Linear Block Codes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Linear Block Codes


A total of 2k n-bit codewords constitute a (n,k) code. ... Define the weight enumerator: Then. Let z = p/(1-p), and noting that A0=1 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Linear Block Codes

Linear Block Codes
Basic Definitions
  • Let u be a k-bit information sequence
  • v be the corresponding n-bit codeword.
  • A total of 2k n-bit codewords constitute a (n,k)
  • Linear code The sum of any two codewords is a
  • Observation The all-zero sequence is a codeword
    in every
  • linear block code.

Generator Matrix
  • All 2k codewords can be generated from a set of k
    linearly independent codewords.
  • Let g0, g1, , gk-1 be a set of k independent
  • v uG

Systematic Codes
  • Any linear block code can be put in systematic
  • In this case the generator matrix will take the
  • G P Ik
  • This matrix corresponds to a set of k codewords
    corresponding to the information sequences that
    have a single nonzero element. Clearly this set
    in linearly independent.

(No Transcript)
Generator Matrix (contd)
  • EX The generating set for the (7,4) code
  • 1000 gt 1101000 0100 gt 0110100
  • 0010 gt 1110010 0001 gt 1010001
  • Every codeword is a linear combination of these 4
  • That is v u G, where
  • Storage requirement reduced from 2k(nk) to

Parity-Check Matrix
  • For G P Ik , define the matrix H In-k
  • (The size of H is (n-k)xn).
  • It follows that GHT 0.
  • Since v uG, then vHT uGHT 0.
  • The parity check matrix of code C is the
    generator matrix of another code Cd, called the
    dual of C.

Encoding Using H Matrix(Parity Check Equations)
Encoding Circuit
Minimum Distance
  • DF The Hamming weight of a codeword v , denoted
    by w(v), is the number of nonzero elements in the
  • DF The minimum weight of a code, wmin, is the
  • weight of the nonzero codewords in the
    code.wmin min w(v) v ? C v ?0.
  • DF Hamming distance between v and w, denoted by
    d(v,w), is the number of locations where they
    differ.Note that d(v,w) w(vw)
  • DF The minimum distance of the code dmin min
    d(v,w) v,w ? C, v ? 0
  • TH3.1 In any linear code, dmin wmin

Minimum Distance (contd)
  • TH3.2 For each codeword of Hamming weight l there
    exists l columns of H such that the vector sum of
    these columns is zero. Conversely, if there exist
    l columns of H whose vector sum is zero, there
    exists a codeword of weight l.
  • COL 3.2.2 The dmin of C is equal to the minimum
    numbers of columns in H that sum to zero.
  • EX

Decoding Linear Codes
  • Let v be transmitted and r be received, where
  • r v e
  • e ? error pattern e1e2..... en, where
  • The weight of e determines the number of errors.
  • We will attempt both processes error detection,
    and error correction.

Error Detection
  • Define the syndrome
  • s rHT (s0, s1, , sk-1)
  • If s 0, then r v and e 0,
  • If e is similar to some codeword, then s 0 as
    well, and the error is undetectable.
  • EX 3.4

Syndrome Circuit for 7,4) Hamming Code
  • Figure 3.5, page 74.

Error Correction
  • s rHT (v e) HT vHT eHT eHT
  • The syndrome depends only on the error pattern.
  • Can we use the syndrome to find e, hence do the
  • Syndrome digits are linear combination of error
    digits. They provide information about error
  • Unfortunately, for n-k equations and n unknowns
    there are 2k solutions. Which one to use?

Example 3.5
  • Let r 1001001
  • s 111
  • s0 e0e3e5e6 1
  • s1 e1e3e4e5 1
  • s2 e2e4e5e6 1
  • There are 16 error patterns that satisfy the
    above equations, some of them are0000010 1101010
    1010011 1111101
  • The most probable one is the one with minimum
    weight. Hence v 1001001 0000010 1001011

Standard Array Decoding
  • Transmitted codeword is any one ofv1, v2, ,
  • The received word r is any one of 2n n-tuple.
  • Partition the 2n words into 2k disjoint subsets
    D1, D2,, D2k such that the words in subset Di
    are closer to codeword vi than any other
  • Each subset is associated with one codeword.

Standard Array Construction
  • 1. List the 2k codewords in a row, starting with
    the all-zero codeword v1.
  • 2. Select an error pattern e2 and place it below
    v1. This error pattern will be a correctable
    error pattern, therefore it should be selected
    such that
  • (i) it has the smallest weight possible (most
    probable error)
  • (ii) it has not appeared before in the array.
  • 3. Add e2 to each codeword and place the sum
    below that codeword.
  • 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all the possible
    error patterns have been accounted for. There
    will always be 2n / 2k 2 n-k rows in the array.
    Each row is called a coset. The leading error
    pattern is the coset leader.
  • Note that choosing any element in the coset as
    coset leader does not change the elements in the
    coset it simply permutes them.

Standard Array
  • TH 3.3No two n-tuples in the same row are
    identical. Every n-tuple appears in one and only
    one row.

Standard Array Decoding is Minimum Distance
  • Let the received word r fall in Di subset and lth
  • Then r el vi
  • r will be decoded as vi. We will show that r is
    closer to vi than any other codeword.
  • d(r,vi) w(r vi) w(el vi vi) w(el)
  • d(r,vj) w(r vj) w(el vi vj) w(el
  • As el and el vs are in the same coset, and el
    is selected to be the minimum weight that did not
    appear before, thenw(el) ? w(el vs)
  • Therefore d(r,vi) ? d(r,vj)

Standard Array Decoding (contd)
  • TH 3.4Every (n,k) linear code is capable of
    correcting exactly 2n-k error patterns, including
    the all-zero error pattern.
  • EX The (7,4) Hamming code
  • of correctable error patterns 23 8
  • of single-error patterns 7
  • Therefore, all single-error patterns, and only
    single-error patterns can be corrected. (Recall
    the Hamming Bound, and the fact that Hamming
    codes are perfect.

