Title: LNV 1812002
1Water saving in rice ecosystems
Converting inundated rice cultivation into dry
rice Dr. Huib Hengsdijk - Plant Research
2Why research on rice ecosystems?
- heavy water consumer 5000 l/kg rice
- important food crop 50 of the world population
- in Asia 80 of caloric intake is rice
- food security lt--gt water security
3Rice wet or dry
- land preparation
- weed control
- water buffer
- inflow of nutrients
- nitrogen fixing organisms
- dissolving nutrients
- controlling acidification
- diseases
- fish
4Changing conditions - changing practices
- Labor requirement and direct seeding
- Land pressure and multiple cropping
- Water scarcity and water-less-rice production
- Global climate change and methane emission in
rice fields
demand side
supply side
More crop per drop!
6Project aims
- Strengthening international rice networks and
capacity building
7Project approach
- Integrated analysis and design of water saving
rice ecosystems at different scales - field empirical resarch (testing management
practices) - farm empirical/model research (survey/farm
modelling) - region model research (hydraulogical simulation
Plant Research International Netherlands Devel
opment Economics group Netherlands WL Delft
hydraulics Netherlands Nanjing Agric.
Univ. China Jiangxi Agric. Univ. China Tam
il Nadu Agric. Univ. India Central Research
Institute for Food Crops Indonesia University of
Antananarivo Madagascar Cornell Intern.
Institute for Food, Agric. and Dev. USA IRRI,
9(i) Benefits/deliverables
- Field level
- environmental and management conditions
- demonstration
- Farm level
- Impact of new management
- policy intervention measures
- Regional level
- information on local water demand and supply
- planning tool
10(ii) Benefits/deliverables
- Knowledge transfer
- Netherlands lt------gt developing countries
- International exposure