In the present state of its maturity
    the common law has come to recognise that there
    exist rights which should properly be classified
    as constitutional or fundamental ... And from
    this a further insight follows. We should
    recognise a hierarchy of Acts of Parliament as
    it were "ordinary" statutes and "constitutional"

Recent constitutional statutes
  • Constitutional Reform Act 2005 consolidated
    separation of powers, created a Supreme Court for
    the UK and transformed the system of judicial
  • Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 put
    some prerogative powers e.g. the ratification of
    treaties and the management of the civil service
    on a statutory footing.
  • Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011 qualifies power
    of PM to call elections by setting elections at 5
    years unless government falls following a vote of

Common law
  • Case law / judicial precedent - case law of
    decisions which expand the common law and
    interpret statutes. For example, individual
    rights in relation to police powers, Entick v
    Carrington (1765). This case was exceptionally
    important because the courts were prepared to
    stand up against the highest authority. An
    attempt by the government to seize papers and
    arrest without a warrant.
  • Lord Camden The great end, for which men entered
    into society, was to secure their property. That
    right is preserved sacred and incommunicable in
    all instances, where it has not been taken away
    or abridged by some public law for the good of
    the whole.
  • But decisions of the court may be amended /
    overridden by a later statute, e.g. Burmah Oil v
    Lord Advocate 1965 and the subsequent War
    Damage Act 1965. Statute law will prevail.

European Union Law
  • From 1973 EC law (now EU law) became a source of
    the constitution, applicable in areas defined by
    the Treaty(ies) - sources include the Treaty(ies)
    and Regulations, Directives, and Decisions - all
    are binding.
  • Also note rulings and decisions of the ECJ -
    where their is conflict with national law EC law
    prevails - the courts must interpret EC law in
    line with Community objectives (the primacy
    doctrine) - it is ...part of our law. It is
    equal to any statute... Per Lord Denning in
    Bulmer v Bollinger 1974

Constitutional conventions
  • Conventions are more important in the UK
    constitution and often determine the conduct of
    the political actors e.g. Crown, PM, ministers,
    civil servants, judges.
  • Conventions according to Dicey are
  • customary rules which determine how the
    discretionary powers of the state were exercised
  • the conventions of the constitution,
    consists of maxims or practices which, though
    they regulate the ordinary conduct of the Crown,
    of ministers, and of other persons under the
    constitution, are not in strictness laws at all,
    in particular, conventions unlike laws are not
    enforceable in the courts. Main role for Dicey is
    to determine the way the prerogative powers of
    the Crown are exercised in practice.

Further definitions of conventions
  • Sir K Wheare - "By convention is meant a binding
    rule, a rule of behaviour accepted as obligatory
    by those concerned in the working of the
    constitution" (Modern Constitutions, p 179). It
    amounts to a rule of moral obligation of most use
    when least needed permeated by values such as
    the rule of law, separation of powers, democracy,
    accountable government, etc.
  • Jennings - Law and the Constitution - "provide
    the flesh which clothes the dry bones of the law
    they make the legal constitution work they keep
    in touch with the growth of ideas" i.e.
    (Brazier) (1) enable rigid legal framework to be
    kept up to date re changing needs of government
    (2) oil formal machinery of government - make
    government work, in this sense they have a
    practical .

Why conventions emerge
  • Development of unwritten rules often one brought
    about by evolution / adaptation - most created
    after 1688.
  • E.g., last time PM came from Lords in 1902. But
    after the right to vote had been extended to most
    of the population, legitimacy crucial.
  • The Royal assent last refused in 1708 (Queen Anne
    refusal of Scottish militia) - creation Cabinet
    / PM. The problem here is to know when a practice
    has hardened into a rule.

