Introduction To ADO'NET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction To ADO'NET


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction To ADO'NET

  • Introduction To ADO.NET

  • Learn about fundamental database concepts
  • Understand the OleDbConnection class
  • Work with the OleDbDataAdapter class
  • Learn about the DataSet class
  • Modify data in a DataTable
  • Use input validation
  • Learn about SQL query parameters
  • Record DataSet changes to the database

Fundamental Database Concepts (1)
  • Traditional file-processing system
  • Separate data files typically exist for each
  • Database
  • Contains a set of information related to a
    particular topic or purpose
  • May also store all of the data for a particular

Fundamental Database Concepts (2)
  • Databases contain one or more tables
  • Tables consist of rows and columns
  • Columns define the name and the
  • characteristics of the stored information
  • Columns in a table are called fields
  • Rows in a table are called records

Proper Database Design
  • Tables in a database should be organized to
    eliminate data redundancy
  • Process of eliminating data redundancy is called
  • Each row (record) in a table should have a unique
    index, enabling a record to be located directly
  • The unique index for a table is referred to as
    the primary key

Introducing ADO.NET (1)
  • Two modes of ADO.NET
  • Connected mode
  • The developer establishes a connection to a
  • Commands are then sent over that connection
  • Data is returned from the database into another
    object called a DataReader

Introducing ADO.NET (1)
  • Disconnected mode
  • The disconnected DataSet object allows a
    developer to retrieve data from a database
  • Work with data offline
  • Establish a new connection over which changes are
    sent back to the database

ADO.NET Namespaces and Classes (1)
  • The System.Data namespace contains the other
    namespaces and classes used to manage data for
    several types of databases
  • Jet, SQL Server, Oracle
  • The System.Data.Common namespace contains
    additional classes shared by both Jet and SQL
    Server databases
  • The System.Data.OleDb namespace contains classes
    to send and receive data between an application
    and the database using a generic provider

ADO.NET Namespaces and Classes (2)
  • The System.Data.SqlClient namespace works only
    with SQL Server databases
  • The System.Data.SqlTypes namespace contains
    classes that map native SQL Server data types to
    .NET Framework data types
  • The System.XML class contains classes used to
    read, write, and parse XML data
  • Not explicitly part of ADO.NET

Creating Database Connections
  • Three ways to create database connections
  • The Data Form Wizard will create a form to
    establish a connection, display data in control
    instances appearing on the form, and update that
  • You can use controls appearing on the Data tab of
    the Toolbox to establish a database connection
    and to update database data
  • You can also create all of the necessary ADO.NET
    objects programmatically

.NET Framework Classes Related to ADO.NET
  • The OleDbConnection class of the
    System.Data.OleDb namespace establishes a
    database connection over which commands are sent
    to retrieve and update data
  • The OleDbDataAdapter class of the
    System.Data.OleDb namespace sends SQL statements
    over an OleDbConnection
  • Loads any data returned into another object
    called a DataSet
  • The DataSet class of the System.Data namespace
    stores an in-memory representation of data
    returned through the OleDbDataAdapter
  • The DataTable corresponds to a database table
    appearing in a DataSet

OleDbConnection Class(Introduction)
  • A connection is a pipeline between a client
    application and ADO.NET
  • Use in both connected and disconnected mode
  • Provider receives requests to retrieve or update

OleDbConnection Class(Properties)
  • The ConnectionString property contains a String
    that the OleDbConnection class uses to establish
    the database connection
  • String consists of key/value pairs
  • The ConnectionTimeout property contains an
    Integer that defines how long the provider will
    wait to establish a connection
  • Default value is 15 seconds
  • The State property gets the current state of the
  • Open or closed

OleDbConnection Class (Methods)
  • Close method closes an open connection
  • Open method reads the contents of the
    ConnectionString property, sends a request to a
    provider, and then opens a connection
  • Some classes open connections automatically
  • BeginTransaction method starts a database
  • ChangeDatabase method operates on an open
    connection and changes the database for that

