Title: Usher Parents Is it Possible
1Usher Parents Is it Possible?
- By Emma Boswell
- October 2008
- What is the aim of the workshop?
- What does Usher Parents Is It Possible? mean?
- Why is it important?
- Pregnancy - what are the challenges?
- 25 years on - has people's perspective
attitudes changed? - Where to find information on parenting?
- Are resources available from the Usher /
Deafblind / Deaf Community? - What planning is needed to support Usher Parents
in the future? - Research Project
- A group discussion will be included in this
workshop. - Please feel free to ask questions at any time
3What is the aim of the workshop?
- The aim of the workshop is to explore and
understand the depth of Usher parenting this is
the first time any research has been carried out
on this subject. - Are there any other areas which we will need to
do more research on in the future?
4What does Usher Parents Is it Possible? mean?
- In modern society in the UK, disabled people have
more freedom to make their own personal choices - However there remains a negative portrayal of
disability within some cultures in society where
shame and stigma still exists - Are Usher people capable of being parents?
- Sending Usher Mothers Fathers questionnaires by
email or face to face (BSL) - Asking social workers questions
- Contacting charities if any support groups or
resources for Usher / deaf parents - Contacting Eye specialist
6Why is it important?
- First research of this type that has been carried
out - To investigate and to see if there is a need for
a support group or to develop further resources
for Usher / deaf parents - ADBN is focusing on Activity, ability
participation Acquired Deafblindness in all
stages of life this year
7Conducting the survey
- Developing questionnaires
- Support from work colleagues
- 9 people with Usher Type 1
- 2 people with Usher Type 2
- 10 women and 1 man
- Ethnicity - 9 white 2 Asian
- Responses total 11
8PregnancyWhat are the challenges?
- Quote from one respondent
- I could not use hands on communication for my
scan as it is difficult to use when lying down on
the couch.
9- High percentage of Usher Mothers had excellent
support from health care professionals and
ante-natal classes - 3 respondents - bump affected balance
- 5 respondents For the 12 weeks scan, room too
dark - 3 respondents - no interpreter for the scan
- 6 respondents - happy with provision of
interpreters for ante classes seeing midwife - 1 respondent had one to one support in ante-
class - 1 respondent - used family member for note
taking in ante-class - 2 respondents - had interpreters during labour.
10After the birth
- 100 of respondents - had hearing babies /
children - Support availability not much support
- Health Visitors supportive with Usher Parents
- No interpreters provided for local baby group
- Challenge in finding a nursery without word of
mouth - 5 respondents - think their vision has
deteriorated - Eye specialists comment - It is rare for female
mothers with Usher to comment on how their vision
has deteriorated particularly in pregnancy but
know of no specific research looking into this
issue - Worsening vision reported by Usher mothers is
it the natural process of deterioration of RP or
is having child/ren an additional risk factor?
11Bringing up a baby / children
- Nothing will stop Usher people becoming parents
- Group discussion split into 2 groups
- Group A) Need to identify a list of challenges
that Usher Parents face when their baby /
children are born - Group B) Should Usher parents receive support
with their hearing children in the early stages
of their baby / childrens development? Should
charities provide more support for Usher / deaf
13Views of the respondents in this survey
- 100 think charities should provide better
services for Usher / deaf parents - 54.5 think they should receive support with
hearing children from the early stages of their
baby / childrens life - 18.2 disagreed One said its because he has a
hearing wife the other believes in using sign
language and natural communication - 63.6 have concerns about their baby / childrens
development because they are deaf
14What are the challenges for Usher Parents when
their baby / children are born?
- QUOTE "An Usher mother takes her hearing baby
to a local hearing mother baby club because she
feels it is important for her baby to develop
with other hearing children. Also the club is the
place where the Usher mother can discuss issues
or ask for advice from the other mothers.
15- Despite her well meaning intentions the Usher
mother has no interpreter support due to no
funding and therefore she cannot participate in
the group fully on equal basis as other mothers
who are hearing."
- Little or no funding from Mother Baby clubs or
nurseries to provide interpreters - Attend local hearing mother baby club
- Missing out sharing vital information, for
example, which nursery is recommended due to lack
of provision of interpreter - Deaf parents club in one area only which means
many parents had to travel from different areas
and some are unable to travel - Transport problems.
- Using buggy/pushchairs helps balance and prevents
bumping into people - Usher Parents can attend deaf parents club and
hearing Mother Club if they want to their
babies/toddlers to mix with their own culture
18Over 5s
- Quote 'I do not want hearing children becoming
young carers for the Usher Parents.
Unfortunately my child already became my carer as
there is not enough support out there'
19Over 5s (part 1)
- Schools
- School Play
- Parents meeting other hearing parents
- Difficult to make friends with hearing parents
- As children develop their English language to
advanced level, some Usher parents find difficult
to teach their children - Teachers seem reluctant to find time to discuss
children with Usher parents
20Over 5s (part 2)
- Activity Clubs after school challenging as
Usher parents cant see in the dark or drive
their children - Depends on where Usher parents live
- Usher parents usually are low earners which means
they cannot afford to buy property within
walking distance to a school and activity clubs - Usher parents will include their children's
friends to stay overnight - Transport
- Gives a lot of love and laughter
- Shared experiences
22How the barriers can be removed for Usher / deaf
- Involve Usher people in professional training
courses i.e. interpreters, social workers - More Communicator-Guides for Usher Parents
- Funding should be provided in the UK for support
in the home and family - Usher / Deaf Awareness in nurseries and schools
- Charities to support Usher / deaf parents
- Provision of Interpreters should be automatic in
all their childrens development and activities
2325 years on- has people's perspective attitudes
- 40-50 years ago, Usher parents were deemed
incapable of bringing up a child just because
they have Usher - Comment from Social Workers - To remove a child
from their parents is a long process and it would
have to involve abuse or neglect. If parent is
Usher, is not a reason to remove the child.
Strong evidence would be needed to prove that the
child is at risk or not being cared for properly - One respondent had one professional telling her,
'you should never have got pregnant - Another respondent said her relatives did try to
take her baby away because he is deaf.
24Where can you find information on parenting?
Are there any resources within the Usher /
Deafblind / Deaf Community?
- Deaf Pregnancy book by RNID charity
- Deaf Parenting UK
25What planning is needed to support all Usher
Parents in the future?
- Charities should give full support and resources
to Usher / deaf parents - Need some improving with their children's schools
e.g. awareness
26Future Research Project
- More questions still need to be answered so more
research on Usher Parents is needed - More improvements needed to services in
supporting Usher parents - Would you or your country be interested to be
involved with future research project? - Research Funding - could we ask the EU?
- Should we work with other groups i.e. Deaf,
deafblind parents?
- We have a better insights into the challenges
faced by Usher Parents - People with Usher can dream of being a parent and
having a family like anyone from the wider
community - Thank you for listening.
- With thanks to Sarah Reed and Tamsin Wengraf for
their tremendous hard work during my maternity
leave - Social workers Patrick Claydon and Christine
Ashby - Mr Webster
- Mary Guest
- All participants from the survey
- A number of charities.