Human Vibration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Human Vibration


Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik Radebeul / Germany ... Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik Radebeul / Germany 5. EC Directive 2002/44/EC ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Human Vibration

Human Vibration
  • Introduction, Legislation and Standards

Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik Radebeul /
Effects of Vibration at Workplaces
Human Vibration
Hand-Arm Vibration
Whole-Body Vibration
Working with hand-held machines or driving mobile
work machines and vehicles may cause damage to
bones, joints, muscles and circulatory problems
in the hand-arm system as well as disk damage to
the spine.
Activities with Potential Health Risk
  • Whole-Body Vibration
  • Tractor driving
  • Armored fighting vehicles, e.g., tanks
  • Earth-moving machinery - loaders, excavators,
    bulldozers, graders, scrapers, dumpers, rollers
  • Forest machines driving
  • Mine and quarry equipment
  • Forklift trucks
  • Some trucks
  • Some bus and tram driving
  • Some helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft
  • Some concrete production machinery
  • Some railway driving
  • Some sports activities etc.
  • Source Michael J. Griffin / ILO
  • Hand-Arm Vibration
  • Hand-held powered tools used in manufacturing
    percussive metal-working tools, grinders and
    other rotary tools, impact wrenches etc.
  • Quarrying, mining and construction rock-drills,
    stone-hammers, pick-hammers, vibro-compactors
  • Agriculture and forestry chain saws, brush saws,
    barking machines, lawn mowers etc.
  • Public utilities road and concrete breakers,
    drill-hammers, hand-held grinders etc.

Legislation and Standards
EC Vibration Protection Directive 2002/44/EC
Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to
hand-transmitted vibration ISO 53492001
Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body
vibration ISO 26311997
Human Response to Vibration Measuring
Instrumentation ISO 80412005
EC Directive 2002/44/EC
Since the implementation of the EC Vibration
Protection Directive 2002/44/EC there has been
an obligation on companies throughout Europe to
assess the risks of jobs involving vibration.
The directive defines minimum requirements for
employers and manufacturers of machines. For
evaluation daily vibration exposure A(8) is
used where ahv is the total vibration value of
the frequency weighted acceleration during the
exposure, calculated on the basis of the
standards ISO 5349 for hand-arm vibration and ISO
2631 for whole-body vibration Te is the total
duration of exposure during one work day T0 is
the reference duration of 8 hours
EC Directive 2002/44/EC
  • The directive lays down the following limit
    values for the daily vibration exposure A(8)

A(8) limit values Hand-Arm Vibration Whole-Body Vibration
Exposure Action Value 2.5 m/s² 0.5 m/s²
Exposure Limit 5 m/s² 1.15 m/s²
EC Directive 2002/44/EC
  • Once the exposure action value is exceeded, the
    employer shall establish and implement
  • a program of technical and and organizational
    measures intended to reduce to a
  • minimum exposure to mechanical vibration, taking
    into account in particular
  • Other working methods that require less exposure
    to mechanical vibration
  • Appropriate work equipment of ergonomic design,
    producing the least possible vibration
  • Provision of auxiliary equipment that reduces the
    risk of injuries, such as protective gloves or
    special seats
  • Appropriate maintenance programs for work
  • Design and layout of workplaces
  • Adequate information and training to instruct
    workers to use work equipment correctly and
  • Limitation of the duration and intensity of the
  • Work schedules with adequate rest periods
  • Provision of clothing to protect workers from
    cold and damp
  • In any event, workers shall not be exposed above
    the exposure limit value. If this should
  • be the case, the employer shall take immediate
    action to reduce exposure below the
  • exposure limit value.

