Title: Darryl Bumpass, Sr: Coach Spotlight
1Certified Life Coach
Darryl Bumpass Sr
Self-Investment Speaker 1 Bestselling Author
Life Motivation Coach
2DARRYL BUMPASS Sr Coach Spotlight
Certified Life Coach
We had a chance to interview life coach Darryl
Bumpass, Sr. on his approach to life coaching.
Q How do you help people to reach their goals
or find their path/purpose in life? A Im in
love with this thing I do, this thing I do is
inspiring my clients to fall in love with
themselves and to fall in love with life.
3Certified Life Coach
Q If someone needs some inspiration or
motivation, what would you tell them? A I would
suggest they read my books (I Know You Hear Me,
But Are You Listening ?) and (We Need To Talk!).
I hope my story , my journey will inspire and
motivate them to step into blueprint and
4Certified Life Coach
Q What attitudes or beliefs have helped you be
successful in your own life? A Education is
cool, but information is cooler. Information is
at your fingertips , you just have to seek it out.
5Certified Life Coach
Q Tell us about a common challenge your clients
have and how they can overcome it. A First off
I love my clients, my clients biggest challenge
is where and how do I start. I tell them they
have to Get Out Of Their Own WAY. Stop
interfering with the blueprint that has been
drawn out for you before you were born.
6Certified Life Coach
Q What holds most people back from creating the
life that they want? A Fear and interfering
with the process. When you stop interfering with
your blueprint and the process, you begin to see
Darryl Bumpass, Sr. 85 Columbia St, New York, NY
10002, USA Website https//darrylbumpasssr.com/