Title: A career at the heart of Europe
1A career at the heart of Europe
European Personnel Selection Office
- Presentation by Joan Flanagan
- Education Officer
- European Commission Representation in Ireland
2EPSO selects staff for
and many other agencies of the EU
3Getting a job in an EU Institution
- EPSO selects candidates
- European Institutions recruit from selected
4Are you looking for
- Challenging work?
- Meaningful work (public service)?
- Opportunities to travel?
- Opportunities to change job and progress?
- Opportunities to change place of work?
- A career?
then look no further!
5How to apply
- Entry is by open competition
- Apply online on www.eu-careers.eu
- Regular cycle of competitions
- Selection procedure 5-9 months
7Who can apply
- Citizens of the 27 Member States
- Having at least 2 official EU languages of which
one is EN, FR or DE - 3 languages before first promotion
8Categories of staff
- AD Administrators
- administrators, policy makers, researchers,
managers, translators, interpreters - University degree
- AST Assistants
- administrative assistants (e.g. in finance,
HR, IT), technicians, secretaries, proofreaders - Higher Secondary Education (at least)
NB Specific requirements for each competition
9The competition stages
10Competition structure
gt 10,000applicants
1. Computer Based Tests (CBT) multiple
choice tests in EN, FR or DE test centre in
your country all applicants 2.
Assessment EPSO assessment centre in
Brussels All defined in a published Notice of
typically 1 50
lt 300successful
111. Computer based tests
- Computer Based Tests (CBT)
- verbal numerical reasoning
- abstract reasoning
- situational judgement testing
- AST professional skills
- Linguists language skills
- (EU knowledge is no longer tested)
- in second language
122. Assessment
- AD (one day) - Case study in the field
(written)- Group exercise- Oral presentation-
Structured interview - AST (half a day)- Professional skills test-
Work simulation- Structured interview
13What are we testing during the assessment
- Knowledge- Specialist knowledge (in EU
context)- Second language- Main language - Competencies- Analysis and problem solving-
Communicating- Delivering quality and result-
Learning and development- Prioritising and
organising- Resilience- Working with others-
AD Leadership
14Conclusion - Reserve list
- List of successful candidates
- Basis for recruitment by Institutions
- Valid for at least one year often extended
15Process of recruitment
- Institutions invite candidates for interview
- Job offer made
- Candidate has option of accepting or remaining
on reserve list
16Staffing levels by Institution
function group AD (Administrators) function group AD (Administrators) function group AST (Assistants) function group AST (Assistants) function group AST (Assistants)
Director-General AD 16
Director-General/ Director AD 15
Administrator working for example as Administrator working for example as
Director / Head of unit / Adviser / linguistic expert economic expert legal expert medical expert veterinary expert scientific expert research expert financial expert, audit expert AD 14
Head of Unit/Adviser/linguistic expert economic expert legal expert medical expert veterinary expert scientific expert research expert financial expert, audit expert AD 13
Head of Unit/principal translator, principal interpreter, principal economist principal lawyer principal medical officer principal veterinary inspector principal scientist principal researcher principal financial officer, principal audit officer AD 12 Assistant working for example as Assistant working for example as Assistant working for example as
Head of Unit/principal translator, principal interpreter, principal economist principal lawyer principal medical officer principal veterinary inspector principal scientist principal researcher principal financial officer, principal audit officer AD 11 AST 11 Personal assistant (p.a.) clerical officer technical officer IT officer Personal assistant (p.a.) clerical officer technical officer IT officer
Head of Unit/senior translator senior interpreter senior economist senior lawyer senior medical officer senior veterinary inspector senior scientist senior researcher senior financial officer, senior audit officer AD 10 AST 10 Personal assistant (p.a.) clerical officer technical officer IT officer Personal assistant (p.a.) clerical officer technical officer IT officer
Head of Unit/senior translator senior interpreter senior economist senior lawyer senior medical officer senior veterinary inspector senior scientist senior researcher senior financial officer, senior audit officer AD 9 AST 9 Personal assistant (p.a.) clerical officer technical officer IT officer Personal assistant (p.a.) clerical officer technical officer IT officer
Translator interpreter economist lawyer medical officer veterinary inspector scientist researcher financial officer, auditor AD 8 AST 8 Senior clerk senior documentalist senior technician senior IT operative Senior clerk senior documentalist senior technician senior IT operative
Translator interpreter economist lawyer medical officer veterinary inspector scientist researcher financial officer, auditor AD 7 AST 7 Senior clerk senior documentalist senior technician senior IT operative Senior clerk senior documentalist senior technician senior IT operative
Junior translator junior interpreter junior economist junior lawyer junior medical officer junior veterinary inspector junior scientist junior researcher junior financial officer, junior auditor AD 6 AST 6 Clerk documentalist technician IT operative Clerk documentalist technician IT operative
Junior translator junior interpreter junior economist junior lawyer junior medical officer junior veterinary inspector junior scientist junior researcher junior financial officer, junior auditor AD 5 AST 5 Clerk documentalist technician IT operative Clerk documentalist technician IT operative
AST 4 Junior clerk junior documentalist junior technician, junior IT operative Junior clerk junior documentalist junior technician, junior IT operative
AST 3 Junior clerk junior documentalist junior technician, junior IT operative Junior clerk junior documentalist junior technician, junior IT operative
AST 2 Filing clerk technical attendant IT attendant, Parliamentary usher. Filing clerk technical attendant IT attendant, Parliamentary usher.
AST 1 Filing clerk technical attendant IT attendant, Parliamentary usher. Filing clerk technical attendant IT attendant, Parliamentary usher.
18Attractive career
- Strong focus on training development
- Language training encouraged (3rd language
required for first promotion) - Job mobility career development positively
encouraged (successive changes of
department/field) - Basic monthly salary for AST1 2,650
- Basic monthly salary for AD5 4,350
- Additional allowances for expatriation,
household, dependent child, education - Flexitime arrangements
- Part-time working arrangements
- Maternity leave of 20 weeks
- Parental leave of 6 months
19Other working possibilities
- Contract agents
- Traineeships
- Seconded national experts
- http//europa.eu/epso/discover/careers/staff_categ
20Further information
- www.eu-careers.eu
- General Information in 23 languages
- Applications accepted in 3 languages
- (English, French, German)
21 22Contacts in the Representation in Ireland
- Education officer
- Joan.Flanagan_at_ec.europa.eu
- Head of Information
- Timothy.Hayes_at_ec.europa.eu
- www.euireland.ie