Title: Turtles, Terrapins, and Tortoises: Whats the difference
1Turtles, Terrapins, and Tortoises Whats the
- Created by J. Longsworth
- April 2004
2There are about 200 different kinds or species of
3A turtle includes all tortoises, terrapins and
sea turtles
Tortoises include only those turtles that live on
dry land. Tortoises have feet like elephants
with tall dome shells. The tall dome shells are
stronger and allow for the tortoises to grow big.
4Terrapins are also turtles
Terrapins are only those turtles that live in
fresh water. Terrapins have webbed
feet. Terrapins have flatter, sleeker shells to
help them move fast in the water.
5Sea Turtles also live in the water
Sea Turtles do not live in fresh water. Sea
Turtles can only be found in ocean waters (salt
water). Female sea turtles come to land only to
lay eggs. Sea Turtles have flippers that enable
them to move quickly in the water.
6Turtle Facts
- Turtles have been around since the time of
dinosaurs. - Very little has changed about turtles over
millions of years. - Turtles are reptiles like snakes, alligators and
7Turtles Reptiles
- Reptiles have certain things in common
- They breathe air through lungs, like mammals
- Have thick scaly or leathery skin covering
- Are cold-blooded, which means they take on the
temperature of air and water around them
8Temperature affects where land turtles live
- Cold Weather
- Turtles hibernate
- They store extra fat for energy
- They burrow in mud/ground at the bottom of ponds
or marshes - Turtles slows down its breathing, heart rate and
body temperature
- Hot Weather
- Turtles seek shade
- Turtles also enjoy cool water
- (ponds, marshes, lakes, streams, etc).