Title: Force and Motion
Presentation by Sabrina Smith
2Competency Goal 4 The learner will conduct
investigations and use appropriate technologies
to build an understanding of forces and motion in
technological designs.
4.02 Evaluate how pushing or pulling forces can
change the position and motion of an object.
3Essential Question how does pushing or pulling
forces change the position and motion of an
4To move something by using force against it.
5Examples of Pushing Getting out of bed
6Rowing a rowboat
7Knocking a box off a shelf
8Closing a door
9Opening a can of soda
10To move something toward or nearer by using
11Examples of Pulling Removing a nail from the
12Lifting a box from the floor
13Opening a truck door
14Brushing your hair
15Drinking out of a straw
16Sources All grapics/clip art taken
from www.microsoftoffice.com Information
from Teachers Helper Jun/Jul 2005