Title: Project
2Project CHESS
CHanges in European SocietieS Goals to build up
a framework of schools from different countries
(Spain, Germany, Denmark) for reflecting, working
on and comparing the different changes in the
communities of each region.
developed by Christoph Abt, Karen Conrad, Dorte
Jensen, Roland Schneidt, Isabel Rodriguez Suarez,
Belen Noval Vega
3CHESS Structure
- 1st STEP
- Class-discussion
- Setting the goals
- What are we about to achieve?
- Who are the partners?
- Explaining the aim of the project
4CHESS Structure
- 2nd STEP
- Planning in student-groups
- Where to find information?
- How are we going to develop it?
- What sort of materials are needed?
- How are we going to distribute the tasks?
- What resources are to be used?
5CHESS Structure
- 3rd STEP
- Realisation in student-groups
- teamwork accomplishing the task
- group presentation
- group self-evaluation
If at this point the group goals are not
fulfilled, and for this reason the objectives are
not completed, the group will have to return to
step number 2 (Planning)
6CHESS Structure
- 4th STEP
- Each group gives a presentation to the class
- New technologies are to be used
7CHESS Structure
- 5th STEP
- Evaluation within the groups
- As a result of it, students compose their work to
a final summary in English and on websites
8CHESS Structure
- 6st STEP
- Exchange European partners
- Presentations of all the project-work in English
(alternatively presentation on the internet)
9CHESS Structure
- 7th STEP
- Summarise
- Evaluation
10Evaluation 1
11Evaluation 2
12CHESS Aviles
- Instituto de Educacion
- Secundaria de Valliniello
- subjects basic economic knowledge, f.o.l.
(vocational guidance and first employment
research) - Teacher
- Belen Noval Vega
- Isabel Rodriguez Suarez
13CHESS Aviles
- main objective of students project
- changes in the 21st European society
- social and economic changes in Aviles (changing
from heavy metal industries to the tertiaer
sector) - future employment perspective (new technologies,
services, tourism, etc.)
14CHESS Aviles
- weekly three hours
- weeks six
- Time steps to follow
- 1 week planning
- 3 weeks realisation
- 1 week evaluation and final write-up project
- 1 week class presentation and final evaluation
15CHESS Slagelse
- Slagelse Gymnasium
- Class 2nd year
- Subjects Danish, history, social science,
geography, religion - Teacher
- Karen Conrad
- Dorte Jensen
Picture of the school
16CHESS Slagelse
- Historical dimension
- The middle of the 19th century
Industrialization-Consequences, changes in rural
life, Urbanization, Political changes,
Infra-structure, Womens lib, Religious and other
ideological changes - Draw a timeline through the 20th century
- Focus on the impact of the two world wars,
especially the 30ies, the 60ies and now. - Focus on your own region, taking the above
mentioned changes into consideration
17CHESS - Slagelse
- Time schedule
- 6 weeks
- 1 week introductory class work
- 4 weeks group work
- 1 week presentation and evaluation.
18CHESS Bieberstein
- Hermann-Lietz-Schule
- Schloss Bieberstein
- Class 11-13
- Subjects Social Studies, History, Geography
- Teacher
- Martin Grosch
- Christoph Abt
19CHESS Bieberstein
- Region
- In very close proximity to the former
German/German Border. - Subjects/Classes involved
- We will make it an intra-school project and
combine the social study classes of our Years
11-13 - Tasks
- Our task will be to examine the radical changes
in the region since the opening of the border. - Students will find out about the changes in
infrastructure (re-opened roads), the economy
(people in the State of Thuringa still earning
less in comparison to Hessen), different patterns
of every day life and
20CHESS Bieberstein
- Objectives/Methodology
- Students will hopefully
- visit Alphapoint a former border checkpoint,
now a museum - develop the questionnaire being used to
interview a cross-selection of the population
including mayors of surrounding villages - go out and do the interviews
- analyse the answers/results using an EXCEL
spreadsheet - summarise their findings in writing
- present it to the school during one of or
weekly assemblies - travel to the various partner schools to
compare and summarise findings
21CHESS Bieberstein
- Time schedule
- 6 weeks
- 1 week introductory class work
- 4 weeks group work
- 1 week presentation and evaluation.
22Key ideas
- Enhancing autonomous learning
- Developing new skills for teachers and students
- Facilitating the use of new technologies
- Encouraging positive attitudes
- Promoting cooperation between teachers and
students - Strengthening the idea of the European Dimension
- Broadening the knowledge about the European
23- Thank you for listening!
- Muchas gracias por vuestra atencion!
- Mange tak for jeres opmaerksomhed!
- Vielen Dank fuer ihre Aufmerksamkeit!
- ???a??st? p??? p?? µa? a???sate!