Title: Sprint 8 receives national attention
1Sprint 8 receives national attention
- Drives business to retail stores
2OprahsO Magazine calls Sprint 8 The
fastest-working workout to MELT OFFTHE POUNDS
3Self Magazine Recommends Sprint 8 for all
women to Lose Weight on Your Lunch Break
4Outside Magazine
Recommends Sprint 8 for all men Tap our very
own fountain of youth with sprint workouts, which
stimulate the production of human growth
5Interval training gains in popularity by Roy
Wallack For years, Michelle Cuellar exercised
five days a week. "But you wouldn't have known it
by looking at me," says the 33-year-old mother of
two. "I felt fit but I was still fat." Cuellar
says she trimmed 10 minutes from her workout time
simply by replacing her old steady-state
30-minute, 6-mph treadmill jog with Sprint 8, a
20-minute aerobic session. Sprint 8 the
centerpiece of the book "Ready Set Go! Synergy
Fitness," by Phil Campbell, has a growing list of
believers. Gary Green, 45, a Web-based
businessman from Tustin, says he halved his
workout time and cycled off 25 pounds since
switching to the program in August. Dan Conner, a
Sacramento fitness store manager who lost 50 of
his 265 pounds and 9 inches off his 45-inch waist
following Campbells program. Internet marketer
Robert Burns of San Diego, 43, says he lost 25
pounds since May. "I feel younger and get faster
and faster every day," he said. The phenomenon
is known as the "stress adaptation response,"
says Leonard A. Kaminsky, director of the
clinical exercise physiology program at the Ball
State University human performance lab and editor
of the exercise guidelines manual of the American
College of Sports Medicine.
6Sprint 8 Impacts New Exercise Guidelines
7New  Exercise Guidelines American College of
Sports Medicine American Heart Association for
healthy adults under age 65, August 8, 2007
- Do moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day,
five days a weekOrDo vigorously intense
cardio20 minutes a day, 3 days a week - (Sprint 8 20 minutes 3 days-a-week since 2000)
8Study-after-study provesyour customers need
Sprint 8
9Highest Intensity ExerciseLowers Mortality Risk
50 Major New Study Released - Feb 2008 Dr.
Peter Kokkinos, lead author Director Exercise
Testing Research Lab, Cardiology, Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, Washington, D.C. Study
group 15,660 men over 23 years(May 1983 Dec
- A salient finding is that mortality risk was 50
lower for men who achieved an exercise capacity
of 7 to 10 METs compared with those who achieved
less than 5 METs regardless of CVD
(cardiovascular disease) status. Kokkinos,
Peter. Exercise capacity and mortality in black
and white men. - Circulation. 2008 Feb 5117(5)614-22. PMID
18212278 - Note 6 - 9 METs is considered vigorous-intensity
This is Sprint 8
10Mimics Growth Hormone Injections
- Our findings suggest that exercise training is a
feasible intervention in GH-deficient adults...
- (Exercise training benefits growth hormone
(GH)-deficient adults in the absence or presence
of GH treatment. Thomas SG, J Clin Endocrinol
Metab. 2003 Dec88(12)5734-8)
The beneficial effects of exercise can
mimiceffects of GH treatment.
11Doubles Endurance
- We conclude that short sprint interval
training (approximately 15 minutes of intense
exercise over 2 weeks) increased muscle oxidative
potential and doubled endurance capacity during
intense aerobic cycling in recreationally active
individuals. - (Six sessions of sprint interval training
increases muscle oxidative potential and cycle
endurance capacity in humans. 2005, J Appl
Physiol. 2005 Jun., Burgomaster KA, Hughes SC,
Heigenhauser GJ, Bradwell SN, Gibala MJ.)
12Low-intensity Cardio is NOT effective
- Dr. Coyle concludes In fact, the low-intensity
aerobic exercise that is typically prescribed for
endurance training or health is not very
effective at increasing aerobic enzyme activity
in type II muscle fibers, which comprise
approximately one-half of the fibers within the
thigh (vastus) and calf (gastrocnemius) muscle in
most people.Thus low-intensity aerobic training
is not a very effective or efficient method for
maximizing aerobic adaptations in skeletal muscle
because it generally does not recruit type II
muscle fibers. (2005, Coyle, Journal of Applied
13Sprint 8 targets Exercise-Induced Growth
HormoneHGH is Your
Fitness Hormoneconcludes Dr. T C Welbourne
- For middle-age adults, HGH is the key to
- Reduce body fat
- Tone and build muscle
- Stop the signs of aging
- Increase energy
14Sprint 8 produces superiorresults for adults of
all ages
- Example One Chapter in Phil Campbells book
featured the Dapranos, senior athletesages 76
and 65
15Keeps Hearts Young
- Sedentary individuals have 50 stiffer hearts
than those of athletes, and the hearts of senior
athletes are indistinguishable from those of
healthy younger athletes. - Lifelong exercise training completely prevents
the stiffening of the heart muscle, which has
been thought to be an inevitable consequenceof
16Bill Jeanne Deprano from the first edition
17UpdateNow age 70, Jeanne Dapranobecame the
first woman EVER over age 70 to break a
7-minute mile
18Whats 81 year old Bill Daprano up to?
19(No Transcript)
20How to use a Sprint 8 test drive and this book to
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