Title: CDF at IFAE 1 year later Mario Martinez
1CDF at IFAE (1 year later) Mario Martinez
- IFAE Seminar, 23rd September 2004
- proton-antiproton collisions
- Main injector
- (150 GeV proton storage ring)
- antiproton recycler (commissioning)
- Electron cooling this year
- Operational on June05
- 40 increase in Luminosity
- 36 bunches (396 ns crossing time)
Long Term Luminosity Projection (by end FY2009)
Base Goal -gt 4.4 fb-1 Design -gt 8.5 fb-1
4Tevatron Performance
Tevatron has reached the projected Lumi ? 1.1
x 1032 !!
5CDF Detector
- Upgraded Muon Detectors
- New TOF Detector
- New Plug Calorimeters
- New Drift Chamber
- New Silicon Tracking
6CDF Run II Data
CDF Efficiency gt 80 DAQ runs with 5 to
10 dead time Rest coming from very careful
operation of detectors HV due to machine
losses (to preserve silicon trackers)
CDF -gt 500 pb-1 on tape
7CDF _at_ IFAE
- IFAE Goals at CDF
- Thesis for students with physics data
- Training on Hadron Collider Physics before the
LHC - Maximize profit from CDF lessons/experience
- Be prepared for the unexpected
8IFAE-CDF Personnel
9IFAE-CDF Commitments
10IFAE-CDF Commitments
- IFAE group is leading the data quality monitoring
effort in CDF and acts as Data Quality Manager
(DQM) - IFAE defines global DQM Automated Systems to
characterize the quality of the data with
emphasis on the quantities relevant for physics
analyses - Online Offline DQM Automated Expert Systems
- Maintenance of Good Run Lists (DQM OnlineOffline
diagnosis) - WWW documentation Statistics
- IFAE is responsible of DQM Operation
- Regular Reports to CDF
- Online Support to Shift Crew operations (DQM
Pager) - IFAE charges responsibilities are formally
established in a MoU signed together with CDF and
FNAL Directorate
11DQM Online Project for CDF
Online Monitors (C based) produce online
histograms to monitor the basic performance of
the different sub-systems (occupancy levels,
dead channel
Expert System runs _at_ CDF control room
Monitors online histograms status of
Consumers, HVs and Tevatron Beams Alerts
shift-crew in case of problems -gt Determines
Online Good Run Status
12DQM Offline Project for CDF
Latest calibrations and alignments are used to
reconstruct high-level objects (electrons,.
photons, jets, J/Y...) as they are employed in
final physics analyses A number of critical
quantities are selected, enough for DQM
diagnosis (DQM workshop on Nov03 decided list)
The DQM expert system implements the logic to
automatically analyze the critical histograms and
evaluate their quality
position width
signal vs background
The errors detected (either due to raw detector
quantities or caused by offline reconstruction
codes) are promptly reported to detector experts
13DQM Offline
high pt m
low pt ele
low pt m
Fully automatic generation of histograms and
14Validation Good Run Lists for CDF
DQM Offline system also participates in
intensive Offline Validation Efforts carried out
each time a new version of official analysis
code is compiled DQM is part of check-list for
the CDF offline shifter (who monitors the data
flow during farm data processing) DQM
decisions (Online Offline) are combined to
produce the CDF official lists of good runs
for physics IFAE has the responsibility to
centralize update data quality decisions and
produce good run lists for the whole CDF
15Status of DQM Project (4 FTEs _at_
FNAL, May 2003 August 2004)
- DQM Online
- First version operational _at_ 80
- Commissioning cohabitation phase with CDF
shift-crew ongoing - Aims to replace 24hr shift-
- operator in the future
- DQM Offline
- Expert System _at_ 80
- System now fully automatic and
- already used to validate
- offline reconstruction software
- New versions of good run lists
- regularly delivered to CDF
16Detector and Computing Operations Head Rob
Roser Deputy Head Carl Bromberg Deputy Head Rick
CDF Operations Organization Chat
Trigger Dataset Working Group Kirsten
Tollefson Kevin Pitts
Safety Coordinator Dee Hahn
Admin. Support Nancy Michael
Associate Head, Detector Infrastructure Stefano
Moccia - Steve Hahn
Associate Head, Detector Subsystems Camille
Associate Head, Computer Infrastructure Frank
Associate Head, Detector Operations Masa Tanaka
Operations Manager J.J. Schmidt Mary Convery Rob
Data Handling Rob Kennedy Rick St. Denis
Process Systems Bill Noe(Leader) Dean
Becker Warren Bowman Cutchlow Cahill Steve
Gordon Jim Humbert Jim Loskot Bruce Vollmer
Trigger L1/L2 Cheng Ju Lin Roberto Carosi
Silicon Will. Trischuk Rainer Wallny
Farms Steve Wolbers
Online Database William Badgett
COT David Ambrose Morris Binkley Aseet Muhkerjee
Daily/Weekly Ops Shift Crews Sci-Co Aces(2) Co
TOF Gerry Bauer Mathew Jones
CAF Mark Neubauer
Muons Guram Chlachidze Phil Schlabach
Electrical and Mechanical Dervin
Allen(Leader) Roberto Davila Lew Morris Wayne
Walden George Wyatt
DAQ Frank Chlebana William Badgett
Data Bases Dmitry Litvintsev Petar Maximovic
CLC Jaco Konigsberg Sasha Suhkanov
Level 3 Gilles Lentdecker G. Gomez-Ceballos
Interactive Computing Robert Harris
Slow Controls Steve Hahn(Leader) JJ Schmidt JC Yun
Monitoring/Valid Kaori Maeshima
Radiation Monitoring Rick Tesarek
CSL T. Vaiciulis
Calorimeter Larry Nodulman Willis Sakumoto
Forward Koji Terashi
DQM Mario Martinez-Perez
Building Manager Craig Olson
SPL Box defined for DQM
17Spokespeople Luciano Ristori Young-Kee Kim
Executive Board
Trigger DataSet Working Group Chair K Tollefson,
CDF Organization Chat
Detector and Computing operations Head R
Roser Dep. Head C Bromberg Dep. Head R. Snider
Physics Coordinator T. Liss
Run 2B Project (P. Lukens, Proj. Mgr.) D.