OleDbConnection Class (Events)
  • The StateChanged event fires when the connection
    opens or closes
  • Second argument of the StateChanged event is of
    type StateChangedEventArgs
  • Its properties contain the current and previous
    connection state

OleDbConnection Class (Illustration)
Creating a Connection Programmatically
  • First, create an instance of the OleDbConnection
  • Second, configure the ConnectionString property
  • ConnectionString property contains a list of
    key/value pairs
  • An equals sign separates each key from its
    corresponding value
  • A semicolon separates each key/value pair

Creating an OleDbConnection (Example 1)
  • Example
  • Connect to the database named C\Rolodex.mdb
    using a Jet provider
  • Private mconCurrent As New OleDbConnection()
  • mconCurrent.ConnectionString _
  • "ProviderMicrosoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" _
  • "Password""""User IDAdmin" _
  • "Data SourceC\Rolodex.mdb"

Creating an OleDbConnection (Example 2)
  • The first of the preceding statements creates an
    instance of the OleDbConnection class named
  • The second statement configures the
    ConnectionString property by defining the
    key/value pairs
  • First key defines the provider that the
    connection will use
  • Second and third keys are Password and User ID
  • Fourth key is Data Source

Sending Requests Over a Connection
  • ADO.NET supplies two means to retrieve data over
    a connection
  • Using the DataReader class, data is read through
    an input stream
  • Similar to reading data with the StreamReader
  • The OleDbDataAdapter class retrieves data from
    one or more database tables into a DataSet
  • The DataSet contains an in-memory representation
    of the data contained in database tables

OleDbDataAdapter Class (Introduction)
  • The OleDbDataAdapter works in conjunction with
    the DataSet class to read and write data
  • Commands are sent over a connection
  • Data is retrieved into a DataSet
  • Commands to insert, update, or delete data return

OleDbDataAdapter (Properties)
  • SelectCommand property stores SQL SELECT
  • InsertCommand property stores SQL INSERT
    statement that will insert a row into a database
  • UpdateCommand property stores a SQL UPDATE
    statement to update the contents of an existing
  • DeleteCommand property stores a SQL DELETE
    statement that will remove a row or rows

OleDbDataAdapter (Methods)
  • The Fill method uses an OleDbConnection to
    retrieve database records
  • Records are loaded into a DataSet
  • The Update method examines the DataSet for any
    added, changed, or deleted records
  • Changes are recorded to DataSet
  • Call AcceptChanges method on DataSet to
    synchronize DataSet and database

OleDbDataAdapter (Events)
  • FillError event fires if an error occurs while
    populating the DataSet
  • RowUpdating event fires just before row is
  • RowUpdated event fires just after a row in the
    data source is updated

OleDbDataAdapter Class
OleDbCommand Class
  • Stores SQL statements
  • These SQL statements are used by OleDbDataAdapter
    to select and update rows
  • OleDbDataAdapter executes command automatically

OleDbCommand Class (Properties)
  • CommandText property stores SQL statement that
    will be executed against a provider
  • Connection property stores a reference to
    existing OleDbConnection object
  • Parameters property stores a reference to a
    Parameters collection
  • For each parameter in the Parameters collection,
    the OleDbDataAdapter dynamically fills in the
    data that is used to add, change, or delete a
    database record

OleDbCommand Class (Methods)
  • ExecuteNonQuery method executes a SQL statement
  • Statement does not return database rows
  • ExecuteReader method creates a DataReader
  • ExecuteScalar method executes a SELECT statement
  • Method returns the first column of the first row
    retrieved by the SELECT statement
  • Additional data is discarded and no exception
    will occur

OleDbCommand Class Example
  • Example
  • Private modbcmdSelect As New OleDbCommand()
  • modbcmdSelect.CommandText "SELECT FROM
  • modbcmdSelect.Connection modbconCurrent
  • First statement creates an instance of the
    OleDbCommand class
  • Second statement stores the SQL SELECT statement
    in CommandText property
  • Finally, the Connection property is set to
    modbconCurrent (an existing connection)

