Title: Key Requisites for an Entry Level IT Professional
1Key Requisites for an Entry Level IT Professional
ITES BPOby Radhika SareenTATA Consultancy
Services Limited
2A Paradoxical Situation
- India now a global software brand, Sectors
brilliant performance made possible by the Human
Resources deployed - Indias basic Engineering educational system is
robust in conventional branches which has been
leveraged by IT sector employers to a great
extent - All studies indicate that we face an acute
shortage of Human Resources for IT
- IT sector in India has managed to garner only 2
of global market - again surprisingly because of
Human Resource constraints - The quality of relevant IT education has lagged
behind. We do not have a mapping of a taxonomy of
IT careers against appropriate education
training contents - Game of numbers results in ill equipped
institutes luring students who become misfits in
the industry
3Software as a Profession Some Inherent
- No Consensus on Body of Knowledge to define the
scope boundary of the profession - Loose and not an Exact Application of
Engineering principles - No strict Laws / Invariant properties as in
Science. - Large set of stakeholders
- Certification at a nascent stage
- Ethical business standards yet to set deep roots
4Software Developer - Evolution
- Personality type (Myers-Briggs Personality Model)
- Introversion (vs. Extroversion)
- Sensing (vs. Intuition)
- Thinking (vs. Feeling)
- Judging (vs. Perceiving)
- Programmer (vs. Consultant)
- Challenge
- Ability to move across the spectrum, like an
oscillating pendulum - Evolving Software Profession (barely 50 year old
worldwide, still younger in India) - Evolution (Programming to Solution Providing)
5Current Software Scenario
- Immature discipline (Craft?? Commerce??
Profession??) - Heterogeneous input from engineering colleges
- Business and applications are prime drivers of
technology - Gaps in Formal Education need to focus on
- Knowledge of permanent value and not fleeting
skills (Engineering Mindset) - Synthesis abilities along with analytical
abilities - Abstraction capabilities and not solution schemes
for a given problem - Holistic thinking
- Problem solving orientation
6 Bridging the Gaps
- Focus on strengthening the fundamentals
- Develop a multi-disciplinary and holistic
approach - Ability to relate to real-world problems
- Improve abstraction capabilities
- Soft Skills
- Business Skills
- Reading Habit
- Career Orientation
- Variety Management (Customization)
7Soft Skills what are they?
Personal Grooming
Conflict Resolution
Dining Table Manners
8Business Skills what are they?
Business Drivers
Product Development
Business Processes
Legal Awareness
Customer Order Management
Functional Expertise
Strategic Planning
Domain Skills
Business Analysis
Project Management
Knowledge Management
Commercial Awareness
9Five Major Dimensions that IT Companies Evaluate
Key Personality Characteristics
Discipline Knowledge, Training / Seminars
Technical Skills
Special Abilities, if any
Mental and Emotional Abilities
Education and Formal Qualifications
10What the Industries look for?
11How Candidates Get Ratedin Interviews?
Attitude 35
Image and Appearance 10
Communication (Verbal Non-verbal) 25
Technical Skills Qualifications 30
12Role of an individual in Achieving Organizational
- Market Study by Robert Half Technology, U.S.A.
- 53 of CIOs said they offer IT employees
trainings in Non-IT areas, in a survey of 1,420
CIOs done by an independent research group for
Robert Half Technology, a global provider of
technology professionals. - 70 of the business services companies spend time
and money on training their resources on
Organizational Effectiveness
Managerial effectiveness
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Personal Effectiveness
Impact Hits the bottom line
13Generic Training Model
14Learning Development at TCS
- Objectives
- Develop Total Professionals
- Technical / Managerial / Domain Skills, and
Attitudes - Plough back Project Experience into Learning
Sharing - LD at TCS
- Emphasizes Life Long Learning
- Covers all staff
- Driven by proactive and reactive considerations
- Meets company needs, individual aspirations and
technology trends
15 TCS Induction Model
- Concepts - Skill - Attitude Triad
- Engineering Process
- 3 Core Competencies (Dr. F.C. Kohli)
- Simulated real-life case implementation
- Core fundamentals
- Technologies
- Life skills
- Learning to Learn paradigm
- Feedback measuring effectiveness of training
16What Overseas Clients of Several IT Companies
Have to Say?
