Title: Providing Expert Advice by Analogy for OnLine Help
1Providing Expert Advice by Analogy for On-Line
- Henry Lieberman and Ashwani Kumar
- Media Laboratory
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Cambridge, MA, USA
- http//www.media.mit.edu/lieber/
2What happens when interaction with the Web goes
- Increasingly, people use the Web to perform
procedures (buy things, vote, date, seek jobs) as
well as just browse
- What happens when things go wrong?
- Debug it yourself
- Get help
- Increasingly, confidence in Web interactions
depends on effectiveness of help
3How do you get help?
- Look up things in problem-solution database
- Telephone support
- On-line chat
4Elicititation Explanation
- Elicitation Helper asks user what is wrong. Get
enough information from user to determine problem
and choose solution.
- Explanation Helper tells user how to fix the
problem. Explain why the solution worked, and
how to avoid such problems in the future.
5Mismatch between expert and novice models
- The helper is an expert the user is a novice
- Novice may lack technical vocabulary to
understand the elicitation questions
- Novice may lack background knowledge to
understand explanation of soultion
- Expert may be unable to empathize with novice
6Problem/Solution Database
7AI Expert Systems
- Expert Systems are the traditional way to encode
expert behavior
- Knowledge Engineer experts to get their knowledge
and procedures
- Encode Expert Model
- Deep but narrow knowledge
- If expert and novice dont share vocabulary and
knowledge, its difficult for the novice to
interact directly with the Expert Model
8We need a model of novice knowledge
- How do we model the knowledge of someone who is
not supposed to know very much?
- Traditionally, novice is modeled as subset of
expert knowledge
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Qualitative
- But how do you model novice knowledge in
9Open Mind - Push Singh
- Common Sense statements collected from volunteer
contributors on the Web
- 770,000 English sentences
- Conventional data/knowledge bases Do a lot of
organizing work up front, so you can get the
stuff out easily
- OM Get the stuff in any which way, then do a lot
of work on the back end to interpret it
- Query expansion, Parser, Semantic net miner
10Open Mind - Push Singh
11How do human helpers succeed in bridging
Expert/Novice gap?
- We interviewed helpers on the America Online
(internet service provider) help desk
- Helpers tend to provide cookbook solutions
- We asked for successful interactions where users
came to understand the problem and solution
- Helpers best explained things by making analogies
to everyday life situations!
12Problem/Solution Database
- Problem My browser can see my companys home
page, but it wont let me access my workgroups
Web site
- Solution Procedure Check if cipher strength is
'0. Upgrade Browser to 128 bit Encryption.
- Explanation Generally, Websites require 128-bit
encryption in order to process information
securely. If the cipher strength of your browser
is inadequate, you will not get into secure
Websites. Upgrading your browser's encryption may
help it better handle secure Websites. - NOTE You only need to do this when unable to get
to secure Websites.
13Better Explain by Analogy
- Encryption in a browser is like security
clearance to enter a building. If you don't have
the proper security clearance, you may be able to
get into the building, but not into certain
areas. You must upgrade your security clearance
status to go further. So without the proper
encryption, your browser may be able to access a
website, but not log in.
14Introducing SuggestDesk
- SuggestDesk is an agent that listens to the
helper/user chat
- Provides suggestions to helper (unseen to novice
- Tries to recognize opportunities for making
analogies between problem/solution DB and Common
Sense knowledge
- User My browser runs slowly
- Problem/Solution DB
- Browser might run slowly because of network
- Browser might run slowly because the browser is
infected by a virus
17Elicitation Explanation
- Elicitation
- (Traffic) When did you try to log in?
- (Virus) Have you downloaded any new applications
- Solution
- (Traffic) Try again at a later time.
- (Virus) Run an anti-virus program.
18SuggestDesks help (Traffic)
- What makes things slow down?
- Traffic runs slowly at rush hour.
- Analogy
- The AOL service is like a road.
- The users are like cars.
- If too many users try to use the service at the
same time, it slows down.
- The solution is to try at a time when things are
less crowded or find an alternative route.
19SuggestDesks help (Virus)
- What makes things slow down?
- People slow down when they are tired.
- Being sick can make you tired.
- Analogy
- A computer virus is like a biological virus
- If you have the flu, you cant do things as fast
as you normally would
- An antivirus program is like medicine.
20SuggestDesk Architecture
- The Natural Language Processor (NLP),
- The Commonsense Processor (CP),
- The Expert Analyzer (EA),
- The Analogy Mapping Engine (AME), and
- The Elicitation and Explanation Processor (EEP).
21Natural Language Processing
- Via MontyLingua, Common Sense part-of-speech
Result prep_phrases_tagged,
verb_phrases_taggedis/VBZ running/VBG,
verb_arg_structures_concise("run" "browser"
"slow"), noun_phrasesbrowser, noun_phrases_ta
ggedbrowser/NN, adj_phrases_taggedslow/JJ,
verb_arg_structuresis/VBZ running/VBG, browser
/NN, slow/JJ, modifiers_taggedslow/JJ,
prep_phrases, verb_phrasesis running,
parameterized_predicatesrun, past_tense,
passive_voice, browser, , slow, , mod
ifiersslow, adj_phrasesslow
(EffectOf 'surf internet' 'download files')
(EffectOf 'surf internet' 'download applications
') (EffectOf 'download files' 'browser cache is
large') (EffectOf 'download applications' 'bro
wser infected by virus') (EffectOf 'PC infected
by virus' 'browser run slow')
23Analogy Mapping Engine
Analogiescomputer, UsedFor, surf internet,
1.1887218755408673, CapableOfReceivingAction, r
un slow, 1.1887218755408673, CapableOfReceiving
Action, crash, 1.1887218755408673,
CapableOfReceivingAction, start,
1.1887218755408673, 6.1887218755408675, car,
CapableOfReceivingAction, damage,
1.1887218755408673, CapableOfReceivingAction,
crash, 1.1887218755408673, CapableOfReceivingAc
tion, start, 1.1887218755408673, 5.930167946706
389, software, CapableOfReceivingAction, run
slow, 1.1887218755408673, CapableOfReceivingAct
ion, crash, 1.1887218755408673,
CapableOfReceivingAction, install,
1.1887218755408673, CapableOfReceivingAction, i
nstall, 1.1887218755408673, 5.855516191543203
- log(f0.5i4),
- where foutgoing edges and i incoming edges
25SuggestDesk Architecture
- The Natural Language Processor (NLP),
- The Commonsense Processor (CP),
- The Expert Analyzer (EA),
- The Analogy Mapping Engine (AME), and
- The Elicitation and Explanation Processor (EEP).
26User Testing
27Woodstein (with Earl Wagner)
- Debugger for Web procedures
- By analogy to debugger for programming
- Provides visualization, explanation, tools for
incremental exploration
- Self-help debugging
- Co-operative debugging between expert and novice
- The effectiveness of online help is key to the
success of Web interactions
- Help needs to bridge the gap between expert and
novice knowledge
- Common Sense Reasoning can help find analogies
that allow expert and novice to communicate
- We need debuggers that help us systematically
explore the causes of problems
- Dont worry, help is on the way!