Title: Computer Science 210 Computer Organization
1Computer Science 210Computer Organization
- Course Introduction
- Binary Integers
2A Definition of Computer Science
- Computer Science the study of algorithms,
including - Their formal and mathematical properties
- Their hardware realizations
- Their linguistic realizations
- Their applications
- Gibbs and Tucker, A Model Curriculum for a
Liberal Arts Degree in Computer Science, Comm.
Of the ACM 29, no. 3(March,1986)
3Our Core Requirements
CS210 Computer Organization(Their hardware
CS211Data Structures andAlgorithms(Their
mathematical properties)
CS313 Theory of Computation(Their formal
CS312Programming LanguageDesign(Their
linguistic realizations)
4Their Applications
- Interactive Computer Graphics
- Image Processing
- Database Management
- Artificial Intelligence
- Genetic Algorithms
- etc.
5Topics for Course
- Internal representation of data and instructions
- Major components of computer - overview
- Low level programming of computer assembly and
machine language - High level programs as seen by computer
- Logic gates and computer circuitry
- Detailed look at major components
- General education as a computer science
professional - Better understanding of high level programming
- More efficient use of computer
- Better understanding of compilers, operating
system issues - May have need to operate at low levels from time
to time
7Review of Binary SystemsHumans use
- Decimal Numbers (base 10)
- Decimal Fractions (23.27)
- Letters for text
- Binary Numbers (base 2)
- Binary fractions and floating point
- ASCII (or Unicode) codes for characters (A?65)
9Why binary?
- Information is stored in computer via voltage
levels. - Using decimal would require 10 distinct and
reliable levels for each digit. - This is not feasible with reasonable reliability
and financial constraints. - Everything in computer is stored using binary
numbers, text, programs, pictures, sounds,
videos, ...
10Decimal Non-negatives
- Base 10
- Uses decimal digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
- Positional System - position gives power
- Example 3845 3x103 8x102 4x101 5x100
- Positions 543210
11Binary Non-negatives
- Base 2
- Uses binary digits (bits) 0,1
- Positional system
- Example 1101 1x23 1x22 0x21 1x20
- External Internal(Human)
(Computer) 25 11001
A 01000001 - Humans want to see and enter numbers in decimal.
- Computers must store and compute with bits.
13Binary to Decimal Conversion
- Algorithm
- Expand binary number using positional scheme.
- Perform computation using decimal arithmetic.
- Example110012 ? 1x24 1x23 0x22 0x21
1x20 24 23 20 16 8
1 2510
14Decimal to Binary
- Algorithm 1 Set A to 0 (all bits 0) While N ?
0 do Find largest P with 2P ? N Set bit in
position P of A to 1 Set N to N - 2P
15Decimal to binary - Example
- Example Convert 32410 to binary N
Power P A .
324 256 8 100000000 68
64 6 101000000 4 4 2
101000100 0 - 32410 1010001002
16Decimal to Binary
- Algorithm 2 While N ? 0 do Set N to N/2
(whole part) Record the remainder (1 or 0) Set
A to remainders in reverse order
17Decimal to binary - Example
- Example Convert 32410 to binary N
Rem N Rem 324 162 0 5 0
81 0 2 1 40 1 1 0 20 0 0 1 10 0 - 32410 1010001002
18Binary Addition
- One bit numbers 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 10 - Example 1111 1 110101 (53)
101101 (45) 1100010 (98)
- In a given type of computer, the size of integers
is a fixed number of bits. - 16 or 32 bits are popular choices
- It is possible that addition of two n bit numbers
yields a result requiring n1 bits. - Overflow is the term for an operation whose
results exceeds the size allowed for a number.
20Negatives Twos complement
- With N bit numbers, to compute negative
- Invert all the bits
- Add 1
- Example -25 in 8-bit twos complement
- 25 ? 00011001
- Invert bits 11100110
- Add 1 1 11100111
212s Complement Examples
- Compute negative of -25 (8-bits)
- We found -25 to be 11100111
- Invert bits 00011000
- Add 1 00011001
- Recognize this as 25 in binary
- Add -25 and 37 (8-bits)
- 11100111 (-25) 00100101 (
37) (1)00001100 - Recognize as 12
22Facts about 2s Complement
- Leftmost bit tells whether number is positive or
negative - 2s complement is same as before for positives
232s complement to decimal (examples)
- Assume 8-bit 2s complement
- X 11011001 -X 00100110 1 00100111
32421 39 (decimal) So, X -39 - X 01011001Since X is positive, we have X
641681 89
24Ranges for N-bit numbers
- Unsigned (positive)
- 000000 or 0
- 111111 which is 2N-1
- For N8, 0 - 255
- 2s Complement
- 100000 which is -2N-1
- 011111 which is 2N-1 - 1
- For N8, -128 to 127
25Octal Numbers
- Base 8 Digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- Not so many digits as binary
- Easy to convert to and from binary
- Often used by people who need to see the internal
representation of data, programs, etc.
26Octal Conversions
- Octal to Binary
- Simply convert each octal digit to a three bit
binary number. - Example 5368 101 011 1102
- Binary to Octal
- Starting at right, group into 3 bit groups
- Convert each group to an octal digit
- Example 110111111010102 011 011 111 101
010 337528
- Base 16 Digits 0,,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
- Hexadecimal ? Binary
- Just like Octal, only use 4 bits per digit.
- Example 98C316 1001 1000 1100 00112
- Example110100111010112 0011 0100 1110 1011