Title: Kimberle Farver 4696933153
1Kimberle Farver469-693-3153
2Profile Instruments
3Preference Scales - Jung
Where one prefers to focus attention and get
They way one prefers to take in information
The way one prefers to make decisions
How one orients themself to the external world
4Communication challenges
- Between E and I
- Contact versus time alone
- Between S and N
- Details and realism versus General picture and
speculation - Between T and F
- seen as unsympathetic and critical versus
illogical and too agreeable - Between J and P
- decisive and controlling versus flexible and
changeable (or pushy versus wishy-washy)
5What is Your Relationship Style?
- It is ...
- Habits (patterns of behavioral preferences)
displayed when you interact with others - What you say and do, and how you say and do it
- Predictable most of the time
- Skill is in learning
- To recognize the habits which comprise
relationship styles - To observe other people and identify their style
- To adjust your own behavior to make that person
feel more at ease without giving up who you are
6The First Dimension Assertiveness
- The degree to which a person is perceived as
attempting to influence the decisions of others
- More Assertive Tell
- Exude more
- Move faster
- Gesture more vigorously
- More direct eye contact
- Lean forward when making a point
- Speak louder and more rapidly
- Speak more often
- Often interrupts
- Decide quicker
- More risk-oriented
- More confrontational
- Often takes a stand
- Makes statements
- Less Assertive Ask
- Demonstrate less energy
- Move slower
- Gesture less vigorously
- Less direct eye contact
- Lean backward when making a point
- Speak slower and softer
- Speak less often
- Seldom interrupts
- Decide less quickly
- Less risk-oriented
- Less confrontational
- Often seeks out information
- Asks questions
7The Second Dimension Responsiveness
The extent to which a person is perceived as
expressing feelings, emotions and impressions
when relating to others
- Less Responsive Guarded
- Interest in talking about tasks facts
- Values achievement
- Often formal, proper, or controlled in social
situations - Less facial expressiveness
- Gestures less often
- Less vocal inflection
- Prefers working alone
- May be independent of or indifferent to feelings
of others - No-nonsense attitude
- Rely on reason and logic when making decisions
- Less disclosing of feelings
- More Responsive Open
- Interested in talking to/with people
- Values acceptance
- Often acts informal, playful, or casual in
social situations - More facially expressive
- Gesture more freely
- More vocal inflection
- Use more anecdotes and stories
- Prefer working with people
- Easy going
- May talk and act dramatically
- Shows variety of emotions
8Relationship Styles Chart
9Typical Behaviors of Each Style
Green Thinker
Red Director
- Slow, cautious action
- Maximum effort to organize
- Historical time frame
- Avoid personal involvement
- Swift, direct action
- Maximum effort to control
- Present time frame
- Avoid inaction
Blue Relater
Yellow Socializer
- Rapid, impulsive action
- Maximum effort to involve
- Future time frame
- Avoid isolation
- Unhurried, supportive action
- Maximum effort to relate
- Present time frame
- Avoid conflict
10Strengths and Weaknesses
Thinkers Hardworking Demanding Organized Cautious
Logical Inflexible
Directors Decisive Stubborn Thorough Domineering
Efficient Impatient
Relaters Supportive Submissive Reliable Bashful F
riendly Sympathetic
Socializers Inspirational Impulsive Optimistic Un
reliable Creative Manipulative
- Understand strengths and weaknesses of your style
- Weaknesses of your style may create tension for
other person
11Reaction to Tension Back-Up Behavior
- Be sensitive to reactions of other person
- If they are using their back-up behavior, then
you are causing stress in the relationship
12Sub-styles Chart
13Know the Other Person Try to Accommodate Their
- Know the other person
- Do they tend to tell or ask?
- Is he/she more open or guarded?
- Once you know other persons style, adjust your
openness and assertiveness, your pace and
priority to allow other person to relate more
easily to you - Dont mimic other persons style. Do not give up
your objectives, beliefs, ideas, or values
14Style Descriptors