Title: GMAT Tips from Test Takers
1GMAT Tips From Test Takers
2Don't waste your time trying to get too many
resources and over complicating things. Spend
your time on the materials guaranteed to help you
on the GMAT.
3Strive for optimum mental and physical condition
levels. A key is to minimize stress by staying
healthy and alert.
4Play the GMAT like you would play chess -
sacrifice a few pieces to win.
5- Here are the main learnings I had
- 1. Repetition is key.
- Practice tests are critical.
- Relax.
- JP, 700 GMAT scorer
6Succeeding GMAT quant is not about knowing enough
math techniques, but rather - using as few math
skills as possible to solve problems.
7If you see a problem that looks really hard and
you know it is going to take a ton of time to
work through it and even then you might not get
it right, just skip it.
8A common strategic error I got that question
right. I dont care if I guessed. I dont need to
review the explanation.
9Frustration will not do a thing for you.
If you really want to tame this beast, then sit
down and study it until it is not mysteriously
frustrating any more.
10One mistake I recently made is not paying
attention to what is being asked.
11Your training involves two goals 1) learning
WHAT to study, and 2) studying that. Racer_x
12Take inventory of YOUR own personal strengths and
weaknesses, and taylor a plan to overcome those
weaknesses while simultaneously enhancing your
13Don't practice your tests always in a room that's
very quiet. The exam hall was a little noisy -
the traffic on the road, people were moving
14Being a native English speaker doesnt necessary
means that one will do well on the verbal
section. It tests arcane rules of grammar,
reading comprehension abilities, and comfort with
logical reasoning.
15We tend to lose score in the last 15 minutes when
we are tired and under pressure to do
more questions in less time.
cma_sss, 760 GMAT scorer
16I think no question is worth 2 or 230 minutes.
If you are spending, more than 2 minutes on a
question, you are digging your own graveyard.
17Studying for GMATis similar to lifting weights -
if you do the same exercises, your muscles will
adapt and you will eventually plateau.
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