Title: Figure 17.2
1Figure 17.2
2Figure 17.3
3- Marine Fisheries and their Uses
- I. Food(1 of all food eaten)
- Finfish (fish) 84 total worldwide catch,
- 16 of animal protein consumed by humans
- Shellfish molluscs and crustaceans
- Other marine food sea cucumber, jellyfish,
polychaete worms, sea urchin roe, algae - II. Industrial fisheries (not for direct human
consumption) Herring, sardine, anchovies (schools
of plankton feeders- largest catches in the
world, one third of world total) - Uses fish meal for chicken feed oil for
margarine, paint, cosmetics petfood
fertilizer. - Marine fisheries are overexploited
- Worldwide catch of seafood stabilized in 1980s
4Figure 17.4
5Tuna, other fish
Gill net
Tuna large schools of small plankton feeders
- herring, anchovies
Purse seine
Shrimp, cod, hake, haddock
Tuna, other fish
Drift nets
6How much fish to catch and not kill off the
fishery? Catch limits set by managers Based on
Maximum Sustainable Yield Goal keep stock of
fish at a constant, healthy size
7Figure 17.10
Catch- effort curve
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10Tsukiji fish Market, Tokyo 1 million tons sold
per year 1 million sea creatures for sale each
day Wild-caught game Caught with high tech
capture techniques
Dolphin-safe tuna? US Fishermen 1970s 200,000
dolphins/year killed 1995 lt 20,000
12Dolphin safe? Purse seines vs. Log Fishing
for Tuna 1000 set nets 500 dolphins 52
Billfish 10 sea turtles 0 sharks 1000 nets using
logs 2 dolphins 654 billfish (swordfish,
marlin) 102 sea turtles 13,958 sharks
Chowder 5.50 oyster crackers Grilled Ahi Tuna
Salad Pad Thai 9.00 with sticky rice and chilled
vegetables   ENTRÉES Spinach
Pasta 14.00 artichoke hearts, wild mushroom
pesto, red swiss chard, fresh mozzarella Grilled
Arctic Char 19.00 king crab compound butter,
fried leeks, steamed rice, sauteed
vegetables Rotisserie Chicken 15.00 Pan
Roasted Carrots and Beets with honey and mint,
mashed potatoes and rutabagas. Grilled Ahi
Tuna 19.00 shiitake mushroom butter sauce, soft
parmesan polenta, sauteed spinach
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29New law on Galapagos No new settlement unless you
are related to current resident New national
school curriculum Schools must teach about local
habitat and value
30Gulf of California, Mexico and Galapagos,
Ecuador Sub-tropical, temperate
climate/sea Desert coast Many rare species and
endemic species (found no where else) Panamic
origin for many of marine species Developing
countries with great natural beauty/rich
fisheries Conflict tourism and fisheries Populatio
n increase and settlement Sea cucumber fishery
(violence in Galapagos) Murex snail fishery