Title: VCMS
1She would cry a lot. They said mean stuff and
she couldnt get the website shut down because
she didnt have the password. She was really
upset about it for awhile. High School Girl
2She was afraid to walk around the school and was
afraid everyone was going to gang up on her. The
people that were (cyber) bullying her told other
people so they all picked on her.- Middle School
3This one girl had the password to her MySpace
(stolen) and they put up all these bad pictures
and stuff on it. Her parents found it and were
very mad and they called the police about it.
Middle School Boy
4My best friend in middle school, she had a
profile on Xanga and someone posted this horrible
one about her, it was dedicated to her. - High
School Girl
5Maybe introduce kids to cyber bullying at a
younger age, talk to classes about it and signs
of it so theyll know if its going on and not be
afraid to tell (their) parents and stuff.
6 At my old school there was some kind of comment
section on a website where all these kids ganged
up on one girl. - Middle School Girl
7I just dont like people harassing me, I mean,
they just wont stop sending text messages.
-High School Male
8She thought the girls who altered her picture
were her friends, so she lost those friendships.
High School Girl
9 I felt bad for (her), because it was multiple
girls being mean to one girlon MySpace.
Middle School Girl
10In my neighborhood there was like this one kid
and we all got pissed off at him and he had a
websiteso we left a bunch of mean comments on
his site. High School Boy
11(No Transcript)