Title: Dental Emergencies Unveiled The Role of Emergency Tooth Extraction
1Dental Emergencies Unveiled The Role of Emergency
Tooth Extraction
Emergency tooth extractions in dental
emergencies, exploring when and why they are
required. The procedure itself, and what to
expect during recovery. Dental emergencies can be
both excruciatingly painful and emotionally
3When is Emergency Tooth Extraction Necessary?
Severe Tooth Decay
When a tooth has extensive decay or damage that
cannot be repaired through procedures like
fillings or root canals, extraction may be the
only viable option to prevent infection and pain.
4Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth, often the last set of molars to
emerge, can become impacted due to limited space
in the jaw. This can lead to pain, infection, and
damage to neighboring teeth, necessitating
5Trauma Fractures
Accidents, sports injuries, or physical
altercations can result in fractured or dislodged
teeth. In some cases, Emergency Dentistry
Services or emergency extraction is the best
solution to prevent complications.
6Advanced Gum Disease
Periodontitis, an advanced form of gum disease,
can lead to loose teeth that require extraction
to preserve overall oral health.
7Orthodontic Treatment
In certain orthodontic cases, the removal of one
or more teeth may be necessary to create space
for proper alignment.
8Contact us
(714) 992-2200
1150 E. Imperial Hwy. La Habra, CA 90631