- Spoken English sounds like Greek and Latin
- Pedestrian writing skills, no e-mail etiquettes
- Insensitive towards cross-cultural issues.
- Lack of grooming makes you guys lesser mortals
- Utter disregard to the dress code.
- Lack of personal and community hygiene.
- Under-developed table manners, lack of dining
discipline. - Lack of soft skills, less idea about art of
living - No sense of humor.
- Dearth of well rounded professionals, incomplete
guys - Lack of multi-disciplinary competency and
holistic approach - Inability to relate to real-world problems,
inability to see the larger picture - Little abstraction capabilities
- Lack of business domain appreciation
- IT fundamentals not too strong, lack of in-depth
knowledge. - Problem of treating job as an extension of the
campus - Technicians rather than consultants
- Too many boys, very few men
- Moved up the value chain is a distant cry on the
17 Where Non-Premium IT Institutes Lack?
- Paucity of High Quality IT Faculty
- Compensation challenges
- Industry opportunities drive job-seekers away
from academics - Re-tooling, continuing education faculty
development a distant cry on horizon - Most teachers entered academics by compulsion
than by choice, not role models - Infrastructure Constraints
- Obsolescence of Computing Resources
- Expensive Software Licenses
- Bandwidth limitations
- Inadequate subscription of International Books
and Journals - Dilution in Education Standards
- Relatively lower focus on IT fundamentals
- Curriculum re-design far too infrequent
- Money the prime driver rather than academics
- Lack of seriousness in the non-creamy layer of
students - Lack of stringent examining standards
- Lack of industry-academia interface compels the
institutes to remain in their shell
18 Indicative IT Curriculum
- Compulsory Courses
- Basic Mathematics
- Advanced Mathematics
- Basics of Business
- Algorithms and Automata
- Systems Thinking
- Basics of Information Systems
- Overview of Technology Elements
- Architectures Distributed Computing
- Advanced data structures
- Object Oriented Concepts
- GUI - Visual Programming Languages
- Data Communication, Computer Networks, TCP / IP
Internet - Detailed Technology Elements
- Embedded Systems
- Basic Software Engineering
- Advanced Software Engineering
- Software Project Management
- Electives
- Intelligent Systems
- ERP CRM Systems
- Image Processing Geographic Information Systems
- E- Business Systems
- Cryptography Data Security
- Information Management
- Healthcare Biomedical Systems
- E-Governance
- IT Society
- Net-Centric Computing
- Mobile Computing
- Business Intelligence Systems
- Industrial Process Control Systems
- Multi-Media Entertainment Systems
- Formal Methods
- Flexible Manufacturing SystemsÂ
19Suggestion Pointers for Delegates
- Recast your IT curriculum with focus on
fundamentals (Creating Human Resources for
Information Technology - A Systemic Study on
NASSCOM site) - Introduce business skills and consulting
methodology teaching - Introduce extensive teaching of soft-skills by
experts - Cultural sensitivity training
- Grooming
- Dress code
- Communications Presentation Skills
- Table manners, dining discipline
- Attitudinal change workshops
- Encourage systems engineering as a discipline
- Have enough foreign Books Journals, create
incentives for reading, create intellectual
assets and have electronic knowledge repositories
- Usher in incentives for faculty thru compensation
research opportunities - Have IT companies of repute as Campus Mentors
- Pro-actively solicit interaction with industry
associations like NASSCOM, IEEE, CSI, etc. for
an on-going industry-academia interface - Shun laid back attitude, do not subscribe to
çhalta hai syndrome, have the fire in the
belly, become agents of change for creating an
academic environment be passionate to make
quality a way of life at the campus
- Energy, Drive and Initiative
- Education Performance Trend over Time
(consistency) - Extra-curricular accomplishments to gauge
Management - and Organizational Ability
- Problem Solving Thinking Skills
- Technical Competency Potential to Learn
- Team Leadership Ability
- Schooling
- Family Background
- Character, Values, Commitment Goals
- Personality Culture Fit
- Focus on the Soft Skills/Life Skills
21Holistic Education
Business Skills
Soft skills
Technical Skills
22Thank you