Title: Todays lecture objectives:
1ATMS 305 Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Statics
- Todays lecture objectives
- The Hydrostatic Equation (WH 3.2)
- Understand the environment surrounding Polly
Parcel in order to forecast if she will rise or
sink in a given environment
2ATMS 305 The Hydrostatic Equation
- Todays lecture topics
- The Hydrostatic Equation (WH 3.2)
- Geopotential
- Scale height and the hypsometric equation
- Thickness and heights of constant pressure
surfaces - Barotropic atmosphere
- Reduction of pressure to sea level
3ATMS 305 The Hydrostatic Equation
- For large-scale atmospheric motions, Newtons 2nd
Law for motion in the vertical reduces to
The hydrostatic equation
4ATMS 305 The Hydrostatic Equation
The hydrostatic equation
Fup Fdown
The upward force acting on a thin slab of air,
due to the decrease in pressure with height
(Fup), is generally very closely in balance with
the downward force due to gravitational
attraction (Fdown).
5ATMS 305 The Hydrostatic Equation
- At smaller scales in the atmosphere, there
generally is not such a balance of forces in the
vertical. As a result, one can get significant
upward or downward accelerations of air parcels.
6ATMS 305 The Hydrostatic Equation
Layer 1
Layer 2
Which intervening layer has the warmest mean
virtual temperature?
7ATMS 305 The Hydrostatic Equation
(a) hurricane and (b) cold core upper low
8Barotropic Atmosphere
ATMS 305 The Hydrostatic Equation
- A simple situation where isobaric surfaces have
constant temperature
9Example- Barotropic Atmos.
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