- NETWORKS 2 ECE09.202.01
- 6 December 2006 Lecture 14
- College of Engineering
- Dr Peter Mark Jansson, PP PE
- Autumn Semester 2006 Quarter Two
- HW 7 due in lab next Tuesday
- Lab 2 will be due at final
- Monday Room 239
- 1230 230
3Chapters 9 12 key concepts
- Todays learning objectives
- complete response of RLC circuit
- forced response of RLC circuit
- undamped series RLC circuits
- introduce three-phase circuits
4complete response of an RLC circuit
- The complete response of an RLC circuit is the
sum of the natural response and the forced
5forced response of an RLC circuit
The forced response of a circuit described by a
2nd order differential equation to a forcing
function will often be of the same form as the
forcing function
6forced response of an RLC circuit
7process to find forced response
- KVL, KCL, etc. to get 2nd order diff eq
- divide by LC etc. to get standard form
- substitute component values
- assume a response (of same form)
- solve for unknown
8KVL, KCL, etc. to get 2nd order diff eq
R 6? L 7H C 1/42F is 8e-2t A
KCL v/R i C dv/dt is v L di/dt
dv/dt L di2/dt2
9divide by LC, etc. to get standard form
KCL L di/dt /R i CL di2/dt2 is
10substitute component values
R 6? L 7H C 1/42F is 8e-2t A
11assume a response (of same form)
Response if Be-2t
12solve for unknown
13complete response of an RLC circuit
- the complete response of a circuit with two
irreducible energy storage elements x(t) can be
represented by its two components, namely the
natural response (xn) and the forced response
14process to find complete response
- KVL, KCL, etc. to get 2nd order diff eq
- get standard form of natural response
- examine form of forcing function
- assume a forced response (of same form)
- solve for unknowns with equations and initial
conditions using Cramers rule
15complete response of an RLC circuit
When L1H, C1/6F, R5O and Vs 2/3(e-t)V
Initial conditions v(0) 10V, dv(0)/dt -2V
16complete response of an RLC circuit1) KVL to get
circuits 2nd order diff. eqn.
KVL for the loop -vs Ldi/dt vC Ri 0
Equation for capacitor i Cdv/dt Substituting
value of i from capacitor into KVL
17complete response of an RLC circuit2) get
standard form of natural response
When L1H, C1/6F, R5O and Vs 2/3(e-t)V
Substituting L,C R values s2 5s 6 0
Use Characteristic Equation to get roots
(s2)(s3) 0, s1 -2, s2 -3
18REMEMBERforced response of an RLC circuit
19complete response of an RLC circuit3) examine
form of forcing function4) assume forced
response of same form
When L1H, C1/6F, R5O and Vs 2/3(e-t)V
Forcing Function Vs 2/3 (e-t)V
Using previous table Ke-at will have response
20complete response of an RLC circuit5) solve for
unknowns with initial conditions
Initial conditions v(0) 10V, dv(0)/dt -2V
21complete response of an RLC circuit5) solve for
unknowns with initial conditions
Initial conditions v(0) 10V, dv(0)/dt -2V
LC1 Write the final equation for the complete
response for v(t)
22complete response of an RLC circuit
Determine i(t) when is5u(t) and i(0)0 and
23Where to begin 9.8-9?
What is characteristic equation? What are its
roots? What is ?? What is ??
24Where to begin 9.8-9?
25natural response Type 3underdamped unforced
parallel RLC circuit
The roots in this case are 2 complex roots
Complex underdamped
The natural response will be of the form
26HW 9.8-9
Substituting (1) into (2) yields
Is this right?
27Tables 9.13-1, 9.13-2, 9.13-3
- on page 399
- good study aids
28Chapter 12
- three phase circuits
- three phase voltages
- Wye (Y) and Delta (?) connections
29But first.
30What is 3-phase power?
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34Wye and Delta configurations