Title: An aging population
1 2Faster FDA approval of medications
3Direct-to-consumer advertising
4Physicians promoting the use of new drugs
5More people using medication
6All lead to escalating costs.
7Pharmaceutical Expenditures
Source IMS
8In general, prescription expenditures have
increased, on average, 13 each year for the last
nine years.
9Beyond Rx will help keep your prescription costs
in check
10 by introducing you to the next generation of
Transparent PBMs.
12A Transparent PBM Company
13Beyond Rx Highlights
- Incorporated in 1996
- Overland Park, Kansas (Kansas City, KS)
- Second Generation PBM
- Direct Management of over 700 Groups
- Process approximately 20 million retail, managed
care, and mail order claims per year - Quarterly trends below national averages
14Keys to Our Success
- Private Ownership
- We put the clients needs first.
- Independence
- We do not own any part of the pharmaceutical
delivery chain.
15Keys to Our Success
- Bang for the Buck
- We promise the highest level of service at an
affordable cost. - Reliability
- Our claims processor is a proven and robust
16BeyondRx Benefits
Expect these benefits from Beyond Rx
Client Keeps Pharmacy Discounts
Fully Disclosed Rebates
Flat Transaction Fee on Claims
A History of Full Transparency
17With other (first generation) PBMs, the benefits
18From the beginning, weve been straightforward
with our clients, keeping their interests in mind.
19To this end weve always charged a flat
transaction fee. Weve never tacked on hidden
fees or withheld rebates. In other words, we are
a transparent PBM.
20Transparent PBM
How does our transparent business model help our
- It Reduces Drug Ingredient Costs
- because we pass pharmacy discounts on to the
client. - It makes administrative costs predictable
- because we charge a flat transaction fee.
21What are you paying for?
- Markups represent an extra revenue stream for
first generation PBMs. - For example
The First Generation PBM pays
8.00 ingredient cost 1.50 dispensing
fee Total 9.50
22What are you paying for?
The First Generation PBM Charges the Plan Sponsor
10.00 ingredient costs 2.00 dispensing
fee Total 12.00
23- As a result, the first generation PBM has made
2.50 in markups!
24What are you paying for?
- A first generation PBM needs to generate extra
revenue at your expense to support various
parties. - If we take the same 2.50 markup . . .
- A Broker would be paid 50
- Consultants would be paid 25 to 50
- The PBM would keep 1.25 to 1.50
25No Hidden Revenuesor Fees
Hidden Fees in the Traditional PBM Business Model
Ingredient Cost Revenue Dispensing Fee
Revenue Manufacturer Rebates
26s e r v i c e s
27Beyond Rx Services
- Managed Care Programs
- Self Funded
- Partially Funded
- Claims Processing
- Internal Help Desk Support
- Flexible Plan Design Options
- Formulary / Rebate Management
28Beyond Rx Services
- Beyond Rx Pharmacy Networks
- National Network
- Select Network
- Restricted Network
- Maintenance Medication Program
- Community Pharmacy Maintenance Program
(Access Varies) - Mail Order Options
- Drug Utilization Management Programs
29Beyond Rx Services
- Reporting Functionality
- Select from standard reports or use our custom
report feature. - Secure Web Application
- Gives members access to their prescription
copay, copay design, drug history pharmacy
30Cost Saving Interventions
- Identify Specialty Medications Individualized
Programs - Half-Tab Programs
- Zoloft Half Tab Program (Optional)
- Prior Authorization Programs
- Step Therapy Programs
- Market Share Manufacturer Programs
- Rebate
- Member Rebate (up to 25.00 for each Rx)
- Conservative Program Oversight by PT Committee
31One Clients Success Story
32- A Third Party Administrator
- in Kansas City with over
- 24O Small Groups needed . . .
33- individualized plan design options
- network savings
- formulary management
- and
- transparency in their PBM partner
34d e l i v e r e d
35- 240,000 Annual Savings over First Generation
Incumbent PBM - 76,000 Annual Rebate Payout higher than that
of First Generation Incumbent PBM - Average Savings of 5.00 per
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