Standard Array Decoding (contd)
  • EX 3.6 The (6,3) code defined by the H matrix

Standard Array Decoding (contd)
  • Can correct all single errors and one double
    error pattern

The Syndrome
  • Huge storage memory (and searching time) is
    required by standard array decoding.
  • Recall the syndrome
  • s rHT (v e) HT eHT
  • The syndrome depends only on the error pattern
    and not on the transmitted codeword.

The Syndrome (contd)
  • TH 3.6 All the 2k n-tuples of a coset have the
    same syndrome. The syndromes of different cosets
    are different.
  • (el vi )HT elHT (1st Part)
  • Let ej and el be leaders of two cosets, jltl.
    Assume they have the same syndrome.
  • ejHT elHT ?(ej el)HT 0.
  • This implies ej el vi, or el ej vi
  • This means that el is in the jth coset.

The Syndrome (contd)
  • There are 2n-k rows and 2n-k syndromes
    (one-to-one correspondence).
  • Instead of forming the standard array we form a
    decoding table of the correctable error patterns
    and their syndromes.

Syndrome Decoding
  • Decoding Procedure
  • 1. For the received vector r, compute the
    syndrome s rHT.
  • 2. Using the table, identify the coset leader
    (error pattern) el .
  • 3. Add el to r to recover the transmitted
    codeword v.
  • EX
  • r 1110101 gt s 001 gt e
  • Then, v 1100101
  • Syndrome decoding reduces storage memory from
    nx2n to 2n-k(2n-k). Also, It reduces the
    searching time considerably.

Hardware Implementation
  • Let r r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 and s s0
    s1 s2
  • From the H matrix
  • s0 r0 r3 r5 r6
  • s1 r1 r3 r4 r5
  • s2 r2 r4 r5 r6
  • From the table of syndromes and their
    corresponding correctable error patterns, a truth
    table can be constructed. A combinational logic
    circuit with s0 , s1 , s2 as input and e0 , e1 ,
    e2 , e3 , e4 , e5 , e6 as outputs can be

Decoding Circuit for the (7,4) HC

Error Detection Capability
  • A codeword with dmin can detect all error
    patterns of weight dmin 1 or less. It can
    detect many higher error patterns as well, but
    not all.
  • In fact the number of undetectable error patterns
    is 2k-1 out of the 2n -1 nonzero error patterns.
  • DF Ai ? number of codewords of weight i.
  • Ai i0,1,,n weight distribution of the
  • Note that Ao1 Aj 0 for 0 lt j lt dmin

  • EX Undetectable error probability of (7,4) HCA0
    A7 1 A1 A2 A5 A60 A3A47Pu(E)
    7p3(1-p)4 7p4(1-p)3 p7For p 10-2 ?Pu(E)
  • Define the weight enumerator
  • Then
  • Let z p/(1-p), and noting that A01

  • The probability of undetected error can as well
    be found from the weight enumerator of the dual
  • where B(z) is the weight enumerator of the dual
  • When either A(z) and B(z) are not available, Pu
    may be upper bounded byPu 2-(n-k) 1-(1-p)n
  • For good channels (p ?0) Pu 2-(n-k)

Error Correction Capability
  • An (n,k) code of dmin can correct up to t errors
  • It may be able to correct higher error patterns
    but not all.
  • The total number of patterns it can correct is
  • the code is perfect

Hamming Codes
  • Hamming codes constitute a family of single-error
    correcting codes defined as
  • n 2m-1, k n-m, m ? 3
  • The minimum distance of the code dmin 3
  • Construction rule of H
  • H is an (n-k)xn matrix, i.e. it has 2m-1 columns
    of m tuples.The all-zero m tuple cannot be a
    column of H (otherwise dmin1).No two columns
    are identical (otherwise dmin2). Therefore, the
    H matrix of a Hamming code of order m has as its
    columns all non-zero m tuples. The sum of any
    two columns is a column of H. Therefore the sum
    of some three columns is zero, i.e. dmin3.

Systematic Hamming Codes
  • In systematic form
  • H Im Q
  • The columns of Q are all m-tuples of weight ? 2.
  • Different arrangements of the columns of Q
    produces different codes, but of the same
    distance property.
  • Hamming codes are perfect codesRight side
    1n Left side 2m n1

Decoding of Hamming Codes
  • Consider a single-error pattern e(i), where i is
    a number determining the position of the error.
  • s e(i) HT HiT the transpose of the ith
    column of H.
  • Example

Decoding of Hamming Codes (contd)
  • That is, the (transpose of the) ith column of H
    is the syndrome corresponding to a single error
    in the ith position.
  • Decoding rule
  • 1. Compute the syndrome s rHT
  • 2. Locate the error ( i.e. find i for which sT
  • 3. Invert the ith bit of r.

Weight Distribution of Hamming Codes
  • The weight enumerator of Hamming codes is
  • The weight distribution could as well be obtained
    from the recursive equations A01, A10
  • (i1)Ai1 Ai (N-i1)Ai-1 CNi i1,2,,N
  • The dual of a Hamming code is a (2m-1,m) linear
    code. Its weight enumerator is
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