Title: Congress of Vienna
- Congress of Vienna
- Unification of Italy Germany
- Alliance Systems
- World War I
- Post World War I
- 1814-1815
- GOAL return Europe topre-Napoleonic (before
Napoleon) times - France remains as a nationbut all land gained is
taken from her - Switzerland becomes a neutral nation
- Holland / Netherlands is a nation
- BALANCE OF POWER restored in Europe
- Results in 40 years of peace in Europe
3- A major goal of the Congress of Vienna was to
(1) establish democratic governments in all
European nations (2) maintain a balance of
power in Europe (3) return Napoleon Bonaparte
to power (4) create independent governments
for Austria and Hungary
4- A major goal of the Congress of Vienna was to
(1) establish democratic governments in all
European nations (2) maintain a balance of
power in Europe (3) return Napoleon Bonaparte
to power (4) create independent governments
for Austria and Hungary
- Italy - unified RISORGIMENTO - Mazzini,
Count Cavour Garibaldi - Germany - unified - Bismarck REALPOLITIK
- Blood Iron - Iron Chancellor
- Machiavellian
6(No Transcript)
7 27. Otto von Bismarck, Count Cavour,
and Guiseppe Garibaldi were best known
for helping 1. bring imperialism to
the African continent. 2. unite their
respective nations. 3. to bring an end
to absolute monarchies in their
nations. 4. to stop the advances of
Napoleon's armies.
8 27. Otto von Bismarck, Count Cavour,
and Guiseppe Garibaldi were best known
for helping 1. bring imperialism to
the African continent. 2. unite their
respective nations. 3. to bring an end
to absolute monarchies in their
nations. 4. to stop the advances of
Napoleon's armies.
9 World War I (1914 - 1918)
- World War I - CAUSES Nationalism - how
great we are - Ethnic Groups .. Home rule
.. autonomy Alliances Imperialism
Mercantilism Militarism Ethnocentrism
10 In the 19th century, the
unification of Italy and the
unification of Germany resulted in 1.
upsetting the balance of power in Europe 2.
increasing competition for trade with Russia
3. reducing feelings of nationalism
in these nations 4. encouraging a
century of peaceful coexistence in
11 In the 19th century, the
unification of Italy and the
unification of Germany resulted in 1.
upsetting the balance of power in Europe 2.
increasing competition for trade with Russia
3. reducing feelings of nationalism
in these nations 4. encouraging a
century of peaceful coexistence in
Europe . . . Nationalism . . . . . . .
Balkans sets it off . . .
12- This slide intentionally left blank
13 World War I (1914 - 1918)
- World War I - EFFECTSTreaty of Versailles
Germany humiliated - - -gt World War II - Collapse of 3 Empires .. And Monarchies -
Austria - Hungary - Ottoman - Russian
14 World War II (1939 - 1945)
- World War II - CAUSES- Weimar Germany .. Weak,
scapegoat- world depression- ? League of
Nations ?- Rise of Fascism - Hitler -
15 Napoleon, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf
Hitler all came to power in their
countries during periods when
1. the people were fighting to end
an absolute monarchy 2. a series of
land reforms had been unsuccessful
3. existing governments were unable to
solve political and economic
problems 4. the people were ready to
overthrow their totalitarian
16 Napoleon, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler
all came to power in their countries
during periods when 1. the
people were fighting to end an
absolute monarchy 2. a series of land
reforms had been unsuccessful
3. existing governments were unable to
solve political and economic problems
4. the people were ready to overthrow
their totalitarian governments . . . Treaty
of Versailles . . . . . . Weimar (German)
Government . . .