Title: The Transition to Digital Television
1The Transition to Digital Television
- Jérôme Adda
- University College London
Marco Ottaviani London Business School
2Talk Plan
- Digital television
- Business and public policy problem
- Model
- Data and results
- Effects of policies on viewers incentives
3From Analogue to Digital TV
- TV platforms terrestrial, cable, satellite,
broadband TV - Benefits digital compression technology allows
more efficient use of bandwidth, by a factor of 6 - Costs investment in transmission equipment by
broadcasters and in reception equipment by
viewers - Benefits and costs
- are unevenly distributed among players
- vary across platforms
4Digital TV, EU Penetration
5Coordination Problem
- Viewers incentives to migrate from analogue
depend on - benefits from additional digital channels
- cost of digital reception equipment (set top
box STB or integrated television sets aerial
upgrade) - Broadcasters make channels available on digital
platform if there are many digital viewers - Manufacturers and retailers offer cheap digital
equipment if many viewers demand it
6Public Good Problem
- Broadcasting transmission is a public good if
one viewer is reached, all viewers are also
reached at no additional cost non rivalry - So, bandwidth (satellite transponder space,
terrestrial spectrum) can be freed up only if all
analogue viewers have migrated to digital
7UK Digitisation of Platforms
Digital Terrestrial (DTT) is progressing
Cable 2/3 digitised
BSkyB digitised satellite platform in 3 years
8Business Policy
- In the UK
- Satellite (pay TV) network run by BSkyB
- Analogue only network up to 1998
- Digital analogue simulcasting, 1998-2001
- Installed digital STB to all subscribers (free of
charge) - Analogue signal switched off in 2001
- Digital terrestrial
- Pay operator (ITV Digital) subsidised digiboxes
1998-2002, bankrupt 2002 - Now platform run by Freeview, subscription free
9Comparison of Delivery Platforms
10Talk Plan
- Digital television
- Business and public policy problem
- Model
- Data and results
- Effects of policies on viewers incentives
11Terrestrial TV Public Policy
- DTT uses radio spectrum, a publicly owned
resource government act as owner and aims at
solving economic coordination problem
- Social role of television Public Service
Broadcasting - Political importance of pluralism in
media/information markets legislation on
concentration in media ownership
12Terrestrial Spectrum Constraint
- Limited amount of spectrum e.g., 368MHz in UK
that can be used for analogue digital TV - Population coverage of DTT to 2/3 is limited
until analogue switched off - Power of DTT is limited until switch off,
requiring often additional investment on antenna
- Trade off between number of analogue and digital
channels and population coverage
13Digital Television Action Plan
- UK Government has declared intention to start to
switch off analogue terrestrial signal between
2006 and 2010, with completion expected by 2012 - By then, most consumers will need to have digital
TVs or digital set-top boxes - Achieving this depends very much on how the
broadcasters, manufacturers and consumers behave - First step is understanding what drives viewers
14Talk Plan
- Digital television
- Business and public policy problem
- Model
- Data and results
- Effects of policies on viewers incentives
15Purpose of Model
- Model
- built to predict numbers of viewers who adopt
different TV platforms - over time
- depending on exogenous market and policy
parameters - Framework for considering policy effects
16Illustration Toy Example
- t1,2
- A D available in t1,2
- Viewer with
- at, benefit from analogue
- bt, incremental benefit from digital
- st, cost of switching to digital
- Payoffs
- AA a1d a2
- AD a1d (a2 b2 s2)
- DD a1 b1 s1 d (a2 b2 )
17Laissez Faire vs. First Best
- t1,2
- A D available in t1,2
- Free to air broadcaster
- CD cost of digital transmission
- CA cost of digital transmission
- Social payoffs
- AA a1 CA d (a2 CA)
- AD a1 CA d (a2 b2 s2 CD)
- DD a1 b1 s1 CD d (a2 b2 CD)
18Model Assumptions
- Dynamic discrete choice model of individual
adoptions of primary TV set, with comparison of - current cost of reception equipment
- future viewing benefits
- Treat prices and expectations as exogenous
- Impose perfect foresight of future prices
- Allow probabilistic belief about switch off date
- Assume away network or learning externalities,
but allows for experience curve in equipment
19Viewers Decisions
- Long-term choice of platform to adopt
- Medium-term choice of package of channels
- Short-term choice of channel to view
- Our model focuses on (1) (2), where (1) is an
investment decision involving a switching cost
20Instantaneous Preferences
- Viewers utility from package j in period t is
- X is vector of platform attributes
- p is vector of prices of each platform
- is preference shock with extreme value
distribution, capturing idiosyncratic variation
in consumer preferences
21Dynamic Problem
- A viewer enters period t with platform i, and
then chooses platform j from a choice set It -
- The value is defined recursively as
- where ct(i,j) is cost of switching from platform
i to j, with ct(i,i)0
22Two Phases
- Post-switch phase (S)
- Analogue not available
- Stationary problem with value function VS(i, p,
X) - Pre-switch phase (A)
- Viewers can choose analogue
- Viewers expect that analogue will be switched off
in period t (conditional on not having been
switched off earlier) with probability - Value function is
23Talk Plan
- What is digital television?
