Title: PAY ATTENTION There is going to be a test.
1PAY ATTENTION!There is going to be a test.
- Standardized Tests
- and Education Reform
- Keith Clay, GRCC
2Our love of tests, part I
- Are we going to be tested on this?
- An inservice teacher at a biotechnology workshop
at UC San Francisco
3Our love of tests Part II
- Check the web.
- The WASL is
- stupid
- evil
- child abuse
- terrorism
4Tests and Education Reform
- Why Standardized Tests?
- The Art and Science of Testing
- The state of Washington
- Do tests help with education reform?
- Do education reforms help on the tests?
5Why standardized tests?
- Some critics argue that High-Stakes Testing is
just a bad idea
but its not
Its the law.
6Why standardized tests?
- Assessment of curricula
- Core Knowledge? FOSS? PBI?
- Assessment of systems
- Seattle School District? Mrs. Nelsons class?
- Assessment of individuals
- Formative? Summative? Instructive?
7Assessment of Curricula
8Assessment of systems
- Identify substandard schools
- Identify outstanding schools
- Then what?
- Allow students to leave weak schools?
- Financially reward low performance?
9Assessment of individuals
- Formative or Diagnostic
- Identify strengths and weaknesses
- Construct strategies for improvement
- Summative or Evaluative
- Grades
- Graduation Requirement
- 10th Grade WASL in 2008 (5th graders now)
10Summative Eval Question
- Should a PhD historian be able to pass a state
physics test without ever taking a physics
class? - Bernie Khoury,
AAPT - Should a state physics test be physics content
free? - Should a PhD historian be allowed to graduate
from high school?
11Assessment as Teaching Tool
- Instructive or reflective assessment
- Students study the results of their own
assessment throughout learning - White and Frederiksen, 2000
- Inquiry reflective assessment produced better
results than Inquiry discussion - Differences were greatest for weakest students
and hardest material
12Design of assessment tools
- Curriculum assessment probes for student
averaged content weaknesses - Systems assessment probes student and content
averaged weaknesses - Individual summative tests probe for content
averaged weakness - Individual formative tests probe for specific
content and student weakness
13High-Stakes Assessment
- NCLB mandated assessments often try to do all
four things at once. - Natl Assessment of Educ. Progress (NAEP) is
high-bandwidth, low-fidelity. - Measurement at the level of individual students
is poor. NRC, Knowing What Students Know,
14The art and science of testing
15The art and science of testing
- Psychometrics
- For statistical analysis, correct responses (cr)
must outnumber random chance (rp) - Usual requirement cr 2 rp
- A,B,C,D choice, cr 50
- A,B,C,D,E choice, cr 40
- Open ended Average 40 to 50
16The art and science of testing
- Compromises Can we get 40 correct?
- Q Throw a ball straight up into the air and it
comes back down to your hand. Define up to be
the positive direction. When the ball is at
the maximum height, is has an acceleration of - A) 9.8 m/s2 D) -4.9 m/s2
- B) -9.8 m/s2 E) zero
- C) 4.9 m/s2
- Most students choose E, so psychometricians
suggest removing it from the list of options.
17Can we get 40 correct, if
- We frame the same question but ask
- 1) at maximum height, is has a velocity of
- A) 9.8 m/s D) -4.9 m/s
- B) -9.8 m/s E) zero
- C) 4.9 m/s
- 2) at max. height, is has an acceleration of
- A) 9.8 m/s2 D) -4.9 m/s2
- B) -9.8 m/s2 E) zero
- C) 4.9 m/s2
- 40 of students get 2 right if asked 1 first.
18The state of Washington
- EALR Ess. Acad. Learning Requirement
- WASL Wa. Assesst of Student Learning
- SCIF Science Curr. Instr. Frameworks (they write
the EALRs) - SALT Sci. Assesst Leadership Team (They write
the WASL) - OIAs Other Important Acronyms
19The state of Washington
- SCIF and SALT talk to each other (this is
unusual) - Aligned on content and level (Bloom)
- From SCIF EALR and Natl Standards alignment
document in progress - From SALT content specialists may override
20The state of Washington
- K8 Science according to SCIF and SALT
Ecosystems, Circuits, Rock cycle, Nerves
Rockets, Solar system, Spiders
21Do tests help education reform?
- Whereas teaching directly to the items on a test
is not desirable, teaching to the theory of
cognition and learning that underlies a test can
provide a positive direction for instruction. - NRC, Knowing What Students Know, 2001
22Do tests help education reform?
- Large-scale standardized assessments can
communicate across time and place, but by so
constraining the content and timeliness of the
message that they often have limited utility in
the classroom. - NRC, Knowing What Students Know, 2001
23Do tests help education reform?
- The Frame and the Tapestry
- Thompson and Zeuli, 1999
- Michigan Educ. Assessmt Prog. (MEAP)
- MEAP has both goals and assessments
- Most local school districts aligned their
curricula with MEAP and NSES
24Do tests help education reform?
- considering how deep-seated most teachers
ideas are about subject matter, teaching, and
learning, one would not expect these
substantially aligned documents to produce
conceptually transformative teacher learning on a
broad scale. Our classroom-level research
confirms that they have not. - Thompson and Zeuli, 1999
25Does reform help the tests?
- Education reform for teachers is a necessary
precondition for success - It is now widely accepted that in order to
realize recently proposed reforms in what is
taught and how it is taught in math and science,
teachers will have to unlearn much of what they
believe, know, and know how to do, while also
forming new beliefs, developing new knowledge,
and mastering new skills. - Thompson and Zeuli, 1999
26Teaching reform requires
- For teachers
- Cognitive dissonance
- Time for reflection
- Connection with their classrooms
- A repertoire of techniques
- Continuing support
- For the system
- A scalable, sustainable process
- Thompson and Zeuli, 1999
27How long will this take?
- This is a generation-long process.
- Pinky Nelson, WWU Project 2061