Title: Biology 029
1Biology 029
- Hydrothermal vents
- Life in the hot, deep sea
2Pre-1977 view of life
3Pre-1977 view of life in the oceans
4Suspicion that there were hydrothermal vents
- Hot zones from towed probes
- First visited by DSV ALVIN in 1977
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6Black Smokers
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8Characteristics of black smokers
Black smoke plume of precipitates
Water leaves at 273 C Rapidly cools to
ambient Leaves a zone at about 20 C
9Where does the energy come from?
- Chemosynthesis (Chemoautotrophy)
- Bacteria utilise the chemical energy in the metal
sulfides to reduce carbon into forms useable to
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11Tentacles harvest metal sulfides, CO2 and O2 from
the water
Blood contains both hemoglobin (carries oxygen)
and a molecule to carry sulfides
The trophosome is packed with chemosynthetic
The bacteria provide food to the tubeworm
12Weird minerals make for weird building blocks
13Why dont they get cooked?
14Alvinella pompejana
Cary et al. 1998 Nature
15Rimicaris exoculata
- Dies at about 37 C
- Uses behavioural avoidance to hover around the
edges of the vent environment
16Rimicaris exoculata avoids being cooked
17- http//www.divediscover.whoi.edu/ventcd/
- http//www.whoi.edu/institutes/doei/viewTopic.do?o