SQL SELECT Statement (1)
  • The SQL SELECT statement selects one or more rows
    (records) from a database table or query
  • Syntax
  • SELECT fieldlist FROM tablename WHERE
    conditionlist ORDER BY fieldlist

SQL SELECT Statement (2)
  • Syntax dissection
  • fieldlist argument specifies the field(s) to
  • Commas separate field names
  • tablename argument contains database table name
  • WHERE conditionlist argument contains a condition
    used to restrict the rows selected
  • Resembles the condition in an If statement
  • ORDER BY fieldlist argument contains a
    comma-separated list to sort table data
  • Data may be sorted in ascending or descending

SQL Select Example
  • Example
  • SELECT FROM tblNames ORDER BY fldLastName
  • SELECT FROM tblNames ORDER BY fldLastName,
  • SELECT fldFirstName, fldLastName FROM tblNames

Table Mappings
  • When populating a DataSet, the OleDbDataAdapter
    uses a default table name
  • Use the DataTableMapping class to supply
    meaningful names
  • The DataTableMapping class supports the following
  • ColumnMappings property contains a reference to a
  • DataSetTable property contains a String
  • String defines the new DataSet table name
  • SourceTable property contains source (default)
    table name

Table Mappings (Example)
  • Create a DataTableMapping changing default table
    name "Table" to "tblNames"

Dim dtmtblNames As DataTableMapping dtmtblNames
modbdaCurrent.TableMappings.Add( _ "Table",
Filling the OleDbDataAdapter
  • Once the OleDbDataAdapter has been configured it
    can be used to populate a DataSet
  • Call the Fill method to populate the DataSet
  • Syntax
  • Overrides Overloads Public Function Fill(ByVal
    DataSet As DataSet) As Integer
  • Overloads Public Function Fill(ByVal DataSet As
    DataSet, ByVal SrcTable As String) As Integer

OleDbDataAdapter(Fill Method Syntax)
  • Syntax dissection
  • First overloaded method accepts one argument
  • The DataSet to fill
  • Second overloaded method accepts a second
    argument containing the name of a particular
    table to fill

OleDbDataAdapter(Fill Method Example)
  • Example
  • Dim modbdaCurrent As New OleDbDataAdapter()
  • Dim dsCurrent As New DataSet()
  • ' Statements to configure the DataAdapter
  • modbdaCurrent.Fill(dsCurrent)
  • modbdaCurrent.Fill(dsCurrent, "tblNames")

Filling the OleDbDataAdapter (1)
Introduction to the DataSet Class
  • The DataSet object represents a disconnected view
    of the data stored in one or more database tables
  • Capabilities
  • Sort the data appearing in a DataSet based on the
    contents of one or more columns
  • Search through the rows in a DataSet searching
    for a particular row based on specific criteria
  • The DataSet is designed to store and manage
    hierarchical data

DataSet Class (Types)
  • DataSets are either typed or untyped
  • Untyped DataSet
  • Reference tables and fields through their
    corresponding collections
  • Typed DataSet
  • Typed DataSets derived from the
    System.Data.DataSet class
  • Contains additional properties and methods that
    allow references to tables and fields directly by

DataSet Properties
  • The Boolean CaseSensitive property controls
    whether String comparisons are made in a case
    sensitive or case insensitive way
  • The DataSetName property defines the name of the
  • The EnforceConstraints property defines whether
    ADO.NET checks constraint rules when adding,
    changing, or deleting data
  • The Tables property returns the collection of
    DataTable objects in the DataSet

DataSet Methods (1)
  • The AcceptChanges method causes any changed
    records to be marked as unchanged records
  • Use to synchronize database with the DataSet
  • The Clear method removes all rows from all tables
    in the DataSet
  • The Clone method makes a copy of the DataSet
    schema (structure)
  • Data is not copied
  • The Copy method copies both the schema and the
    data from a DataSet
  • Creates an exact copy of the original DataSet