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • General Requirements
  • The used measuring equipment must conform to ISO
  • Vibration should be measured in three orthogonal
    directions simultaneously
  • The sensor must be capable of measuring the
    highest peak acceleration magnitudes
  • The sensor should be mounted as close as possible
    to the center of the handle without affecting
    normal use of the machine
  • In the case of machines which need to be held
    with both hands, measurements must be made on
    each hand. The exposure is determined by
    reference to the higher value of the two
  • Measurand is the interval RMS of
    frequency-weighted acceleration in m/s²

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Weighting Filter
  • The weighting filter Wh represents the relative
    health risk of certain vibration frequencies for
    the hand-arm system

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Interval RMS
  • Interval RMS values awx, awy and awz should be
    measured and reported for X, Y and Z separately
  • To minimize variation, vibration should be
    measured, if possible, several times during a
    work day and averaged
  • where
  • ahwi is the interval RMS of measurement i
  • n is the number of measurements
  • ti is the duration of measurement i
  • The measuring time shall be sufficiently long to
    provide representative values for a machine or
    activity. The duration of one measurement should
    be more than 8 seconds. The total measuring time
    should be at least 1 minute.

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Total Vibration Value
  • Evaluation is performed on the basis of Total
    Vibration Value ahv, which is the square root of
    the sum of the squares (vector sum) of the
    interval RMS values awx, awy and awz
  • In certain cases it may be not possible or not
    necessary to measure the RMS in three axes for
    the calculation of ahv. The results of uniaxial
    measurements must be multiplied with a correction
    factor. The factor can vary from 1.0, if there is
    only one dominating axis, to 1.7, if all three
    axes have simi lar values
  • where
  • awmeas is the measured RMS value

for one dominating axis
for three similar axes
Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Daily Exposure
  • The health risk depends on the duration of
    vibration exposure during a work day
  • Daily exposure A(8) is the equivalent continuous
    acceleration over an eight-hour work period. For
    the determination of A(8) it is not necessary to
    measure over eight hours. It is sufficient to
    make short-term measurements during
    representative work steps. The results are
    normalized to eight hours. Daily exposure is
    calculated as follows
  • where
  • ahv is the total vibration value of the
    frequency weighted acceleration during the
  • Te is the total duration of exposure during one
    work day
  • T0 is the reference duration of 8 hours

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Combined Daily Exposure
  • If a daily exposure consists of more than one
    activity with different vibration magnitudes,
    daily exposure is calculated
  • where
  • ahvi is the total vibration value of the
    frequency weighted acceleration of activity i
  • n is the number of activities
  • Ti is the duration of activity i
  • To compare the contributions of different
    activities, it may be useful to calculate partial
    exposure values

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Daily exposure should be measured for both hands
  • Since measurement uncertainty is usually
    relatively high (e.g. 20 to 40 ), not more than
    two significant digits should be stated for A(8)

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Measuring Report
  • The result of measurements to ISO 5349 shall be a
    report including the following data
  • Names of company / contractor and operating
  • Purpose of measurement
  • Date
  • Location
  • Temperature, humidity, noise
  • Description of activities
  • Work procedure (working time, interruptions,
  • Tested equipment (model, serial no., condition,
    age, weight, rotary speed, handle type), tools
    and work pieces
  • Measuring equipment (type, serial no.,
    calibration date, function chaeck
  • Sensor positions and directions, mounting method
  • Measured interval RMS in X / Y / Z direction for
    each activity
  • Total vibration value Ahv for each activity
  • Duration Ti of each activity for one work day
  • Daily vibration exposure A(8)
  • Partial Daily vibration exposure Ai (8), if

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Function Check and Calibration
  • It is recommended to perform a function check of
    the sensor and the measuring instrument before
    and after each measurement by means of a
    vibration calibrator
  • Calibration should be performed in regular
    intervals, e.g. after 2 years, in order to check
    that the equipment is within the specification to
    ISO 8041

Hand-Arm Vibration Standard ISO 5349
  • Practical sensor locations for various machine