Benjamin (Deputy) Project Office D. Knapp, T.J.
Offline Analysis Head 1 L.Sexton Head 2
Muons V. Martin L. Cerrito
B/C Physics M. Shapiro C. Paus
Detector Subsystems Assoc. Head C. Ginburg
Computing Infrastructure Assoc. Head F.
Silicon N. Bacchetta B. Flaugher
Tracking M. Herndon C. Hays
Electroweak A. Kotwal P. Murat
Calorimetry S. Kuhlmann
Interactive Comp. R.Harris
Electrons, jets, calor B. Heinneman B. Wagner
Exotics S. Lammel S. Worm
Data Handling R.Kennedy, R.StDenis
CAF M.Neubauer
QCD R. Field M. Martinez
TOF R. Snider
Data Base D.Litvintsev, P.Maximovic
Simulation A. Kotwal M. Paulini A.Warburton
Top P. Azzi J. Konigsberg
Farms S.Wolbers
Detector Operations Assoc. Head K. Maeshima
Offline Operations Assoc. Head P. Murat
Speakers Committee Chair F. Bedeschi
Validation data R. Snihur M. Martinez
Prod. Coord.
Ops Managers
Offline Shifters
Statistics Committee Chair L. Lyons
Daily/Weekly ops Shift Crews- SciCo, CO, Aces(2)
Code management Releases A. Kreymer
Detector Infrastructure Assoc. Head S. Moccia
Web Development NA
Infrastructure L. Sexton-Kennedy
Process Systems
Electrical Mechanical
Slow controls
Online, Offline Physics Coord. responsibilities
Building Manager
18IFAE-CDF Physics Program
19IFAE-CDF Physics Program
- The IFAE Group has defined a research program
initially based on the study of events with jets
in the final state and multi-jet events with
large missing transverse energy - Inclusive Jet Production and Quark Compositeness
- Search for Gluinos and Squarks
- Extra Dimensions KK resonance states
- ? some of the first analyses that will be done
at the LHC - IFAE already deeply involved in CDF physics
analyses - 1 Poster for DOE Annual Review (FNAL, March)
- 3 Talks at CDF Collaboration Meeting (FNAL,
April/August) - 2 Talks at APS Conference (Denver, May)
- 1 Talk at Hadron Collider Physics 2004 (Madison,
June ) - 1 Plenary Talk at Physics in Collision 2004
(Boston, June) - 1 PRD paper about to be submitted
20Structure of Matter Jets
The Tevatron Collider at Fermilab explores very
small distances . using jets
21Jets _at_ Tevatron
Dijet Mass 1364 GeV (probing distance 10-19 m)
ET 666 GeV h 0.43
ET 633 GeV h -0.19
22Jet algorithms physics
- Final state partons are revealed through
collimated flows of hadrons called jets - Measurements are performed at hadron level
theory is parton level (hadron ? parton
transition will depend on model for gluon shower
and fragmentation) - Precise jet search algorithms necessary to
compare with theory and to define hard physics
(cone in h f space ?)
23Run I Results
Observed deviation in tail .. was this a sign
of new physics ?
Run I data compared to pQCD NLO
24gluon density at high-x
Important gluon-gluon and gluon-quark
contributions at high-
Gluon pdf at high-x not well known room for SM
25Run I Jet Cross Section vs h
Measurements in the forward region allow to
constrain the gluon distribution
Big uncertainty still remains for high-x gluons
26Notes on Run I Jet algorithm
Cone algorithm not infrared safe
The jet multiplicity changed after emission of
a soft parton
Cone algorithm not collinear safe
Replacing a massless parton by the sum of two
collinear particles the jet multiplicity changes
Fixed-order pQCD calculations will contain not
fully cancelled infrared divergences
-gt Inclusive jet cross section at NNLO -gt Three
jet production at NLO -gt Jet Shapes at NLO
three partons inside a cone
27Cone-based algorithm Issues
- Cone-based algorithms can be modified to be
infrared/collinear safe ? MidPoint - Cone-based jet algorithms include an
experimental prescription to resolve
situations with overlapping cones - This is emulated in pQCD theoretical
calculations by an arbitrary increase of the
cone size R ? R R 1.3 ?