DataSet Methods (2)
  • The GetChanges method (overloaded) examines an
    existing DataSet and returns a new DataSet
    containing only the changed records
  • Returns Nothing if DataSet does not contain
  • The HasChanges method returns a Boolean value
    indicating whether the DataSet has pending
  • The RejectChanges method causes any pending
    changes to be cancelled, restoring any data to
    their original values

DataTable Class (Introduction)
  • A DataSet object typically contains one or more
    DataTable objects
  • A DataTable object contains one or more
    DataColumn objects representing each column

DataTable (Properties)
  • CaseSensitive property of the DataTable has the
    same value as the CaseSensitive property of the
    parent DataSet
  • Columns property contains a reference to a
  • Use to reference each column
  • HasErrors property (Boolean) is set to True if
    any of the rows contain errors
  • PrimaryKey property contains an array of
    DataColumn objects
  • Rows property is a collection having a data type
    of DataRowCollection

DataTable (Method)
  • The NewRow method creates a new DataRow object
  • Method uses schema information obtained from the
    DataTable itself
  • Calling the NewRow method creates a new DataRow
  • DataRow contains the same number of DataColumn
    objects as exist in the underlying DataTable

DataTable (Events)
  • ColumnChanging event fires just before a new
    value is stored in a particular column
  • ColumnChanged event fires after a value is stored
    in a column
  • ColumnChanged event fires after the
    ColumnChanging event
  • RowChanging event fires before a new value is
    stored in a row
  • RowChanged event fires after a new value has been
    stored in a row

DataSet, DataTable, DataColumn Relationships
DataTable (Example)
  • Reference a DataTable using a numeric index and
    string key
  • Private dtNames As DataTable
  • dtNames dsCurrent.Tables(0)
  • dtNames dsCurrent.Tables("tblNames")

  • Contains the collection of rows in the DataTable
  • Properties
  • Count property gets the number of rows in the
    collection (records in the DataTable)
  • Count property is 1-based
  • Item property returns a row having the specified
  • Index is 0-based

DataRowCollection Methods
  • Add method adds a new DataRow to the end of the
    Rows collection
  • Clear method removes all of the DataRow objects
    from the Rows collection
  • Removes all of the rows from the underlying
  • Find method locates a single DataRow in the Rows
  • Remove method removes a DataRow in the Rows
  • RemoveAt method has the same purpose as the
    Remove method
  • Accepts the numeric index of the row to remove as
    its one argument

DataTable and Rows Relationship
DataRow Class
  • Each row in the Rows collection has a data type
    of DataRow
  • Item property gets or sets the value for a
    particular column in a DataRow
  • Item property accepts one argument
  • RowState property indicates whether the DataRow
    is a new row, a deleted row, or a row whose
    contents have been modified
  • Delete method of the DataRow class marks the row
    for deletion
  • Row is not deleted until the AcceptChanges method
    of the DataSet or DataTable is called

Navigating the DataTable
Creating a Primary Key
  • Using a primary key to navigate through the
    records in a DataTable is a two-step process
  • First, define the column(s) that will comprise
    the primary key
  • Second, search for a record based on that key
  • Example
  • Dim dcKeyfldID() As DataColumn _
  • dtNames.Columns("fldID")
  • dtNames.PrimaryKey dcKeyfldID

Modifying Data in a DataTable
  • Modifying the records in a DataSet and its
    DataTable(s) and recording those changes back to
    the database is a two-step process
  • First, add, change, and delete records in the
  • Second, record those changes back to the database
    using the Update method of the OleDbDataAdapter

Adding a Row to a DataTable
  • Create a new DataRow object by calling the NewRow
    method of the DataTable class
  • The NewRow method creates a new DataRow object
    with the same schema as the underlying DataTable
  • Call the Add method of the Rows collection to add
    the row to the DataTable
  • Example
  • Dim drCurrent As DataRow
  • drCurrent dtNames.NewRow
  • drCurrent.Item("fldID") txtID.Text
  • ' Statements to copy other fields
  • dtNames.Rows.Add(drCurrent)

