Title: Employment Law Seminar on Employee Handbooks
1Employment Law Seminar on Employee Handbooks
Arbitration Agreements
- Elizabeth J. KoumasBarker Law Group, APLC
2How Vulnerable Would Your Organization Be If
- A set of guidelines or procedures fail to explain
what steps to take to make a harassment complaint
or in a harassment investigation? - A supervisor makes an unintended promise which is
creatively argued in court to be a binding
employer obligation?
3Pros and Cons of Employee Handbooks
- Flexibility in Administering Policies
- Promote Fairness and Evenhanded Treatment
- Strengthen Recruitment Efforts
- Communicate Benefits
- Enunciate Standards of Performance
- Avoid or Defend Discrimination Wrongful
Discharge Claims - Reinforce Employee Confidence in
Fairness/Integrity of Company Policies
4Pros and Cons of Employee Handbooks
- Assist Employer with Compliance with Obligations
Under Expanding Labor Laws - Avoid Confusion Regarding Nature and Eligibility
for Benefits
- Clarity, Readability, Understandability
- Bound versus unbound version
- Style and Tone
- Consistency
- Gender Third Party References
- Handbooks versus Policies and Procedures Manual
- Emphasize Positive Aspects
- Translations
6Essential Policies
- At-Will Employment
- Equal Opportunity Employer
- Anti-Harassment
- Leaves of Absence
- Attendance
- Discipline
- Safety Policies
- Workplace Security Violence Prevention
7Essential Policies
- Policies Implicating Privacy Rights
- Internet, E-Mail and Electronic Communications
- Payroll Practices
- Benefit Description
- Employee Classifications
- Grievance Procedure
- Separation Policies
- Acknowledgements
8Applicable Laws
- Wage and Hour
- Workers Compensation
- Wrongful Termination
- Right to Pay
9Does your Handbook Need to Be Audited?
- Breach of Contract Claims
- Employee Guesswork
- Employee Ignorance
- Litigate FMLA Issues
- Surprise Benefits
- Internet Surfing
- Random Disciplinary Practices
- Harassment Claims
- Ignore Substance Abuse
- Discrimination Claims
10Mandatory Arbitration Agreements?
11To Have or Not to Have, That is the Question
- Generally, courts will enforce arbitration
agreements if they are fair and give the employee
the possibility of obtaining the full legal
remedies available - Such agreements will be enforced unless they are
procedurally and substantively unconscionable.
12FAA Federal Arbitration Act
- The Federal Arbitration Act encourages
arbitration and preempts state laws which are
- Terms that are so one-sided as to shock the
- An inequality of bargaining power that results in
no real negotiation and an absence of meaningful
15Pros and Cons of Agreements
- No Jury Trial
- Costs
- Time
- No Win Fall Awards
- Reduced Caseload
- Confidentiality
16Armendariz Criteria for Enforceability
- No take it or leave it agreements
- Arbitrator will issue a written opinion
- Agreement does not limit the remedies available
- Cannot require employee to pay expense unique to
arbitration - Neutral Arbitrator
- Mutual
- Allow for Adequate Discovery
17Ninth Circuit Federal View
- Duffield Case (1998)
- Title VII FEHA claims cant be compelled
because the Civil Rights Act does not allow
Arbitration Agreements in Employment Contract.
18Luce Forward Decision (2003)
- Ninth Circuit acknowledged deciding Duffield
wrong! - if Congress intended to preclude Title VII claims
from being enforced by Arbitration Agreement, it
knew how to do so.
19Essential Provisions
- Severability Clause
- Claims Covered
- Notice Requirements
- Costs
- Arbitration Procedures
- Jury Waivers
- Venue
- Voluntary
20Applicants Versus Current Employees
21Elizabeth J. Koumas, Esq.Barker Law Group,
APLC(619) 682-4040 / ejk_at_barkerlawgroup.com