Chain saw
Angle grinder
Grinding machine
Straight handle
Chipping hammer
Steering wheel
More examples of measuring points can be found in
ISO 8662 for various hand-held machines, ISO 7505
for chain saws and ISO 7916 for portable brush
Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • General Requirements
  • ISO 2631-1 covers methods for the measurement of
    periodic, random and transient vibration with
    regard to health, comfort and perception
  • The considered frequency range is 0.5 to 80 Hz
  • Measurand is frequency weighted acceleration
  • Applicable for vibrations transmitted to the body
    as a whole through the supporting surfaces the
    feet of a standing person, the back and the feet
    of a seated person, the buttock or the supporting
    surface of a recumbent person
  • Vibration is measured triaxial with a coordinate
    system originating at the point from which
    vibration enters the body. The Z axis always runs
    along the spine

Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Sensor
  • A commonly used sensor design for seat vibration
    measurement is given in ISO 10326-1. A flat
    triaxial accelerometer is built into a semi-rigid
    rubber disk
  • Sensors shall be located at the interface between
    the body and the supporting surface
  • Most common sensor locations for seated and
    standing persons are the principal support areas
    of the seat surface, the seat back and the feet.
    For recumbent persons the supporting surfaces
    under the pelvis, the back and the head are used.

Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Evaluation Methods
  • The selection of appropriate evaluation methods
    depends on the amount of shocks and transient
    vibration in the measured signal, defined as the
    crest factor
  • The basic evaluation method shall be used for
    evaluation. In cases where one of the alternative
    methods is used, both the basic and the
    alternative evaluation value shall be reported.

Evaluation Methods
Crest factor lt 9?
Basic Evaluation Method (interval RMS)
Running RMS Method (MTVV)
Fourth Power Vibration Dose Method (VDV)
Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Basic Evaluation Method
  • For vibration with low contents of shocks (crest
    factor lt 9)
  • Measurand is the RMS of frequency weighted
    acceleration in m/s²
  • where
  • aw(t) is the instantaneous frequency weighted
  • T is the duration of measurement (integration
  • In the presence of occasional shocks or transient
    vibration, i.e. high crest factors, the basic
    evaluation method may underestimate the effects
    of whole-body vibration.

Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Running RMS Method
  • Takes into account occasional shocks and
    transient vibration by use of running RMS with a
    short integration time constant of preferably 1
  • where
  • aw(t) is the instantaneous frequency weighted
  • ? is the integration time constant for running
  • t is the time
  • t0 is the time of observation
  • The result is given as the highest magnitude of
    the running RMS during the measurement period
    called maximum transient vibration value MTVV

Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Fourth Power Vibration Dose Method (VDV)
  • More sensitive to peaks than the basic evaluation
    method by using the fourth power instead of the
    second power of acceleration
  • The result is called Vibration Dose Value (VDV)
    which has the unit m/s1,75
  • where
  • aw(t) is the instantaneous frequency weighted
  • T is the duration of measurement
  • When the vibration exposure consists of periods
    with different VDV, the total vibration dose is
    calculated from the fourth root of the sum of the
    fourth power partial vibration dose values
  • Estimated Vibration Dose

Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Weighting Filters
  • Health, comfort and perception are dependent on
    the vibration frequency content
  • Different frequency weightings are required for
    the different directions
  • Two principal weightings are Wk and Wd

Frequency Weighting Health Comfort Perception
Wk Z axis of seat surface Z axis of seat surface Z axis when standing vertical recumbent (except head) X / Y / Z axes of feet when sitting Z axis of seat surface Z axis when standing vertical recumbent (except head)
Wd X / Y axes of seat surface X / Y axes of seat surface X / Y axes when standing horizontal recumbent Y / Z axes of seat back X / Y axes of seat surface X / Y axes when standing horizontal recumbent
Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Weighting Filters
  • Additional weightings are Wc, We and Wj

Frequency Weighting Health Comfort Perception
Wc X axis of seat back X axis of seat back X axis of seat back
We - rx / ry / rz axes (rotational) of seat surface rx / ry / rz axes (rotational) of seat surface
Wj - vertical recumbent head vertical recumbent head
Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Weighting Filters