Physically is much more natural to separate jets
according to their relative transverse momentum
Kt algorithm preferred by theory
28Jet Production with KT
- Inclusive KT algorithm
- Infrared/collinear safe
- No merging / splitting
- Th. errors dominated by gluon PDF
- Data errors dominated by E-scale
- High-Pt tail to be watched closely.
- (if persists could indicate quark compositeness)
29KT jets vs D
As D increases data departs from pQCD NLO ? more
soft contributions
30x2 statistics ? 258 pb-1
31Underlying Event Jet Physics
A typical Tevatron dijet event consists of
- hard interaction gluon shower
- initial soft gluon radiation
- interaction between remnants
Underlying Event contribution must be removed
from the jets before comparing to NLO QCD
Precise jet measurements require good modeling of
the underlying event
Precise measurements on jet internal structure
will help.
Between pQCD and non-pQCD physics
32Studies on Jet Fragmentation
- Jet shape dictated by multi-gluon emission form
primary parton - Test of parton shower models and their
implementations - Sensitive to quark/gluon final state mixture and
run of strong coupling - Sensitive to underlying event structure in the
final state
33 Jet shapes
Jet shapes sensitive to the relative amount of
quark- and gluon-jets in the final state and the
running of strong coupling
34 Jet shapes
- PYTHIA Tune A ? describes data
- (enhanced ISR MI tuning)
- PYTHIA default too narrow
- PYTHIA default (w/wo MI) similar
- HERWIG too narrow at low Pt
35IFAE _at_ FNAL TODAYhttp//www.fnal.gov/pub/today/ar
36Plans Publications
- Jet Shape measurements constitute a PRD now in
the latest state of review and about to be
submitted for publication - We plan to publish a PRL with the inclusive jet
cross section by winter/spring 05 - Use all 2002 2004 statistics
- Understand Parton ? Hadron corrections
- Reduce systematic errors (jet e-scale .)
- Study quark compositeness
- Olgas Thesis by the end of 2005
- (will include also measurements at large
rapidities ? to constrain the gluon distribution
at high-x)
37IFAE-CDF Exotic Program
38Search for Squarks Gluinos
X. Portells Thesis
MSSM Spectrum
Multi-jets Large Missing Et signal (R-parity
conserved ? Neutralino is LSP)
- SM Backgrounds
- Z? nn 3 jets
- W? e n 2/3 jets
- W? t n 2 jets
- Top
Big ss
39Run I Results
Best limits on squark/gluino masses came from
this channel.
40Notes on Run I Analysis
MET distribution shows beam-related backgrounds
that must be removed first (huge reduction
factor involved)
Run 1
Bosonn jets
Only LO predictions for Z/W jet(s) SM processes
? huge scale dependence
Run 1
Precise measurement of Z? ee jet(s) is mandatory
to normalize backgrounds and validate MC event
41First Stepsin Run II
- MET f distribution dominated by beam-related
backgrounds and defects in the CAL calibrations - Now we understand the features and after some
minimum cuts things look better (but not
perfect) - Vertex
- At least two jets
- MET gt 45 GeV
- additional cuts under study
almost there..
42Extra Dimensions
O. Saltos Thesis
d?/dM (pb/GeV)
Randall-Sundrum ED Model
1 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1
Tevatron 700 GeV KK graviton
Excited graviton (spin-2 KK resonance)
M (GeV)
Mono-jet MET Signal
Z? ee
Z? nn jet irreducible background
43IFAE-CDF Computing
44 IFAE-CDF Computing
- IFAE already well involved on Physics
- Keeping leadership requires adequate CPU
capabilities (huge MC data
samples, NLO programsetc) - Needed to open new lines of physics research
- We need to have CDF _at_ HOME during CDF? ATLAS
transition - Following example from other CDF institutions, we
started building a DCAF (Decentralized CDF
Analysis Farm) for IFAE using the infrastructure
available at PIC (Spanish GRID Tier1) - A. Pacheco spent last summer at FNAL and BCN
DCAF is already working (IFAE personnel at BCN
use it now) - We are in the process of hiring a Techn. in
Informatics - BCN DCAF is growing (we bought more disks and
CPUs) - We copy the relevant DATA and MC datasets to BCN
It works ! (open to other CDF users)
46and when we thought we were too busy
47May 30th - June 3rd 2005CDF Collab. Meeting in
First time CDF will meet outside USA..
Well I guess now we are really busy but we
are doing well. so.come to Chicago and work
with us..!!
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