Title: Week 7: Services Marketing Management
1Week 7Services Marketing Management
2Services Marketing Management
- By the end of this session you will
- Appreciate the particular characteristics of
services - Understand the composition of the services
marketing mix - Appreciate the importance of internal and
relationship marketing activity in a service
oriented business
3 What is a Service?
- A service is a form of product that is
essentially intangible. Any activity or benefit
that one party can offer another that does not
result in the ownership of anything. Examples
include -
4Growth in Services /or Service Culture
- Dramatic growth in recent years for many
economies, services represent up to 60-70 of GDP - More sophisticated products require more design,
production and maintenance services - Outsourcing trend means that manufacturers are
buying more services in - All offer additional challenges for the marketing
55 Distinguishing Characteristics of Services
- Intangibility - a deed, performance or effort
cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled
before purchase (Armstrong Kotler, 2006) - Inseparability - simultaneous production and
consumption cant be separated from providers - Variability / Heterogeneity - quality depends on
who provides them and when, where and how
(standardisation is difficult) - Perishability - services cannot be stored for
later sale or use - Lack of Ownership no transfer of ownership of
anything (no goods change hands)
6Differences between Services and Physical Goods
- The nature of the product
- Customers involvement in the production process
- People as part of the product
- Greater problems in maintaining quality
- Harder for customers to evaluate
- Absence of inventories
- Relative importance of time factors
- Structure and nature of distribution channels
7The Product Spectrum
- High service, low physical product (
- Medium service, medium product (
- High physical content, low service (
8Characteristics of Services
- Buyers look for signals of service quality,
from place, people, price, equipment and
communications that they can see, so - The service providers task is to make the
service tangible in one or more ways and send the
right signals or cues about quality - Role of evidence management
9Marketing Strategies for Service Firms
- As per manufacturing business, good service firms
use marketing to position themselves strongly in
chosen target markets through marketing mix
activities but may need more - Effective interactions with customers to create
superior value during service encounters
requires - Effective skills of front-line service employees
- Support processes backing these employees
10Marketing Strategies at the Ritz-Carlton
- 3 Steps of Service
- A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guest name,
if and when possible - Anticipation and compliance with guest needs
- Fond farewell. Give them a warm good-bye and use
their name, if and when possible -
- We are Ladies and Gentleman Serving Ladies and
11The Service-Profit Chain (Heskett et al, 1997,
in Armstrong Kotler, 2006)
- Links service firm profits with both employee and
customer satisfaction 5 links are - Internal service quality (employee selection and
training, work environment) which results in - Satisfied and productive service employees
(satisfied, loyal, hardworking) which results in
- Greater service value (effective/efficient value
creation and service delivery) which results in - Satisfied and loyal customers (who will repeat
purchase and refer others) which results in - Healthy service profits and growth (superior
12Marketing for Services
- Happy employees will unleash their enthusiasm
on customers, creating even greater customer
satisfaction - (H. Schultz, CEO Starbucks)
- Service Marketing requires more than just
traditional external marketing using the 4 Ps
also requires internal marketing, interactive
marketing and relationship marketing activity
13The Services Marketing Mix 7Ps?
- While it is possible to discuss the following
within the original 4 Ps framework, many propose
adding - People-
- Physical Evidence-
- Process-
- How do these additional Ps affect implementation
of the marketing concept?
14Internal Marketing
- The service firm must effectively train and
motivate its customer-contact employees and
supporting service people to work as a team, to
provide customer satisfaction - Get everyone to be customer-centred
- Internal marketing must precede external
marketing - NB
15Interactive Marketing Managing Service Quality
- Service quality depends heavily on the quality of
the buyer-seller interaction during the service
encounter - Service deliverer quality of the delivery
- Need a balance to
- Increase service differentiation (offer,
delivery, image ) - Manage service quality (consistently high and/or
have good service recovery) - Manage service productivity (but dont take the
service out of service!)
16Relationship Marketing Meeting customer
- Key to providing service quality is to understand
and meet customer expectations - In evaluating outcome and experience of a service
encounter, consider - 1. Access 2. Reliability
- 3. Credibility 4. Security
- 5. Ustand customer 6. Responsiveness
- 7. Courtesy 8. Competence
- 9. Communication 10. Tangibles
17Customer Relationship Marketing
- Delivering excellent service quality creates the
opportunity to build an ongoing relationship with
customers. Use when - There is an ongoing/periodic desire for the
service by the customer - The customer controls the selection of a service
provider - The customer has alternatives from which to
18Customer Relationship Marketing - Benefits
- Increased purchases
- Lower cost
- Lifetime value of a customer
- Sustainable competitive advantage
- Additional business through word-of-mouth
promotion - Employee satisfaction and retention
- Net result