Wk (Z standing and seated, vert. recumb.)
Wc (Seat back)
Wd (X/Y standing and seated, hor. recumb.)
Wj (head recumbent)
Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Vibration Total Value
  • Combining vibrations of three orthogonal
    directions by calculating the square root of the
    sum of the squares (vector sum) of the interval
    RMS values awx, awy and awz
  • The values of the multiplying factors kx, ky and
    kz depend on the selected frequency weighting

Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Multiplying Factors for Vibration Total Value

Health Comfort Perception
kx 1.4 (Filter Wd, seat surface) 1.0 (Filter Wd, seat surface) 0.8 (Filter Wc, seat backrest) 0.25 (Filter Wk, seated, feet) 1.0 (Filter Wd, standing) 1.0 (Filter Wk, recumbent) 1.0 (Filter Wd, seat surface) 1.0 (Filter Wd, standing) 1.0 (Filter Wk, recumbent)
ky 1.4 (Filter Wd, seat surface) 1.0 (Filter Wd, seat surface) 0.5 (Filter Wd, seat backrest) 0.25 (Filter Wk, seated, feet) 1.0 (Filter Wd, standing) 1.0 (Filter Wd, recumbent) 1.0 (Filter Wd, seat surface) 1.0 (Filter Wd, standing) 1.0 (Filter Wd, recumbent)
kz 1.0 (Filter Wk, seat surface) 1.0 (Filter Wk, seat surface) 0.4 (Filter Wd, seat backrest) 0.4 (Filter Wk, seated, feet) 1.0 (Filter Wk, standing) 1.0 (Filter Wd, recumbent) 1.0 (Filter Wk, seat surface) 1.0 (Filter Wk, standing) 1.0 (Filter Wd, recumbent)
Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Health Guidance Zones
  • There are not sufficient data to establish a
    quantitative relationship between vibration
    exposure and health risk
  • The following health guidance zone diagram can be
    used as a rough orientation

Health risk
Caution Zone
No known effects
Whole-Body Vibration Standard ISO 2631-1
  • Basic Requirements for Human Vibration Meters
  • The instrument shall at least display the
    following quantities- The interval RMS of
    frequency weighted acceleration over the
    averaging time- The interval RMS of unweighted,
    but bandpass filtered acceleration over the
    averaging time- The averaging time
  • The instrument shall display an overload
    condition which occurred during the averaging
    time. Overload shall be indicated for all
    relevant points of the signal path.The overload
    message must be held during the entire averaging
  • A calibration function for transducer sensitivity
    must be available
  • The instrument may also measure Maximum Transient
    Vibration Value (MTVV)
  • The instrument may also measure Vibration Dose
    Value (VDV)
  • The instrument may also measure Total Vibration
    Value Ahv
  • The selected vibration quantity shall be
    identifiable, preferably by displaying the
    physical unit
  • The display shall allow reading with a resolution
    of better than 1
  • Settling time shall not exceed 2 minutes
  • The delay between starting a measurement and the
    acquisition of valid data must not exceed 0.5

Instrumentation Standard ISO 8041
  • Basic Requirements for Human Vibration Meters
  • The instrument has one ore more weighting filters
    calculated by the product of- band limitation-
    transition acceleration / velocity- step
  • Most important weighting filters are Wh for
    hand-arm, Wd and Wk for whole-body
  • Maximum errors- Mechanical reference signal (80
    Hz / 10 m/s² for H/A and 16 Hz / 1 m/s² for W/B)
    under reference conditions (23 C, 50 rel.
    Hum.) 4 - Deviation between the measured
    acceleration with weighting filter and the
    acceleration measured only with band limiting
    filter after multiplication with a correction
    factor 3 - Deviation between the measured
    interval RMS and running RMS 2
  • Linearity error lt 6
  • Linear range gt 60 dB
  • Cross-talk lt 0.5
  • A battery indicator is required
  • Measuring error at minimum battery voltage lt 3
  • Environmental temperature range at least 10 to
    50 C waterproof design (IP42 to IP65)
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