Title: Spotlight on the USA
1Spotlight on the USA
From Sea to Shining Sea
2The United States of America is a federal
republic situated in North America. It is
bordered on the north by Canada and on the south
by Mexico. It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean and
the Bering Sea in the west the Arctic Ocean in
the northern most areas and the Atlantic Ocean
by the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea in
the eastern and southeastern areas. It shares
territorial water boundaries with Canada, Russia
and the Bahamas. The country covers 9.37 million
square kilometers, it makes the USA the fourth
largest country in the world (after Russia,
Canada and China).
3Regional Variety
The United States owes much of its national
character and its wealth to its good fortune
in having such a large and varied landmass to
inhabit and cultivate. A car trip from coast to
coast typically takes a minimum of five days
and thats with almost no stops to look around.
Montana state
Arizona state
Florida state
4New England region
Providence, Rhode Island, is the second largest
city in New England region.
New England region is the smallest region in the
USA. It was the first place, where the first
colonists, from England, came and began a new
life there. The region has many rivers and
streams. The longest is the Connecticut River,
which flows from northeastern New Hampshire for
655 km (407 miles) until it empties into the Long
Island Sound.
5Mid Atlantic region
The capital of the USA - Washington
- The Mid Atlantic region plays an important
role in the United States. Its cities include
Washington, D.C., the nations financial center.
Geographically the Mid Atlantic states are
quite different from one another. New York
borders on Canada and has cold winter Maryland
has much in common with the American South.
6The Midwest region
Mount Rushmore
The Midwest is a large, economically important
region. It contains major industrial cities and
much of Americas farmland. Geographically, the
Midwest can be divided into three smaller
regions. The northern Great Lakes area has many
hills, lakes and forests. South is the prairie
area. To the west is the Great Plains area, which
is drier than the prairie.
7The South region
Miami beach
The South is economically, historically, and
culturally a distinct region. It has a warm
climate and a long growing season for crops.
Crops like cotton were best grown on plantations
large landholdings. In the last few decades,
the South has become more industrial and urban
than in the past.
8The Southwest region
Grand Canyon
The Southwest is characterized by geographical
and cultural variety. Geographically, the region
ranges from humid lands in eastern Texas to
drier prairies in Oklahoma and Texas to mountains
and deserts in Arizona and New Mexico. The
Southwest states are rich in minerals. Livestock
raising is also an important part of the
Southwests economy.
9The Northwest region
Colorado Rockies forests
The Northwest is a region of scenic beauty on a
grand scale. All of its states are partly
mountainous, and the ranges are the sources of
startling contrasts. To the west of the peaks,
winds from the Pacific Ocean carry enough
moisture to keep the land well-watered. To the
east the land is very dry.
10(No Transcript)
- 1. Where is the United States of America situated?
12- 2. What ocean lies to the west of the USA?
13- 3. What ocean lies to the east of the USA?
14- 4. What place in the world does USA take in size ?
15- 5. What is the smallest region of the USA?
16- 6. What region is the capital of America
situated in?
17- 7. What is the Southwest region famous for?
18- 8. What is the landscape of the Northwest region?
19- 9. What is the name of the group of lakes
between Canada and the USA?
20- 10. If you were to walk south from the western
USA, what country would you enter?