Title: Agenda
- Introduction to 7-SEAS
- Least Squares math and numerics
- Implementation in Aquis
- Examples
- Installation
- Summarize
- State Estimation based Application System
- Advanced Leak Studies (ALS)
- Calibration Pipe wall roughnesses, diameters
- Valve state analysis
- Pump optimization
- ???
- Use deviation between measured (emulated)
flows/pressures and simulated flows/pressures to
estimate leaks. Aquis will insert leaks in the
model to minimize the deviations between measured
flows/pressures and simulated flows/pressures. - ALS will not provide the exact position and size,
but merely indicate a higher probability for
leaks. The reason is lack of information (Not all
pressures and flows are measured) and calibration
errors and measurement errors will turn up as
leak flows.
4Pipe Calibration
- Pipe calibration is a correction of the
frictional pressure drop - ?P fcKQ2 ?Pelevation
- Based on the calibrated frictional pressuredrop,
the corresponding diameter or roughness can be
assessed. -
- Note If the pressure drop is calibrated to be
less than anticipated (fc lt 1 ), roughness may be
calculated to a negative value and set to 0 as
for a super-smooth pipe.
5Advanced Leak Study
- Linear equation systems
- Overdetermined systems
- Least squares
- Non-linear systems
- Linear constraints
- Condition number
- Simple one-pipe example
6Advanced Leak Study
- where
- A System matrix (size m x n)
- x Solution vector (length n)
- b Right hand side vector (length m)
7Advanced Leak Study
provided A is invertible (det(A) ? 0)
Overdetermined system m gt n The inverse of A
does not exist How do we determine x to best
fit the data?
8Advanced Leak Study
- Different options
- Sum of absolute distance
- Min. of max. distance
- Least squares
9Advanced Leak Study
Least squares for linear equation system
where the vector 2-norm
10Advanced Leak Study
Normal equations
provided exists (A has full rank)
The Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of a matrix A
provided A has full rank
11Advanced Leak Study
Non-linear least squares
where the Jacobi-matrix
Iteration k1
Find LS solution to Update solution vector
12Advanced Leak Study
Linear constraints
Solve subject to
Approximate solution by reformulating
to unconstrained problem via weighting
with ? small
13Advanced Leak Study
Matrix 2-norm
Condition number
Sensitivity of LS solution to perturbations in A
and b
14Advanced Leak Study
15Advanced Leak Study
- Equation candidates
- Node mass continuity
- Pipe pressure drop
- Node pressure
- Node flow
16Advanced Leak Study
All measurements available, 7 equations, 5
17Advanced Leak Study
Weighting to achieve fulfillment of continuity
and physics
with wg small (e.g. 0.01)
18Advanced Leak Study
Weighting of individual measurements
where w1, w2, w3 and w4 are chosen to reflect the
confidence in the individual measurements.
19Advanced Leak Study
Choice of weights
Pressure measurement weight relative to setpoint,
Flow measurement weight relative to setpoint
and total flow, e.g.
20- 7Flow is an Automation Server
21- Guideline to conducting Advanced Leak Studies
- Gather all sorts of information
- Calibrate model
- Assess leak flow (NLM)
- Remove leak flows from nodes (Proportionally)
- Apply pipe leak potential factors
- Apply weights
- Run
- Test stability of solution by re-running on
alternative data
22Quick overview of 7-seas related plots
- Network plots
- Pipe leak potential
- Estimated pipe leak intensity
- Surface plots
- Node flow deviations
- Node pressure deviations
- Relative error
- Node leak potential
23Pipe Leak Intensity