Modifying a DataRow
  • Using an index to the Rows collection, reference
    a field within that row
  • Example
  • Reference the field named fldID in the first row
    of the DataTable named dtNames
  • dtNames.Rows(0).Item("fldID") txtID.Text

Deleting a Row from a DataTable
  • To delete a row from a DataTable, call the Delete
    method of the DataRow class
  • Example 1
  • dtNames.Rows(0).Delete
  • Example 2
  • Dim drCurrent As DataRow
  • drCurrent dtNames.Rows(0)
  • drCurrent.Delete()

Input Validation (1)
  • The DataTable class supports events that allow
    you to perform input validation
  • RowChanging event fires just before recording a
    changed or newly added row to the DataTable
  • RowChanged event fires after the row has been

Input Validation (2)
  • ColumnChanging event fires just before changes
    are made to a particular column
  • ColumnChanged event fires after the column has
    been changed
  • RowDeleting event fires just before a row is
  • RowDeleted event fires after the row has been

ColumnChanging Event
  • ColumnChanging event fires for each column just
    before the columns value is changed
  • The data type of the ColumnChanging events
    second argument is DataColumnChangeEventArgs
  • This object supports the following properties
  • Column property is of type DataColumn
  • ProposedValue property contains the new value
    that will be stored in the column
  • Row property contains the underlying DataRow
    object containing the column

SQL Query Parameters
  • Use parameterized queries to select specific
  • Conceptually similar to a procedure accepting one
    or more arguments
  • Syntax of parameters varies from provider to

OleDbParameter Class (Properties)
  • Properties
  • OleDbType property maps a database type to its
    corresponding .NET Framework type
  • Size property defines the number of bytes
    required to store the data
  • Size is inferred for numeric types
  • Set explicit size for String types
  • Value property stores the current value of the

OleDbParameter Class (Constructor)
  • Public Sub New (name As String, datatype As
    OleDbType, size As Integer, srccolumn As String)
  • name argument contains the name of the parameter
  • datatype argument contains a value that defines
    the data type of the argument
  • size argument contains the maximum size of the
  • srccolumn argument contains the name of the
    column in the underlying DataTable

OleDbParameter Class (Example)
  • Example
  • odbcmdSelect.CommandText "SELECT FROM
    tblNames" _
  • " WHERE fldID ? "
  • Dim odbParam As New OleDbParameter("fldID", _
  • OleDbType.Integer, 0, "fldID")
  • odbcmdSelect.Parameters.Add(odbParam)
  • odbcmdSelect.Parameters("fldID").Value 2
  • odbcmdSelect.Connection mconCurrent
  • odbdaCurrent.SelectCommand odbcmdSelect
  • dsCurrent.Clear()
  • odbdaCurrent.Fill(dsCurrent)

OleDbParameter Class (Illustration)
Recording DataSetChanges (1)
  • Explicitly record any changes back to the
    database using the OleDbDataAdapter
  • The following members are used to record changes
    back to the database
  • The Update method of the OleDbDataAdapter records
    the changes made to the DataTable(s) in a DataSet
  • The RowState property marks whether a particular
    DataRow was added, changed, or deleted

Recording DataSetChanges (2)
  • InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand
    properties of the OleDbDataAdapter contain SQL
    statements used to add, change, and delete
    records, respectively
  • OleDbDataAdapter sends the appropriate
    parameterized SQL statements, over the
    OleDbConnection, as necessary

Recording DataSetChanges (Illustration)
Using theOleDbDataAdapter (Example)
  • Example
  • Dim dsUpdates As DataSet
  • Try
  • dsUpdates dsCurrent.GetChanges()
  • If Not (dsUpdates Is Nothing) Then
  • odbdaCurrent.Update(dsUpdates)
  • End If
  • Catch ex As System.Exception
  • Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message)
  • End Try

Building a Parameterized Query
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