Title: Crossing Boundaries in Science Teacher Professional Development
1Crossing Boundaries in Science Teacher
Professional Development
- 2007 August 23rd, ESERA, Malmö
- Manfred Lang, Martin Lindner,
- IPN at the Kiel University Germany
- What are Boundaries?
- The Crossnet-Project
- Settings
- Findings
- On EU-Project-Level
- On local Project-Level
- Conclusions
- Boundary objects are "robust enough to maintain
common identity across sites They have
different meanings in different social worlds but
their structure is common enough to more than one
world to make them recognizable" - (Star Griesemer, 1989, p. 393)
4- Haderslev, DK
- Kiel, DE
- Lublin, PL
- Limerick, IE
- Speyer, DE
- Vienna, AU
- Porto, PO
- Barcelona, ES
5CrossnetDesign of an EU-Project
- to establish and sustain initiatives to cross
boundaries in science teacher education - to document and analyze examples of good practice
through case studies - to create opportunities of public discourse about
innovation in science teacher education in
educational settings such as - Boundary Crossing Laboratories Engeström, 2000
- Curriculum Workshops (Lang et al. 2007) or
- Quality Fora (Lindner, 2007)
6The Meaning of Boundary Crossing
- Boundary crossing is signifying new paths for
teaching and learning beyond traditional
subjects, school levels and institutions. - Teachers exchange their experiences among
themselves and other educational stakeholders in
a discourse and develop a shared vision of
working and learning together. - Players Teachers, teacher educators,
administrators, researches and policy makers in
ten national sets with three schools and three
teachers in each school in Austria, Denmark,
Germany, Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
7Collaborative settings for boundary crossing in
activity theory (Engeström 2001)
- A teacher is the subject of her/his design work.
- The work of a teacher calls attention to the
designer as a member of a community. - The object is step-by-step invested with personal
sense and cultural meaning as boundary object. - The object goes through multiple transformations
until it stabilizes as a finished object as
outcome, e.g. a prototype or a curriculum
product. - This process is only possible by means of
mediating artifacts, both material tools and
8The Curriculum Workshop a prototype of a
setting for Boundary Crossing..
- The Curriculum Workshop (CW)
- is a setting with
- selected participants,
- a work schedule and invitation,
- discourse rules,
- an information booklet,
- a key question and
- a curriculum document as output.
- Allows teachers from different communities to
play an active role in a school-based discourse
with other stakeholders from different fields. - Part of this setting a co-ordinator who invites
professional teachers and other participants of a
school-based collaborative environment and
organises the conduct of a discourse as
deliberative inquiry and justification of
curricular innovation.
9Quality Fora as settings for boundary crossing in
standards development
Workshop leaders
10Case study design for Quality Fora
- Since fall 2005 the national standards in
biology, chemistry and physics are released. The
way of implemention in Schleswig-Holstein, the
northern state of Germany, is design according to
basic elements of the SINUS-Programme. They
include regular meetings over a period of 2-3
years working in small teams focussing on
classroom teaching - The process of implementation is organized by a
series of five regional quality forums. - The case study will be conducted as
group-interviews with five teams of science
teachers from five different schools, which have
visited the quality forums. These interviews
should be made in summer 2007 and in another turn
one year later.
11Assessment of the case study background
- In an interview project partners were asked about
their innovative background projects and boundary
crossing activities. The responses were
categorized in terms of - engaged communities,
- boundaries,
- boundary objects as tools
- boundary crossing and
- key questions.
- On EU-Level Boundaries crossings
Meetings in schools writing reflective papers
and/or diaries
Collaboration in teams as well as between teams
institutions responsible for teacher education
Collaboration in team meetings dissemination by
different methods
Using computational resources integrated an
electronic platform
When developing and/or using the teaching material
Collaborative meetings
13Findings on Regional Level
- One of the German case study about Quality Fora
identified the following key question How far
does the work on the standards improve
collaboration in schools? How is change managed? - Boundaries are assumed between communities of
science subject teachers with different subjects,
teachers and teacher educators. Representatives
of these communities are involved in the
collaborative settings of Quality Fora.
14Quality fora Number of Attending schools
15Results Motivation
I was sent by my headmaster I joined on own
- --
My opinion about the standards changed in a
positive way
16Results Impact
The standards did not lead to cooperation in
our subject group
- --
- I expect positiv influence on my classroom
- --
- Collaboration in the subject group at the own
school - Hindering factors
- from outside
- seen on personal level
- Motivation
18First results
How often does the subject team meet per year?
19First results
Primar motivation to deal with the standards
How often does the subject team meet per year?
Pedagog. Dissatis- order
by others Responsibility
faction headmaster Need of
Professional good for innovation development
20First results
Main hindering factors
New regulations Lack of time Lack of
information others
- Crossing boundaries means to overcome the main
hindering factors - Time saving method
- Enabel positive experiences
- First Results show that we move in a correct
direction - The setting itself is an effective tool
22- muchas gracias! / Grà cies!
- Obrigado!
- Tak
- Thanks for listening
- Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmeksamkeit
- Dziekuje za uwage!