Title: Science and Sensitivity Science
1 Science and SensitivityScience
ComputersPHY307/PHY607Sept. 24, 2002
2Exams, projects
- Midterm is Oct. 22. types of problems
- Project proposal is due Oct. 10.
- Will skip quizzes.
4from mymodule import from random import
scene.autoscale 0 sparks for i in
range(100) sparks.append(sphere(radius0.2))
for s in sparks s.vel vector(random()-0.5,
s.vel s.vel/mag(s.vel) grav
vector(0,-0.1,0) dt 0.05 while 1
rate(20) for s in sparks for each
sphere, fall(s, grav, dt) have sphere
5Arrays, lists, vectors
- Lists can be of any type, but dont support math.
- Arrays are usually numbers and do support math
operations on the elements. - Vectors are arrays of length 3 (like x,y,z
6Arrays, lists, vectors sample
- a arange(0,5,1)
- l range(5)
- v vector(0,1,2)
- print a
- print l
- print v
- print a a
- print a a
- print a / 2.
- print l l
- print l l
- print v v
- print v v
- for loops
- Repeats actions (block statement)
- For each item in a list
- while loops
- Repeats actions while some condition is true
(not zero.) - A condition is an expression, likea lt 10 a is
less than 10b 3 b is equal to 3a lt 10 and
b 3 both conditions holda gt 10 or a lt 5 one
of the conditions hold1 true0 false
8while examples
- a0
- while a lt 10
- print a
- aa3
9while examples
- from visual import
- a box()
- while a.x lt 10 and a.y lt 64
- rate(5)
- a.x a.x 0.5
- a.y a.y 10
10Problems with for
- from visual import
- sphlist
- for j in range(0,20,4)
- sphlist.append(sphere(xj))
- for s in sphlist
- s sphere()
- s.color color.red
11if else examples
- a 3.9
- x 0.26
- for j in range(20)
- x a x (1.-x)
- if x gt 0.8
- print x is larger than 0.8 at step, j