Title: From Exploration to Extraction:
1From Exploration to Extraction
The Chirundu Uranium Project, Zambia
July 2008 presentation to the Botswana Resource
Conference, Gaborone
- The information in this presentation is published
to inform you about African Energy Resources
Limited (AFR) and activities of it and its
subsidiaries. - All reasonable effort has been made to provide
accurate information but we do not warrant or
represent its accuracy and we reserve the right
to make changes to it at any time without notice. - To the extent permitted by law, AFR accepts no
responsibility or liability for any losses or
damages of any kind arising out of the use of any
information contained in this presentation. - The Australasian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves (the JORC Code) sets out minimum
standards, recommendations and guidelines for
Public Reporting in Australasia of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. The
information contained in this announcement has
been presented in accordance with the JORC Code
and references to Inferred Resources and
Indicated Resources are to those terms as
defined in the JORC Code. - Information in this report relating to
Exploration results, Mineral Resources or Ore
Reserves is based on information compiled by Dr
Frazer Tabeart (an employee of African Energy
Resources Limited) who is a member of The
Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Dr
Tabeart has sufficient experience which is
relevant to the style of mineralisation and type
of deposit under consideration and to the
activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a
Competent Person under the 2004 Edition of the
Australasian Code for reporting of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Dr
Tabeart consents to the inclusion of the data in
the form and context in which it appears.
3African Energy Resources summary
- AFR has defined 9.5 Mlb U3O8 in resources at the
Njame and Gwabe deposits (70 AFR) in Southern
Zambia. - Pre-Feasibility study completed and Bankable
Feasibility study approved and underway - Target for first uranium deliveries in early 2010
- Excellent pipeline of exploration opportunities
including three within economic trucking distance
of Njame - Management team with broad experience of
developing projects in Africa
4African Energys project locations
- Extensive tenement holdings with projects in
Zambia, Botswana, Malawi and Zimbabwe - The most advanced projects are in Zambia and
Botswana - Tenements are considered prospective for uranium,
coal and coalbed methane - Successful exploration team has discovered almost
10 million lb U3O8 since 2006, with numerous
uranium anomalies in Zambia, Botswana and Malawi
currently under evaluation
5Capital Structure and Management
- Alasdair Cooke, Executive Chairman
- Frazer Tabeart, Managing Director
- Bill Fry, Executive Director
- Valentine Chitalu, Non-executive Director
- Ian Duncan, Non-executive Director
- Michael Curnow, Non-executive Director
Shares 173,219,350 Options 14,225,000 Cash in
hand A 7.1 million Market Cap A 30
million MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS Energy Ventures
Ltd 60 Stanlib 10 National
Nominees Geologic Resource Fund Ltd African Lion
2 Ltd RAB Special Situations Ltd
6African Energys southern Zambian projects
- 9.5 Mlb U3O8 in resources at the Njame and Gwabe
deposits in the Chirundu JV - AFR has 70 equity interest in the Chirundu JV
project, remaining 30 held by Albidon Limited - AFR earning initial 30 interest in Kariba Valley
JV (also Albidon) and can increase to 70 by
completing Pre Feasibility Study and delivering
an Indicated Resource - Discoveries at Chisebuka and Namakande in the
Kariba Valley JV, additional drilling to be
7The Chirundu JV Uranium Project
- Sandstone-type uranium mineralisation (Karoo)
- Near-surface, sub-horizontal lenses of
mineralisation - Amenable to open-pit mining and acid heap
leaching - Two deposits discovered to date with considerable
potential for near-mine and brown-fields upside
8Mineral resources
- Njame Deposit
- Indicated 3.9 Million Tonnes at 388 ppm U3O8
- Inferred 5.2 Million Tonnes at 275 ppm U3O8
- Containing 2,965 Tonnes of U3O8 (6.5 Mlb U3O8)
- Gwabe Deposit
- Indicated 0.9 Million Tonnes at 196 ppm U3O8
- Inferred 4.0 Million Tonnes at 304 ppm U3O8
- Containing 1,380 Tonnes of U3O8 (3.0 Mlb U3O8)
- 100 ppm U3O8 cut-off in all cases
- Infill programme to Measured and Indicated
9Project development timetable
10Processing options and uranium recovery
- Ore minerals mainly uraninite (U-oxide) and
orthobrannerite (hydrated U-Ti oxide) - Amenable to sulphuric acid leaching with
subsequent recovery of uranium onto ion-exchange
resins - Bottle-roll tests indicate acid leaching is more
effective than alkaline leach - Column-leach tests indicate excellent leach
characteristics with rapid equilibrium and
recovery of 85-93 at Njame, 73 at Gwabe
11Mining options
- Surface miners are being considered for mining
ore horizons and may also be used for waste - Mining costs comparable to drill and blast,
potentially lower due to soft nature of the ore
and host-rock - Surface miners enable better dust control
measures and more precise grade control than
alternatives - May remove all crushing requirements if broken
rock can be directly leached without further
12Conceptual Project Design
- Sequential mining of open pits, Njame (Yrs1-4),
then Gwabe (Yrs 4-6) - Central Processing Facility at Njame, operating
cost range USD 30-40/lb U3O8 - Remote Ion-Exchange operation (RIX) at Gwabe with
loaded resins trucked to Njame for processing - Initial CAPEX USD 71M with additional USD 21M
for Gwabe deferred to Yr 3
13Indicative mining schedule
14Permitting schedule
15Corporate Social ResponsibilityRelocation
Action Plan (RAP)
- Need to relocate 160 households at Njame which
sit directly above the uranium mineralisation - Valuation report, site survey, health survey
completed with environmental monitoring programme
in place - Modern village layout for new village being drawn
by architect, based on AFR conceptual design
modified with community feedback - Housing policy being developed based on
demographics, valuation report and extensive
community consultation
16Corporate Social ResponsibilitySustainability
- African Energy has recognised the need for
sustainable community projects beyond the mine
life - BRICK MAKING PROJECT where local artisans are
being trained and will ultimately run a block
making business to supply local demand (including
RAP and mine construction requirements) - JATROPHA PLANTATIONS where African Energy is
providing in-kind support to establish a jatropha
growing business with out-grower sales contracts
to a local biodiesel company
- AFR has defined 9.5 Mlb U3O8 in resources at the
Njame and Gwabe deposits (70 AFR) - Bankable Feasibility study approved and underway
- Strong Government and Community support
- Target for first uranium deliveries in early 2010
- Excellent pipeline of exploration opportunities
including three within economic trucking distance
of Njame
18Thank you for your attention