Title: Computational syntax: the predicative verb abrazar to embrace
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12Computational syntax the predicative verb
abrazar (to embrace)
13Computational grammar syntactic and selectional
14E-dictionary converted into a transducer
15E-grammars converted into a tree structure of
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21Tagging with e-dictionaries
22Ambiguous simple form cargado (loaded)
23Unambiguous idiomatic relative pronoun lo que
lo lo.DETn,lo.CLIm3s lo/que
lo/que.PRELns/ que
24Unambiguous adverbial idiom a troche y moche
(helter skelter, pell-mell)
a a.PREP a/troche/y/moche a/troche/y/moche.ADV/
troche troche.LOC y y.CONJ moche
25Idioms that include other idioms de una vez para
siempre (once and for all) includes de una vez
(straight off, all at once), una vez (once), and
para siempre (for ever)
de de.PREP de/una/vez
de/una/vez.ADV de/una/vez/para/siempre de/una/
vez/para/siempre.ADV una
unir.V17SPRES1s3sIIMPE2s, una.DETfs,una
.PRONfs una/vez una/vez.ADV vez
vez.N27fs para
para.PREP,parar.V1IPRES3sIIMPE2s, par
ir.V17SPRES1s3sIIMPE2s para/siempre
para/siempre.ADV siempre
26Idiomatic adverb that includes other idiomatic
adverbs de una vez para siempre (once and for
all) includes de una vez (straight off, all at
once), una vez (once), and para siempre (for ever)
27Idioms intersection a la fuerza (by force)
intersects with fuerza aérea (air force)
a a.PREP a/la/fuerza
a/la/fuerza.ADV la la.DETfs,la.CLIf
3s,la.N1ms fuerza fuerza.N21fs,forzar.V41I
PRES3sIIMPE2s fuerza/aérea
fuerza/aérea.Nfs aérea aéreo.ADJ47fs
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29The idiomatic verb correr un riesgo (to be in
danger, to run the risk of) with the intervening
idiomatic adverb en todo momento (all the time)
correr correr.V13INF,corre
rse.V13RINF en
en.PREP en/todo/momento
en/todo/momento.ADV todo
todo.ADJ47ms,todo.PRONn momento
momento.N1ms un
un.DETms enorme
enorme.ADJ61msfs riesgo
30The predicative noun peligro (danger) with the
support verb ser (to be), ser un peligro (to be a
ser ser.N2Ams,ser.V99UINF un
un.DETms peligro peligrar.V1IPRES1s,pel
31The predicative noun aires de suficiencia with
the support verb tener (to have), tener aires de
suficiencia (to be or to get on (ones) high
horse), with the intervening adverbial phrase
durante la reunión (during the meeting) and
followed by the adjective insoportable
tuvo tener.V87IPIND3s duran
te durante.PREP la
la.DETfs,la.CLIf3s,la.N1ms reunión
reunión.N23Bfs unos
uno.N1mp,unos.DETmp,unos.PRONmp aires
aire.N1mp aires/de/suficienci
a aire/de/suficiencia.Nmp de
de.PREP suficiencia
suficiencia.N21fs insoportables
32The predicative adjective ser fiel (to be loyal)
with the intervening adverb siempre (always)
serle ser.N2Ams,ser.V99UINF_le.CLI3s siempre
siempre.ADV fiel fiel.N63Amsfs,fiel.ADJ63Amsf
33The predicative adjetive estar aburrido (to be
bored) with the intervening adverbial phrase
durante aquel largo perÃodo (during a long period
of time)
estuvo estar.V77IPIND3s durante durante.PREP a
quel aquel.ADJ56ms,aquel.PRONms largo largo.AD
J47ms,largo.INTE,largo.N1ms, largar.V8IPRES1
s,largarse.V8RIPRES1s perÃodo perÃodo.N1ms abu
rrido aburrir.V17PPms,aburrido.ADJ47ms
34The predicative prepositional phrase estar en
condiciones (to be in a fit state or in a
position to)
estar estar.V77INF en
en.PREP en/condiciones
en/condiciones.PN condiciones
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36Automata transduction
37Differences between accepting and transducing a
a b c
lt a b c gt
b a b
38Differences between accepting and transducing a
unas propuestas eficaces
lt unas propuestas eficaces gt
una.DETfp propuesta.Nfp eficaz.ADJmpfp
39Transducer of Spanish compound continuous verb
forms with haber (to have), and estar (to be) and
with optional intervening clitic pronouns and
40Transducer of Spanish compound tenses formed (1)
by haber (to have) and a past participle and (2)
by estar (to be) and and a gerund with one or two
optional intervening clitic pronouns
41Lexical recognition by using transducers from
42Transducer with variables which detects the
idiomatic verb correr un riesgo (to run the risk
43Transduction of the idiomatic verb correr un
riesgo (to take the risk of)
44Transduction of the idiomatic verb correr un
riesgo (to take the risk of)
45Transduction of the idiomatic verb correr un
riesgo (to take the risk of) in a compond verbal
tense with an intervening idiomatic adverb
46Transduction of the idiomatic verb correr un
riesgo (to take the risk of) in a compound verbal
tense with an intervening adverbial idiom
47Transducer with variables to detect the
predicative noun peligro (danger) with the
support verb ser (to be)
48Transduction of the predicative noun ser un
peligro (to be a danger) in a compound tense with
an intervening adverbial phrase
49Transducer with variables to detect the idiomatic
predicative noun aires de suficiencia with the
support verb tener (to have), tener aires de
suficiencia (to be or to get on (ones) high
horse), with an intervening adverbial phrase
50Transduction of the idiomatic predicative noun
tener aires de suficiencia (to be or to get on
(ones) high horse) with the intervening
idiomatic adverb a menudo (often)
51Transducer with variables to detect the
predicative adjective ser fiel (to be loyal)
52Transduction of the predicative adjective ser
fiel (to be loyal) in a compound verbal tense
with a clitic pronoun attached to the auxiliary
53Transducer to detect the predicative
prepositional phrase estar en condiciones (to be
in a fit state or in a position to)
54Transduction of the predicative prepositioinal
phrase estar en condiciones (to be in a fit state
or in a position to) in a compound tense with the
intervening adverbial phrase tras aquella difÃcil
situación (after that difficult situation)
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