Title: Test Beam Meeting April 24, 2000
1Test Beam MeetingApril 24, 2000
- Spatial resolution studies
- Analysis cuts
- Cluster building
- Projection errors
- PFA comparison
- Detectors comparison
- Comparison Magnetic field dataand angle-scan
data - The threshold is about 4850 e-
- The B looks lower than 0.64T
2Spatial Resolutionanalysis cuts
Cuts - Number of tracks - Reduction factor No
cuts 46375
100 Type1.eq.1 46375
100 Type2.eq.1 46375
100 Type5.eq.1 45261
97.6 Type6.eq.1 44222
97.7 Ntrks.eq.1
36534 82.6 Type7.eq.2
99.94!!! 15ltav_row7lt50 24916
68.2 1ltav_col7lt9 16271
65.3 -------------------------------------
------------------------- Cluster building along
one column 15309
94.09 Width1.eq.2.or.Width3.eq.2 5786
37.8 Width1.eq.2.and.Width2.eq.2
4263 27.85
- Cut in red introduce potential statistical
correlations - Only charge-sharing along one column
3Spatial ResolutionResidual width and cuts
Residual width for run number 6672
(FPIX0 p-stop at 10 degrees) --------------------
----------------------------------------- Black
cuts 5.37 ?m 5.282 ?m (
cluster building) 5.280 ?m (
ncols1) 4.720 ?m (
ncols1.and. xSSD cs2) All cuts 4.729 ?m
The cluster building deteriorates a little the
4Spatial ResolutionCluster Building
Width7.eq.1 .and. abs(row7_1-av_row7_2)
.le.1 Width7.eq.2. .and. abs(row7_1-row7_2).le.2
.and. abs(col7_1-cols7_2).eq.0 So on up to
I am demanding sorted hits in the Ntuple And
charge-sharing only along columns
- Sometimes q7 is not equal to the sum of
elec7_1elec7_2 - If I demand q7 elec7_1elec7_2 the
residual width improve a little - I didnt ask q7 elec7_1elec7_2
- No correlations from the cluster building
5Spatial ResolutionRMS sigma black cuts
Black cut
6Spatial ResolutionProjection errors
Black cuts
All cuts
Demanding cs2 for x SSD is equivalent to cut on
the projection error
7Spatial ResolutionProjection errors
No correlation introduced by demanding CS2 for x
8Spatial ResolutionFPIX0 p-stop PFA comparison
- Used variable xf7 from ntuple to project locally
- Projection difference between Kalman fit and
simple interpolation is about 0.87 ?m - Not less than 4000 tracks used
- The simple interpolation gives 0.15 ?m better
residual width - The tuned generalized linear eta correction is
quite good for 8 and 2 bits respects to the non
9 Spatial ResolutionEta correction comparison
- Angle Ntuple FPIX0 p-stop FPIX0 p-spray
- 0 5.89 8.20
7.5 - 5 12.31 15.34
15.78 - 10 24.68 28.5
28.45 - 28.97 37.7
38.05 - Agreement with the Ntuple if
- 0 deg is 2.86 deg
- 5 deg is 6.3 deg
- 10 deg is 12.6 deg
- 15 deg never because Wmax29.3
10Spatial ResolutionDetectors comparison
- Used generalized linear eta correction for FPIX0
- Used tuned 16 eta correction for FPIX1
- Discrepancy in FPIX0 p-spray due to charge
Partially yes. - Discrepancy in FPIX1 p-stop due to thresholds?
Partially yes. - Geometry errors the z position is important.
- 15 degrees for FPIX0 p-spray still anomalous
11Spatial ResolutionSharing along two columns
Sigma 4.65 ?m
The data looks good but very low statistics for
12Comparison Magnetic field and angle-scan data
- The FPIX0 p-stop threshold is changed after the
magnet was installed - This can be seen by the ratio double/single in
different setup - Fpix0 p-stop 0 deg angle-scan
r 0.457 - Fpix1 p-stop angle-scan
r 0.474 - --------------------Magnet installed--------------
------- - Target
r 0.330 - Fpix1 p-spray angle-scan
r 0.316
13Comparison Magnetic field and angle-scan data
- Ratio double/total vs angle should be approx
linear - The extrapolated minimum ratio from B data
used to find Qth - The Lorentz angle slope is 2.65 smaller than
angle-scan slope
B up to 0.64T 0.24T
14Comparison Magnetic field and angle-scan data
May be the approximation used (linearity) is not
- The cuts used do not introduce statistical
correlations in the residual distribution - The projection error is about 2.1 ?m in the
Kalman fit for cs2 in x SSD ( I
estimated 2.2 ?m for FPIX0
angle_scan 2.4 ?m for FPIX1
angle_scan 6.6 ?m for FPIX0 in B - The digital algorithm generalized linear eta
corrections for 1or2 CS values is a simple and
good PFA for 2-8 bits, but I believe that a
16 entry look-up table is the right thing to
do for 2 bits - The magnetic field data must be analyzed with
a threshold of about 4850 e-, but still B must
be reduced of about 2.65