Title: Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
1Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- Adam Ferguson (1723-1816)
- Division of labor
- System of exchange
- No interference of the government
- Adam Smith (1732-1790)
- The Wealth of Nations (1776)
- Laws of supply and demand
- invisible hand
2Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- I. Liberalism and Social Reform
- (1) Liberal market approach (Laissez-faire
approach) - Division of labor and the exchanges of market
follow their own natural laws. - Thomas Malthus
- An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)
- Population increases and always outstrip food
supplies, and the less fit individuals will
starve. - Poverty is the result of a law of nature.
- The natural laws of the system are all to be good
in the end and it is fruitless to interfere with
3Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- I. Liberalism and Social Reform
- (2) Utilitarian approach (Welfare state approach)
- Rational individuals calculate profits and losses
and act accordingly. This self-interest is all
to the good of the system. - Jeremy Bentham
- Utilitarianism An action conforms to the
principle of utility if and only if its
performance will be more productive of pleasure
or happiness. - The greatest happiness (good) for the greatest
4Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- I. Liberalism and Social Reform
- (2) Utilitarian approach (Welfare state approach)
- John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
- Principles of Political Economy (1848)
- Market is only one system among many. Its
not Gods single law, and if its operations and
results do not bring happiness, were free to
modify it or to try another system. - This created the philosophy of reform and modern
welfare state.
5Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- II. Social Evolutionism Darwin and Spencer
- Charles Darwin
- On the Origin of Species (1859)
- All the species of animals and plants are
evolving from common ancestors through the
principle of natural selection. - The most fit ones survive and reproduce in the
available environments, and the less fit die out.
6Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- II. Social Evolutionism Darwin and Spencer
- Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
- He supports the economic principles of
laissez-faire and an evolutionist view of
stratification as produced by natural laws. - Principles of evolutionary selection
- Actions of individuals
- Invisible hand of the market
7Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- II. Social Evolutionism Darwin and Spencer
- Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
- Evolution is the process of adaptation to the
environment, and its long-terms trend, it also
means a change from the lower, earlier, and
simple adaptations to higher, later, and complex
adaptations. - Size brings about a differentiation of structure.
- In a relative simple system, we can observe
regulative system, sustaining system, and
exchange and distribution system. - As society grows, each of these sectors
8Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- II. Social Evolutionism Darwin and Spencer
- Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
- Typology of Society
- Militant society where the regulative system
dominates the sustaining system. Cooperation is
compulsory and enforced by the state. The
society is autocratic, religious, and warlike. - Industrial society where cooperation is voluntary
and mostly through the means of market. The
state exists for the benefit of its members and
not vice versa.
9Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- III. Liberalism in America
- (1) The Evolutionist Approach
- William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)
- Laissez-faire economics and Social Darwinism
- He opposed all government efforts to regulate
business or to combat social inequality. - Inequality was the mainspring of material
progress in a society of open competition. - He criticized welfare programs for foolishly
disrupting this rightful stratification.
10Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- III. Liberalism in America
- (1) The Evolutionist Approach
- William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)
- Folkways (1906)
- What do you mean by folkways and Mores?
- Folkways denote those group habits that are
common to a society or culture and are usually
called customs. - Mores is a concept developed to designate those
folkways that if violated, result in extreme
punishment. - The mores can make anything right.
11Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- III. Liberalism in America
- (2) Social Reform Approach
- Associations of all kinds
- Reform of the American universities
- How to justify intervention in social problems.
12Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- III. Liberalism in America
- (2) Social Reform Approach
- They accept the basic idea of gradual progress
through evolution. - The evolution acts through human consciousness
and choice. - The state is the conscious agent as it plans its
own advances. - Sociology should discover the laws determining
human behavior, so that society can intervene
effectively for human betterment.
13Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- III. Liberalism in America
- (2) Social Reform Approach
- Then, what are these laws?
- Sociology should explain how individual acts, and
describe the basic elements of human behaviors. - What are the social problems?
- the growing industrial cities, rapid
urbanization, and the increasing immigrant
population - What are the answers for these social problems?
- Social work, education, and legislation
14Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- IV. The Limits of Science
- Scientific efforts to solve social problems
- If humans were a kind of animal, they could be
measured, trained, or selected in more scientific
ways - Example 1) Scientific criminology
- the cranial capacities of criminals
- the family heredity of persons of genius (and
conversely) of the mentally ills and other
defectives - Superiority and inferiority of members of society
are determined by the sizes of heads, health,
height, weight, vigor, and intellect.
15Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- IV. The Limits of Science
- Example 2) Military theories of social evolution
- There are the beneficial effects of war in
improving society since the weaker races were to
be conquered by the strong - Example 3) American immigration policy after the
16Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- IV. The Limits of Science
- Some individuals and countries are in fact
superior to others, but society cannot be
explained purely by individual traits. - Social institutions work according to principles
of their own, independent of the individuals
involved. - Few discernible differences in intelligence and
other abilities among different races
17Liberalism and Social Evolutionism
- V. The Sociobiology Revival and Darwins
Consequences - what is sociobiology?
- the systematic study of the biological basis of
all social behaviors (Edward O Wilson) - Nature is more important than nurture in
determining human society. - Darwins vision of humankind sets the starting
point for a sociology that could finally become a
science. - We should see human society and its structures as
important scientific research areas as other
non-human elements in the natural world.