- Why should we economists care?
- Purpose of our model
- Data and results
- Effects of policies on viewers incentives
- Survey data with stated preferences for
television by UK consumers - 434 individuals choices in up to 40 different
scenarios - In total 16,010 observation
25Heterogeneity of marginal utility for channels as
function of household characteristics
26Baseline Scenario
27Talk Plan
- What is digital television?
- Why should we economists care?
- Model
- Data and results
- Effects of policies on viewers incentives
28Policy Alternatives
- A firm switch off date has been adopted in Berlin
- The UK has increased the number of channels
available on the DTT platform as well as its
coverage - Subsidies to low-income have been given to low
income households in Berlin - Pay-television content might be made available on
the French DTT platform - Subsidies have been introduced in Italy
- Digital equipment has been mandated in the US
29UK September 1999 Announcement
- The Government is committed to ensuring that
terrestrial analogue broadcasting signals are
maintained until - Everyone who can currently get the main public
service broadcasting channels in analogue form
(BBC 1 and 2, ITV, Channel 4/S4C and Channel 5)
can receive them on digital systems - Switching to digital is an affordable option for
the vast majority of people - As a target indicator of affordability, 95 of
consumers have access to digital equipment.
30Timing Issue
- The switch over process could start to happen as
early as 2006 and be completed by 2010, depending
on the progress made by broadcasters and
manufactures, and the interests of consumers
being served. - Question What is the effect of credible
announcement of switch off in 2010?
31Firm Commitment to Switch off
- Simulations show that
- Almost all viewers (more than 95) will adopt
digital TV before switch off, if they perceive
switch off to be inevitable in 2010 - Reason
- Preference for television is very strong, so very
few viewers will opt out of television to save
the cost of set top box - Firm commitment to switch off date should work
32Expectation of Early Switch Off
Experiment v. Baseline Switch off expected at
33Share of No Television
34Conditional Switch off Policy
- With switch off conditional on meeting 95
criterion, multiple equilibria result. In one
equilibrium, switch off takes place at T10. In
another equilibrium, there is no switch off at
T10. - The switch off at T10 equilibrium survives.
- There is also a no switch off at T10
equilibrium in which consumers expect no switch
off - Given that consumers expect that analogue will
not be switched off, (at least 5 of) consumers
will not buy set top boxes - 95 criterion will not be met at time of switch
off - So, there will be no switch off
35Other Policies
- If firm commitment to switch off is not
politically feasible, other policies to speed up
adoption - Increase quality of digital channels
- Give subsidies to STB
- Give coupons/rebates on TV licences to low-income
families or old viewers
36Increased DTT Quality
37Launch of Free Basic Satellite
38Effect on consumer surplus of (expected) analogue
switch off at different dates
- Focused on viewers incentives
- large switching costs
- spontaneous adoption takes time
- considerable fraction of digital if pushed who
go for digital only if analogue is not available - very few never digital who prefer no TV to
digital - expectations about switch off time are key
- free DTT adds competition to pay TV market
- Caveat Broadband/internet TV