Title: Which continent has FM Missionaries in Lima
1Which continent has FM Missionaries in Lima?
- Africa
- N America
- S America
- Europe
2The worldwide Free Methodist Church membership
reached how many in 2007.
- 729,267
- 850,000
- 1,000,000
3Which continent has Joel and Jeanette Miller as
- Europe
- Asia
- Africa
- N America
4Giving to missions in the U.S. reached a total of
_______ in 2006.
- 5, 000,000
- 11,500, 000
- 22,750,000
5Which continent has no FM missionaries?
- Africa
- Europe
- Asia
- Antarctica
6The number of extended term missionaries reached
____ in 2008.
7Which continent has the most non-missionary
- Europe
- Africa
- S. America
- Asia
8The number of countries/world areas where the
Free Methodist Church has been established
reached _____ in 2008.
9In which European country was a missionary called
because of the blood of slain Christians?
- Greece
- Italy
- Austria
- Germany
10The number of children sponsored by ICCM has
reached over _____ in 2006.
- 10,000
- 20,000
- 30,000
- 50,000
11The largest general conference in the Free
Methodist Church is in which African country?
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Botswana
- South Africa
- Zimbabwe
12How many people have served through VISA
Ministries since its inception 43 years ago?
- 900
- 19,000
- 91,000
- 190,000
14Which continent has FM Missionaries in Lima?
- S America Lima is the capital of Peru
15The worldwide Free Methodist Church membership
reached how many in 2007.
16Which continent has Joel and Jeanette Miller as
- N America they are in Mexico City
17Giving to missions in the U.S. reached a total of
_______ in 2006.
18Which continent has no FM missionaries?
19The number of extended term missionaries reached
____ in 2008.
20Which continent has the most non-missionary
- Asia many countries do not allow missionaries
21The number of countries/world areas where the
Free Methodist Church has been established
reached _____ in 2008.
22In which European country was a missionary called
because of the blood of slain Christians?
23The number of children sponsored by ICCM has
reached over _____ in 2006.
24The largest general conference in the Free
Methodist Church is in this African country.
- Democratic Republic of Congo
25How many people have served through VISA
Ministries since its inception 43 years ago?