Title: Population and Regional Expansion
1Enough of Globalization and Change Alreadylets
now look at
2What is a Region????
- We discussed this earlier, and it can mean many
things, but here we are thinking of a
geographical area within which, for whatever
reason, people feel a common identity at this
time. - The common identity may arise from many reasons.
3Right, so what Regions are we Talking About?
- Mainly, in this course, major trade regions,
especially free trade areas - Are they stepping stonessome intermediary
levelon the way to globalization - Or, are they stumbling blocks standing in the
way of global trade? - What does this mean for the USA?
4The Story So Far.
- After the First World War, many of the Empires
disappearedthese had been the regions of the
last 200 years. They dominated the map of Europe.
5Plus, the Europeans had Extended their Regions
Globally through Empire
And, Russia was Really an Empire, but it was
World Domination
7The US at that time?
The US had a long history of staying away from
European wars, starting with this declaration of
Neutrality in the Napoleonic Wars. That was not
Americas Region
President Roosevelt echoed this in 1940, but his
hand was forced, though not by EuropeAmericas
position between Europe and Asia was something
8So, where did we belong? What was our Region?
President Monroe set that straight in 1823.
It seems to have come back.
The Cold War Ideology divides the World
10The Cold War World
The Communist World
The "Non-Aligned" World
The "Free World"
11For the Last 50 Years, this has been the Region
of the USA
12And now..?
- Could it be that we are returning to our origins
of 1823the Hemisphere? - Essentially, we are between Europe and Asia. The
link with Europe during the Cold War was a
necessary coalition, not a permanent state of
affairs. Now, we do not need it, do we?
13Is this the shape of the Economic New World
NAFTA to FTAA 2005
Russia A natural partner for the US?
E. U.
African Union 2001
14Oris this the Regional Policy of the USA for the
New World Order?
15Why would people think the US is Unilateralnot a
regional or team player?
- In Afghanistan and Iraq it bypassed NATO
- Rejected the International Criminal Court
- Unilaterally invaded Iraq without approval of the
UN Security Council - Abandoned the Kyoto Treaty
- Abrogated the ABM Treaty
- Put selective tariffs on Steel, Canadian lumber,
and subsidizes agriculture - New Defense Policy of Pre-emptive Strike and
Guaranteed superiority separates the US from the
rest of the World.
Do We Care?
Is This How the World Sees Us?
16A Secretary of State for the New Era?
That is Ridiculous!
I see what you mean
17Population and Regional Expansion