Title: Squidoo for You
1Squidoo for You?
- Your Guide Helen Teague
- http//4oops.com
- Our Objective
- Discover great teaching options in a multimedia
format similar to a blog but more fun! Then,
create your own Squidoo, ready for Monday
mornings class.
2Student Learning Preferences
?Kvavik, 2004
3So You Want to Be an Author
- What is the purpose of creating a Web page?
- Delivery of information?
- Instructional-based resources?
- Educational activities/materials?
- Promote classroom activities?
- And more
- What is your targeted audience?
- Is this the best form of delivery?
4Steps in Web Development
- Gather information
- Examine other web sites
- Determine your audience
- Teachers?
- Parents?
- Students?
- Create a flowchart or story board
- Think about the flow of information
5Creating a Flowchart
6Steps in Web Development
- Develop good navigational tools
- Make navigating easy
- Redundancy is the key
- Utilize good design
- Frames or no frames
- Placement of men
7Steps in Web Development
- Post Your Web Site Free or Fee?
- Free
- Advertisement on Web page
- Some services and resources
- Fee
- Services and resources
- Register
- Individual Search engine sites
- Shot Gun Approach
- Sometimes there is a fee
8Top Tips To a Better Web Site
- Index (Homepage) Page
- The first paragraph should answer the "5 W's"
basically telling them who you are and what
you're offering. - You need to answer these questions and do it
fast. Surfers are a very impatient group. Stop
them before they click away.
9Top Tips To a Better Web Site
- Navigation
- Keep it simple (KISS)
- Make sure it's consistent from page to page
- No matter where you place your menu bar -- either
at the top or down the side -- always include a
small text menu at the bottom of every page. - If you're one of those people easily impressed
with Flash, don't design your navigation with it.
There are still some people who don't have or
want the plug-in, so they won't be able to
navigate your site. Besides, search engine
spiders can't read it, so won't be able to spider
the individual pages of your site if the
navigation is done in Flash.
10Top Tips To a Better Web Site
- Logos Graphics
- Please keep your graphics down to a reasonable
size. - Large files can affect downloading
- Know which graphic formats to use.
- GIF (cartoons, logos, etc.)
- JPEG (photos)
- If you must use a lot of graphics
- Think Compression
11Top Tips To a Better Web Site
- Fonts
- Stay with the standard fonts that everyone has
installed on their computers - Such as Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman
- Otherwise, the viewer won't see your fonts as
intended. - Your users' computers will display your site in
their default fonts. - If you must have a certain font used you'll have
to turn it into a graphic to maintain its look.
12Top Tips To a Better Web Site
- Make It Sticky
- Know your audience
- Include content and resources that appeal to your
audience - Include interactive features if possible.
- Use chat rooms, discussion boards, etc.
- You want to create a sense of community where
people will want to return.
13Top Tips To a Better Web Site
- Contact Information
- Post your contact info at the bottom of every
page of your site, along with your email address.
- Include your email address, hotlinked and ready
to go.
14Web Page Design
- Alignment
- Dont mix alignments.
- Proximity
- Keep headlines close to the text.
- Keep captions close to images.
- Be conscious of the spacing.
- Repetition
- Repeat the same elements throughout each of the
web pages.
15Why Squidoo???
- Blogs are fun, but...
- May be blocked by school filters
- Squidoos are fun and...
- Often not blocked
- More interactive features
- More options for cool add-ins
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
16Make Your Own!
17Make Your Own!
18Make Your Own!
19Make Your Own!
20Make Your Own!
21De ja vu all over again???
- It will carry education as it does music to the
backwoods, isolated farms and into the mountains
of Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia. The
limitations of "the little red schoolhouse" will
pass away the country schoolteacher will be
reinforced by college professors and other
specialists. It will be an institution of
learning as well as a medium for entertainment
and communication.
New York Times, February 24, 1923 On the
expected use of Radio in education.
22Technology in the Classroom
- Learning Occurs by
- Informing
- Researching
- Communicating
- Constructing
- Reflecting
- Doing
23What We Know...
- Choice is the Answer to the Question of Readiness
- Students are different
- Learners have to be ready to learn
- Learning styles vary
- Multiple intelligences abound
- Mind styles are unique
- Inclusion is important
24Technology Integration
- Does the technology aid the K-12 student in
constructing and mastering knowledge in a content
25It Does Make A Difference!
- Technology turns California school around,
officials saySacramento-area school officials
say 400 wireless laptops -- worth about 1
million -- have reduced suspension rates by 50
and brought about a sea change in the scores and
behavior of its students, many who are poor and
80 who do not have access to computers at home.
"I see enthusiasm for learning and wanting to be
in school, and that's powerful," said Rita
Phillips, elementary schools coordinator with
Sacramento City Unified School District. The
Sacramento Bee (Calif.)
26Be A Role Model
- Build a technology learning plan
- Use technology visibly Palm, Trio, Laptop,
etc... - Use technology terminology correctly,
- Learn conceptually what a network is and how it
works - Be a competent technology user
- Learn what successful integration looks like!
27Thank you for Attending !
Our Overnight Planning System
Professional Development
Helen Teague Mary White http//4oops.com