How to determine whether there is a convention
  • Jennings - 3 tests for recognising valid
    convention (used in Re Canada below)
  • (1) is there a precedent? (vague - political
    rules not like legal precedents) How often and
    how consistently has the practice been observed
    before? E.g., PM from majority party
  • (2) Do those operating the constitution accept
    conventions as binding. Do they feel under an
    obligation to act - Ministerial responsibility?
    In other words conventions depend on consent.
  • (3) is there a good political reason for the
    convention? Deference of House of Lords to
    Commons (Jennings,pp 136-9).
  • Also Jennings pointed out that the only real way
    of knowing if a convention applied is by the
    conduct of the constitutional actors.

Conventions and the courts
  • A-G v Jonathan Cape 1976 QB 752 - Lord Widgery
    LCJ a convention can give rise to an action in
    equity re the principle of confidentiality. This
    was one of the great cases on interpretation of
    conventions and legal rules. The Government moved
    to prevent publication of the Crossman Diaries
    by obtaining an injunction This was on grounds
    of tort of breach of the equitable doctrine of
    confidentiality re Cabinet discussions
    (collective responsibility) - confidentiality
    recognised, but publication allowed because
    material in Diaries 10 years old. Therefore there
    was no harm to public.

Why are conventions so important?
  • Royal assent to legislation is never denied. It
    recognises the Act of Settlement limiting the
    powers of the monarchy.
  • If government loses its majority in the House of
    Commons it will resign and call an election.
    Because it can no longer legislate.
  • PM and Chancellor of the Exchequer must be
    members of House of Commons i.e. answerable to
    the elected house
  • Other ministers must be members of House of
    Commons/House of Lords - leading ministers
  • Cabinet speak with a single voice i.e. collective
  • After an election leader of largest party will be
    invited by the Queen to form a government and
    become PM. Acknowledgment of the democratic
    process. But this assumes a majority in House of

Conventions and ministers
  • Collective cabinet responsibility originated from
    the need to give unified advice to the monarch.
    It requires that all cabinet members stick with
    any decision one agreed by the whole cabinet or
    otherwise resign. Heseltine resigned after the
    Westland Affair in 1985. Useful tool for the PM
    as it encourages unity.
  • Individual ministerial responsibility concerns
    accountability of government departments and
    proposes that it is the minister who directs the
    department. It is she and not civil servants who
    is ultimately responsible when things go wrong.
    But does that mean that ministers are obligated
    to resign.

Conventions and the judiciary
  • Law Lords by convention did not enter into
    controversial political debate on general matters
    or vote on routine legislation. Now (i.e. from
    2009) Supreme Court judges are given peerages but
    expressly excluded by statute from participating
    as peers in the House of Lords in its legislative
    capacity while continuing to work in their
    judicial capacity.
  • This convention might be viewed in light of the
    wider judicial role. What Lord Bingham termed
    institutional competence meaning that the
    judiciary should not trespass into the territory
    occupied by the executive in making decisions
    over such matters as resource allocation.

Failure to follow conventions
  • For Dicey because failure to obey will lead to
    legal difficulties - e.g. Parliament has to
    assemble each year because financial resolutions
    are essential for the budget to pass. Yet if
    peers took part in judicial function of Lords, no
    legal sanction.
  • Rather, for Jennings political difficulties if
    conventions not enforced it is not legal but a
    political crisis which will occur.
  • For example, the Parliament Act 1911 followed the
    1909 budget clash with the House of Lords. The
    Lords breached the convention re financial
    matters prompting the crisis. The effect of the
    Parliament Act is to give what was the convention
    legal force.

  1. UK constitution comprises many different sources,
    most are written but not contained in a single
  2. Statute law is particularly important and some
    recent statutes such as the devolution
    legislation and the HRA have the effect of
    sketching out important aspects of the
  3. Many crucial areas determined by conventions,
    some of which are quite vague.
  4. Little prospect of a codified constitution
    because of the difficulty of reaching consensus
    on what to put in it.
  5. Diceys twin doctrines of parliamentary supremacy
    and the rule of law assume particular
    significance as part of the uncodified
    constitution. See weeks 3, 4, 5.
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