Title: San Diego .NET User Group Team System Education Day
1San Diego .NET User GroupTeam System Education
- Andrew Karcher Clarity Consulting
- Board Member
- Leader, Special Events Committee
230 off OReiley Books
- O'Reilly's Safari Books Online has just announced
a new service called Rough Cuts that gives you
early access to content on cutting-edge
technologies months before it's published. Rough
Cuts allows you to purchase work-in-progress
manuscripts of selected titles. You'll even have
the chance to shape the final product by sending
feedback to the author and editors. The beta
version just debuted with four works-in-progress
covering Ajax, Ruby, and Flickr. - For Discount use Discount Code DSUG
- For more information, go to
- http//www.oreilly.com/roughcuts/
- Rough Cuts FAQ
- http//www.oreilly.com/roughcuts/faq.csp
3Book Reviews
- Publishers love Book Reviews!!
- If you have received a book as a prize for read a
book please post a review on Amazon, Barnes
Noble, Blog, Website, etc. - Email us as events_at_sandiegodotnet.com with the
location. - This will help us to insure we continue getting
Free Books to give away!!!
4San Diego .NET User GroupOrganizing Committee
- Finance and Legal
- Dan Mathson
- Gordon Seay
- Membership Relations
- John Clement
- Web site and Infrastructure
- Tony Su
- Mayank Vyas
- Gordon Seay
- Brian Loesgen
- Events Committee
- Andrew Karcher
- Sheedy Dehdashti
- Tim Henning
- SIGs
- Dan Mathson (ASP.NET)
- Aida Cutuk (Beginner)
- Zoiner Tejada (Architecture)
- Brian Loesgen (Connected Systems)
5Special Thanks to Microsoft
6SDNETUG 2007 Meetings
Main Meeting 4th Tuesday ASP.NET 3rd Tuesday Beginner SIG 2nd Thursday Conferences Quarterly (projected)
7SIG Updates
- ASP.NET, Dan Mathson
- Architecture, Zoiner Tejada
- Connected Systems, Brian Loesgen
8Architecture SIG Special Meeting
- Adam Calderon (C MVP) will be presenting on
Windows Workflow Foundation. - For those of you who missed his excellent
presentation at the conference now is your chance
for a more intimate session. - Prizes! Robert Half Technology is sponsoring my
pick of three workflow books to raffle off.
Having read many of the WF books available,
expect the raffle winners to take home some great
references. - When April 4th 6-8 PM
- Where Microsoft La Jolla Office
- RSVP (required) Please RSVP to
ZoinerTejada_at_HersheyTech.com if you want to
attend. - Cost Its Free!
9Membership Information
- Conference Discounts
- 2-3 Per Day
- Attendance at Main User Group Meetings
- 4th Tuesday of Every Month
- Bathrooms
- Power Strips
- Breakfast and Snacks
- Lunch
- Afternoon Snacks
- Raffle and Giveaways
11Upcoming Events Geek Happy Hour
- Put those books and laptops away for a few hours
and join your fellow .NET geeks for a fun Happy
Hour event. The User Group will be sponsoring
the event with some appetizers. This is a great
chance to network or just hang out with your
peers in the .NET industry. - WHERE
- Karl Strauss Brewing Company, Sorrento Mesa "The
Brewery Gardens, Sorrento Mesa - WHEN
- Monday, June 4th, 5pm 9pm.
- Please RSVP to Tom Castiglia (tom_at_hersheytech.com)
by Thursday, May 31st.
12Job Board
- Looking for work?
- Looking for people?
- 5 New Jobs Posted This Month!
13Job Opportunities
- Neudesic continues to grow explosively
- Managing Consultant Phoenix District East
Region - Principal .NET Developer - All Districts
- Principal SharePoint Developers - All Districts
- Principal BizTalk Developers - All Districts
- Business Intelligence Developer - All Districts
- SQL Data Architect DBA All Districts
- CRM Developers - All Districts
- Business Analysts OC District
- Brian.Loesgen_at_Neudesic.com
14Job Opportunities
- Robert Half Technology
- MS Certified Gold Partner
- (858) 558-6990
- Jessica Alys
- jessica.alys_at_rht.com
- Brendan Nicholas
- brendan.nicholas_at_rht.com
15Job Opportunities
- Staffing Innovations
- Looking for
- C, C and Java developers
- (858) 677-7790
- David Teater
- dteater_at_staffingi.com
16Job Opportunities
- Software Engineer/Programmer
- C, VB .Net
- AESC, Inc.
- Contact Don Pratt
- (858) 573-9534
17Job Opportunities
- Su Network Consulting
- 1 Position!
- WinMobile Developer (CF 2.0)
- Intermediate/Adv Beginner ASP.NET 2.0
- Tony Su
- tonysu_at_su-networking.com
18Job Opportunities
- Sr. Systems Admin (Windows nix)
- MS Office Specialist Dreamweaver
- Theodore
- Theodore.Hahn_at_gmail.com
19Job Opportunities
- ASP.Net Web Programmers
- Team System
- Agile Methodology
- Inventory and Asset Tracking Software
- New Projects Great Opportunity to get in on the
ground floor - Email lkudray_at_trakersystems.com
20Todays Conference
- Chris Menegay, Notion Solutions