Title: Brown Out Classroom Module Program
1Brown Out Classroom Module Program K-12
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Brown University Center for Advanced Materials
Freezing Point Depression
Presented by Rachel Puda Spring 2004
2Freezing Point Depression
(This section for younger students)
Phases of Mater Solid, Liquid and Gas.
Waters Phases
Solid Ice Liquid Water Gas Water Vapor
Two phases of water in a glass
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3Phase Changes for Water
As temperature changes the water changes phases
Ice turns to water at 0 degrees Celsius and water
turns to water vapor at 100 degrees Celsius.
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4We can experimentally find the temperature at
which water boils and at which ice melts.
Now we can find if salt changes these
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5If water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and ice
cream freezes at 2 degrees Celsius can we find a
way to freeze ice cream?
Ice Cream Ingredients 1/4 cup whole milk 1/4 cup
whipping cream 1/8 cup sugar 1/8 teaspoon vanilla